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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects 2007: Already Finished Foxbat For President Working on "King of the Mountain" Working on "Mind over Matter." 2008: Paul Revere High. Somehow, when they came out with Teen Champions, they forgot a public high school setting and only concentrated on the X-Men Stuff. Should be ready along with Mind Over Matter, though it will be Legacies Oriented. (There's a reason all my stuff has a warning label.) 2009: Legacies, Legacies, Legacies. Gods be willing, this will be done by GenCon 2009, and be ready for publication sometime between 2010-2011. After that, and I REALLY mean this...It's all up to you, the READERS, and a healthy dose of "My Players!" I really do intend to have the world be 50 percent "Because YOU demanded it!" Assuming things get that far.
  2. Re: Humans are "Special" The one thing that humans can do that others can't is, sadly, warfare. No other species so regularly fights in large groups against itself. In a galactic game like that, humans are generals.
  3. Re: Vvv Well, don't panic. I sheeted Leroy for Foxbat For President, so as long as you can get Digital Hero, you'll get your wish. The Brawling Balabanto is big on wish-fulfillment.
  4. Re: What would a supers setting look like 35 years from the present? I think your best bet is to keep things as close to the original in feel and tone as possible. Ways you can do it: 1) The technology backlash. Either strange dimensional energies blasted tech back to about the 50's so you have the same tech that you have now, or angry magicians decided that magic wasn't powerful enough so they targeted the tech base and blew it up. 2) The Secret Identichip. In the future, identity scanners will likely be a reality. However, superheroes who wish to protect their loved ones and wish to keep fighting the good fight may require a fake identichip implanted under the skin. That way, when scanned, it only gives information on the heroic persona of the character. Nothing is dumber than heroes running through a doorway, arriving at the scene of the villain, and hearing the words "Welcome Mervin Dunzda..." Villain: Your name is Mervin Dunzda! Hero: Yeah, and you're Pete Mapplethorpe! Says so right above your head! This is not heroic, nor is it fun. 3) The Benign Orbital Satellite: The Benign Orbital Satellite is controlled by a mysterious benefactor, who uses the satellite to protect the heroes secret identities, rewriting data, advanced security systems, etc. Of course, if you want, the mysterious benefactor could be an evil jackass, or a member of a defunct villain group itching for a rematch.
  5. Re: Mechanon take control of the Minute Man VII Robots On the surface, it looks like a great plot, but now, let's look at the holes. What you really have here is an armageddon scenario of the worst kind. If you want to end your game with a bang and have them fight a classic villain at the end, sure. But if not, this is likely to have dire consequences for your gameworld. Robots this size tend to explode when demolished. After this, no one will like your heroes much. This may not be fair to them.
  6. Re: Changing direction mid-jump Or, you could just say "Roll Acrobatics." Isn't that what the skill description says? No acrobatics=Roll an 8-. Failure=Crash.
  7. Re: What if the Justice League was really a league? Wow. That's VERY dark. And creepy in an Elseworlds sort of way.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yet another Mind over Matter moment. Romula: Gauntlet! Gauntlet: Hi, honey, is everything working out all right for you? Romula: Yes, I found a way to relax on planes! Gauntlet (Dreading the answer): What's that? Romula: It's called the Mile High Club Gauntlet: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? (Later, after choking Romula's boyfriend, Gideon, a little bit.) Gauntlet's Thought Balloon: No one ever asked ME to join the mile high club. (Sniff)
  9. Re: A New Use For Hardened I actually think this is reasonable, if you make the rate one for one. You have to choose between a bunch of things for every level. Now follow through with me, here. It's unlikely that anyone will harden their defenses more than twice. 1d6 RKA, Autofire, +4 Stun Multiplier. Sure, it becomes +3. But now let's look at this power. 1d6 RKA, Autofire, Armor Piercing, Penetrating, +2 Stun Multiplier. You have to stop the Penetrating. So that leaves you with AP and +2 Stun Multiplier. You're still screwed. This is a "Doesn't matter." ruling.
  10. Re: [What If] Dr Destroyer really did die. What now? At one point, Doctor Destroyer did die in one of my many games. (I may have to retcon this out or change the character when I publish, I don't know). He took so much knockback that his internal casing cracked, and he was dying of radiation poisoning. Reasoning that he had failed, he decided to live up to his name. The heroes tracked him to the bottom of the Marianas Trench and fought him. One of them used magic to sacrifice their life to remove Destroyer from the planet so he would not explode in a high-tritium area, and crack the earth in half. It was very heroic and very cool. The most fun was running "The Quest for the Secret Technology Lab of Doctor Destroyer." They didn't like that, but it was tough.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From the Mind over Matter Playtest Hyperdrive's Player: Mike, I have Research, KS: US Government, and KS: History. Me: Roll HP: I roll an 18 Me: You discover that the United States Government is an existential monad which enables you discover the true meaning of the banana peel. -------------------------------------------------- Gibraltar: Don't feel bad, Partacel. At least you don't have to do the bidding of others when summoned. Magus: When I summon things, they're supposed to do my bidding? Gibraltar: Yeah, like that vending machine you summoned? Magus: Can I snap and desintegrate him now? I wanna snap too...
