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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Countries that don't exist (but should) Snicker.... That'll be one code, and two pairs of plans...
  2. Re: Do you think these are legitimate Power Builds You might also want to consider: So Real it Hurts II: 12d6 Indirect Energy Blast, OIF (Focus of Opportunity), object moves to interact with target directly. In this case, the piano is already there.
  3. Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him? Well, good news for all of you, then. Foxbat For President is done. I just sent it to Dave Mattingly. Vote Early. Vote Often. Vote with your Ping Pong Ball Gun... And make America Fun Again!!!!!
  4. Re: Foxbat....Where can I find Him? Oh, by the way, Harmonious Fist was always there, since Adventurers Club #1. He just never had a SHEET until Enemies Assemble! And soon, I promise, you'll have a 5th edition one. I made sure to include it in Foxbat for President.
  5. Re: Regrettable Disads It depends on the value of the disad, Court. If some guy takes "Berserk at the sight of the Hookie Pookie Pookie bird, which only appears once every 78 years in East Pakistan at the festival of the moon, 14-, Rec 8-", then you, as GM, are obligated to have a villain who 1) Can summon the bird himself 2) Is Garuda, the king of birds, who can bring any bird into existence at will 3) Creates holograms of birds as part of his shtick. If the player takes a disad and it hasn't come up in a while, it's NOT a disadvantage. It's worth NO points.
  6. Balabanto

    Red Doom

    Re: Red Doom Red Doom is on my backburner list if you want to see that in Digital Hero. I'll ask Dave, Steven and Darren and see what they say at Origins. I don't like to ask people things like that when they're important. That's a business decision. It should be face to face, preferably over beer the freelancer provides.
  7. Re: Nightwind: A Proper Fit for the Champions? Jobbed Out. God, what a hysterical disaster that would be. "We're sorry, Witchcraft, but the post of Archmage has been outsourced to India. You'll be moving there, and the Champions will get an elephant headed guy with the ability to cast tantric spells and inhale water through his trunk. Sorry about the confusion. Please clean out your office."
  8. Re: Nightwind: A Proper Fit for the Champions? I was just checking.
  9. Re: Nightwind: A Proper Fit for the Champions? Guys, I have a question. Is this argument any different from "Yeah, love that new Avengers lineup/no, it sucks?"
  10. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) The cats have since matured. They are just too damned lazy. They've learned that the Brawling Balabanto does not like feline invasions during awesome action!
  11. Re: Ten Spider-Man Appearances That Will Never Hit Hollywood It was built for him by an old guy. A guy who turned out to be THE TINKERER! His ENEMY built it to lure him into a false sense of security and then KILL him. I thought it was a pretty good plan, myself.
  12. Re: Other Odd Twists I don't think so. I think they genuinely just don't understand history, comic books, or superheroes. They don't CARE about what these characters mean to people, because they're just trying to make a buck, and they live tiny lives outside of Marvel Comics where they can't seem to see any basic goodness in people. In the old days, people were WORTH saving. Now, I think these guys look out of their office and say "People aren't worth saving anymore. Let's show them how we feel."
  13. Re: Other Odd Twists Well, Log, the problem for me isn't the "Ooh, cool" part. It's the constant cosmically retarded things and blatant miswriting of characters. People have forgotten that there are human beings under the costumes and that the nature of a lot of the hero's relationship to the villain has NOTHING to do with the personal rivalries or hatreds between them. It's the nature of the villain's powers or motives, sometimes, that make them a problem for the hero. The current comic book philosophy seems to be so videogamey, where a supervillain is nothing more than another Final Fantasy boss. They all have to be so retardedly evil that people have failed to realize that it's villains with redeeming qualities that have the most interplay.
  14. Re: Other Odd Twists Log, you and I have very different opinions on this. One of my rules is "How far as has the character strayed from his original concept?" The thing I loathe about all the BS they've done to Tony Stark is that part of his original concept was that he had certain physical frailties. Rather than get cocky and say "Oh, he can just rebuild all that stuff and be completely normal now," they take away from the heroicness of the character. They kept the alcoholism, but the thing that always made Tony the coolest hero was needing to recharge his heart every couple days. Taking that out RUINED the character for me. It took out the thing that made him most human. Iron Man used to be an inspiration to people with heart disease everywhere, and now he's just a man in an armored suit.
  15. Re: Toying with new character concepts Oh, my god, I can't believe you mentioned Flex Mentallo. An obvious parody of Charles Atlas, Flex Mentallo was the most retarded character EVER created. He makes Jesus, the Nuclear Whale look tame. Here's how it works. He flexes his muscles, and by doing so, his super strong mind influences others. Light the crack pipe, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to drop a ton of LSD and see the moving fish police! And repped!
  16. Re: Other Odd Twists The Lightning Bolt Gang. Heh. I'm not a big fan of the intelligent battlesuit idea. I already loathe the updated Extremis Iron Man suit, and all the BS that's come out of it. Tony Stark, director of Shield? This is a PARAMILITARY ORGANIZATION!!!!Why is it suddenly being run by Jackboot Fascist Corporation Man!!!! Sorry. More Civil War Rant in my head. Just waiting to find Joe Quesada in a dark alleyway.
  17. Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks) Why in god's name would you need to update a character with a 140 point multipower? Just change her tactics.
  18. Re: Regrettable Disads Other regrettable disads in my game... Player takes 3d6 per phase from drugs, toxins, and chemicals, but refuses to give up medical records to other PC's. Player retires character shortly afterwards. Some years later, character has become a villain. PC throws DMSO pie filled with mind altering drugs to defeat mentalist. Mentalist dies.
  19. Re: Regrettable Disads Collie, I don't award XP until the scenario is over. Many GMs don't.
  20. Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank) An ape...in a Man Suit! (As long as people are still staring at that and saying "What the HELL is he doing in that game?" I might as well drop some more money on it now. ) 10) Humans are surprisingly inferior to gorillas. 9) Ape technology is always superior! 8) Female members of the team start ignoring everyone in favor of the local zoo! 7) He says "Keep your hands off me, you damned dirty human!" a lot. 6) He rolls dice with his feet. 5) There's always a bunch of bananas on the gaming table. 4) Climbing, Clinging, and Swinging are common powers. Flight is not. FTL is just right out. 3) He calls you "Hairless ones" 2) He says his King rules because he's blessed by a meteor. 1) His game is limited in sessions by mutual agreement with other gamemasters, despite being wildly popular. No one knows why.
  21. Re: The Algernon Files IN COLOR Well, I had to buy it. I have to put my money where my mouth is. That's all I talk about.
  22. Re: Regrettable Disads Uhh...yeah...
  23. Re: Ten Spider-Man Appearances That Will Never Hit Hollywood Rofl.
  24. Re: Regrettable Disads I can top this one, sure enough. Some years ago, in Freedom Strike, we had Ember, the fire projector, and Quickfreeze, the speedster whose powers were thermodynamic in origin and converted heat energy into motion energy. Unfortunately, this also meant that since he moved that fast, he took the following disadvantage. Physical Limitaton: 20 points. Explodes at level of fire attack when hit by fire attack. He gets hit with no defenses. Once the villains figured this out, Ember got mind controlled constantly. Plus, not every villain figured it out, and he actually exploded a couple times by accident. And yes, it is...Inuk-chuk.
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Kitsune: Oh, my god...he's an ape...in a man suit... Streamline: He really IS Gilbert Orilla. Oh...my god...I can't believe I missed it. Cybervulture: An...ape...in a man suit...I...destroyed...his man suit...
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