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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. Actually, the problem is that CSLS ARE more expensive. You get more bang for your buck out of DEX than you do out of any comparative CSL. Raising your DEX by 3 points costs 6. assuming your SPD stays the same. This gives you +1 OCV and +1 DCV. But it also increases your DEX rolls, and your initiative order, and in Hero, because of the way the system works, the right of way always goes to the fastest gun, because the system is structured around Attack=2.5x Points in Defense. Being able to move first enables you to target opponents quickly, seek the best cover, and occupy a more dominant position on the Champions battlefield. When I started playing Champions, I realized that the most important thing about the game was mastery of the combat rules. Unless you run an investigation heavy game (And fortunately, I do), there's not a lot of reason to buy high end skill levels.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... NPC Half Orc to PC Wemic: I'm not afraid of anything, least of all some hairy, dirty lion-man! PC Half-Dragon: Have you ever been mounted by a lion, boy? Half-Orc: Them's Fighting Words! Me: Well, it's the end of the session, next time...you'll roll initiative.
  3. Re: Rejected Superhero Names The Amazing Bedpan! Doctor Fruitopolis! The Mysterious Mr. Cellphone! The Dental Appointment Arranger! Speedbump! The Awesome Buspass!
  4. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners "Go ahead. Make my day!" Clint Eastwood. Sudden Impact. "Maybe I'll make my own Dead Pool. And put you on it." Clint Eastwood. The Dead Pool.
  5. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. My vote goes for "Freedom Beast!" Changing B'wana Beast into "Freedom Beast"' not only wrecks the classics, but causes theoretical problems with the comic book genre. If Freedom is a monster, what is safe? Fascism? Totalitarianism?
  6. Re: Artwork for Gestalt That's why I always pay for color stuff for my stuff. Because I ALWAYS ask.
  7. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. The thing about DEX levels is that they're easily adjusted, it's controlling the escalation that's the problem. I have a number of ways of controlling this problem. The first of these is by having an absolute cap. The second...which I really shouldn't be showing you yet, is a reliance on running limited sessions per year per hero group to simulate comic book issues, and a staggered experience point system to make sure the world functions as a whole unit. So if someone joins the game late, they get more XP b/c their character is weaker. If a character is too powerful for the story, they get less XP. My players are VERY happy with it.
  8. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. The DEX range in my Legacies game is 18-33. Always has been. Won't be changing. Anything above thirty is considered "Pushing it with the GM, better have some weaknesses." I limit CSLs too, and don't allow them to deal damage. I'm very old school. It is what it is. I want comic bookiness, that means long drawn out combats, recurring villains, and capped damage dealing so that people are difficult to hurt and don't die too often.
  9. Re: Disturbing Character premises... Yeah. I'll agree with Hugh on Mr. Destroys a Planet. That's a jerk for being a jerk guy. Boot him.
  10. Re: Rejected Superhero Names "Blow to the Head Man!" That pretty much says it all.
  11. Re: Rejected Superhero Names With his naturally whiny voice and easily intimidated demeanor, he is... The Pusillanimous Defender!
  12. Re: Rejected Superhero Names Man-woman! Every night he changes into a woman and fights crime! By day he is a plastic surgeon who struggles to get enough money to pay for his own sex-change operation so he can be a woman who changes into a woman and fights crime!
  13. Re: Superhuman women and normal women Heh. Humans are dangerous, odd, and sheep, huh? I'll keep that in mind and change my species as soon as I get a chance.
  14. Re: Rejected Superhero Names As for Divine Wind, it's got to be a better concept than "Deity Level Fart Man!" That's the one that would be the rejected superhero name.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That's...wrong...yet hysterical. "I buy a girdle of femininity/masculinity. I am now a guy. I inherit the throne and...." Did the character's sexual preferences change too? I don't want to know, but I have to know.
  16. Re: Rejected Superhero Names Actually, his archenemy is "The Imam," a mad mullah with thousands of loyal hasheesheen.
  17. Re: Rejected Superhero Names I wasn't going to say that one...
  18. Re: Top Eleven Adversaries of Arnold Actually, my vote goes to the evil queen in the second Conan movie. And that one actually FELT like a real Conan story. As cheesy as it was, it didn't suck like the first one.
  19. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners Major Bad Guy: "Mine is long and strong!" Fong Sai Yuk: "Mine is short, but powerful!" Fong Sai Yuk, Part One.... "A man's got to know his limitations..." Harry Callahan, Magnum Force... Villain: "Diplomatic Immunity!" Murtaugh: "It's just been revoked!" (BLAMMMM...Villain Dies...) Lethal Weapon II
  20. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners "Life is pain."-The Long Kiss Goodnight "Yes, Miss Daisy...I be drivin..."-Same...
  21. Re: Rejected Superhero Names With his Ninja-toh-rah, his endless quest for justice, and his inability to do anything on Saturday until Sundown, he stalks the night, seeking justice, his throwing stars of David striking fear into the hearts of evildoers... By day, he is Ari Kappelbaum, wronged student of the martial arts and Rabbi of the local synagogue... But by night... Evil everywhere in sight In the darkness of the night Justice comes, but you don't know when... Rabbi Ninja strikes again... As silly as this is, it should be noted that in the Legacies campaign world I run, this is the most popular cartoon ever. It has millions of fans, including most of the PC's. I've really never been able to figure this one out, as it was intended as a one shot joke, but hey...he is Rabbi, and he is Ninja. It is what it is. Oy...
  22. Re: Rejected Superhero Names Taking his supplements every day, Vietnamese National Minh Suk Tho fights crime... As Vita-Minh!
  23. Re: Superhuman women and normal women Truthfully, though, I hear australian women are great.
  24. Re: A Thin Moral Line...? In general, most acts of crime prevention which do not take any lives can be shoehorned in under good samaritan laws, which do exist. Once people start taking lives while fighting crime, that's where true vigilantism begins. If Bernhard Goetz had SUBDUED four people with his fists instead of shooting them with a gun, there wouldn't have been nearly as big an outcry.
  25. Re: Artwork for Gestalt There's a big thumbs up from me, too. I've always wanted to see what goes on in it.
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