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What you need to know to understand this Forgotten Realms quote: This adventuring group has four characters, Zora, the swashbuckling tiefling, Zasheida, her air genasi lesbian lover, Shalaria, the Elf Ranger/Barbarian/Sorcerer/Rage Mage, and Matiesh, the bard from the far south. Zora has a portable hole and an extremely lecherous intelligent sword, once designed for a lothario who seduced Elven Women. The PC's capture a dark elven prisoner, and are debating what to do with her. Tempers are flaring when... Sword: Well, you could always take off her clothes, and... Matiesh: Zora, why don't you take that thing outside, and put it back in your hole where it belongs!!! Zashieda, blanching from blue to shock white...SLAPS Matiesh hard. Matiesh: I deserved that. Zasheida slaps Matiesh again. Zora: I already tried that once....
  13. Re: Amalgam Universe Campaign OMMTBH BHOMMT! THOMMB! BMMOTH! OMBMTH Wow. Nothing works. You're right. BOMMTH. Yick. OBTHMM. You, sir, suffer from a lack of Vowels. How about changing a couple of the deities you use? Wisdom of Odin Power of Thor Strength of Heimdall Courage of Njord (N is silent) Cunning of Utgard-Loki Speed of Meili (The Mile Stepper)-Yes, that really is what he could do. MUNHOT THOMUN MONTHU OTHMUN! OTHMUN is your answer. It sounds reasonably Norse, frighteningly accurate, and NO ONE outside the people on this board will ever know how much of a Norse Mythology geek the Brawling Balabanto is!
  14. Re: Rejected Superhero Names The Caffienator! He needs massive amounts of caffiene to sustain his super powers. Oh...wait...that's me...
  15. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? Bring back the character creation checklist from 4th edition. That was the best half page EVER. And bring back the campaign parameters sheet. You have no idea how valuble that thing is.
  16. Re: What published Champions Universe Miniature would you most like to see? One word. Mechanon. With detachable head.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Eberron D+D backstory. Our heroes have recovered a series of important documents belonging to House Canith, the house of crafting interesting inanimate objects. Lilll (The Psion): I think I'll go to House Canith to see what we're given for this stuff. Tairil (My crazy Valenar): We should all go, what if they give you a bunch of sofas? Zing (Gnome Warmage): That's ridiculous. They'll never give us furniture! ---------------------------------- 2 hours later, surrounded by self rearranging furniture. Tairil: I told you so. Zing: I hate it when he's right...
  18. Re: Build this power My suggestion is actually this: Localized Shockwave: 3d6 Area Effect Dex Drain, Trigger, When Landing from a Leap, Only when landing From a Leap (-1) 37 points. Greater Shockwave: 5d6 Area Effect Dex Drain, Trigger, When Landing from A leap, Only when landing from a leap! (1-) 50 points COSMIC SHOCKWAVE: 3d6 Megascale (+1/4), Area Effect Dex Drain, Trigger, when Landing from a Leap (-1). 45 points. Yes, the cosmic shockwave costs less than the greater shockwave. So what? The last one looks like Darren should have a look at it for Lucha Libre hero! Oigame! Arriba la raza!
  19. Re: Do you think these are legitimate Power Builds Yeah. This is basically a "Conservation of Matter and Energy" power. If you already have an object there, more of the energy (As Hugh suggested), can easily be placed into "Hurt Bob." Plus, the thing about Mr. Z is that we're not entirely sure how his powers work sometimes. It's part of the fun of the character. There's meant to be a certain level of "What the...?"
  20. Re: Do you think these are legitimate Power Builds Thank you, sir.
  21. Re: Do you think these are legitimate Power Builds The reason you use "Focus of Opportunity" is that the attack is essentially an indirect energy blast with a weird effect. Everyone sees the image of a piano slam into him. (This is done by having the power be visible to the sight group) The image of the piano hits him and deals damage. There is still a piano there. Effectively, the target is being hit by an energy image of the piano. If Deathgrip destroys the Piano with his deadly grip, Mr. Z can't create an image of the piano anymore. He could create an image of piano chunks that did something similar, but then it would be up to Rod how much damage the image of the piano chunks did.
  22. Re: The Algernon Files IN COLOR Having put my money where my mouth is, I submit that it is worth the 67.95.
  23. Re: Countries that don't exist (but should) Big Al's Yard! It's a nation unto itself! Just ask Big Al!
  24. Re: Do you think these are legitimate Power Builds Actually, GA, it doesn't, because in this case, he CAN'T use the power if there's no Piano there. It just means that he has to expend END to generate a solid version of the piano that deals the damage. If someone DESTROYS the piano, he can't use the Piano to do damage anymore.
  25. Re: Silver Age and tragedy That depends on how his transformation changes him. If saving the world is his reason to live, the problem becomes what happens if he fails, or believes that he has failed. Which is VERY interesting. Not dark, just interesting.
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