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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... God, Hermit, I'm kind of surprised. I thought you might be the sort of person who sits there and says "WTF have I done! Now this guy exists FOREVER!" I guess not.
  2. Re: Heroes and Nukes! Actually, a 20d6 K nuke is retarded. One 20d6 K nuke deals out 70 Body. Well, according to RAW, this means that every structure with 5 DEF and 4 body is completely annihilated, and the size of the hole is equal to... drum roll please. (Ratattatatatatttatattaattatatttatatata....) 2 to the 60th power. The light of the explosion could be seen from Pluto, even though it's no longer a planet (Sob). The earth would become a bunch of high powered superbases and objects floating in space. Your collateral damage would be irrelevant, because the EARTH would be GONE!
  3. Re: [Review] CU: News Of The World (+ Long Argument On MPA's & Frameworks) I vote for the Gender Swapping Ray of Doctor Destroyer!
  4. Re: WHY is combat so slow and what have you done about it? Because people learn the chargen rules and not the combat rules. Combat in Hero System for my players takes no longer than a combat in D+D. That's 1.5 hours for anything other than a megabattle. The other problem is that when your players don't know the rules, they look up crap every five seconds. Tell them to stop. Make a ruling and don't look up stuff DURING the session. EVER. Guarantee your combat time goes down.
  5. Re: Rant? Speed in Hero In my game it works like this: 2 Normal 3 Generic Agent, Trained Commando 4 Elite Agent, Elite Commando, Slow Super 5 Average Super, Best of the Best Commando 6 Super Speed, Super Reflexes, The Best Combat Computers on Earth 7 Master Villain/Giant Monster (If Necessary) NOTHING IN THE GAME EXCEPT ONE TIME TRAVELLING/CONTROLLING VILLAIN has a SPD of 8. You may ask...why? Because once PC's have SPDs of 8 and other PC's have SPDs of 4, it becomes "I act, the rest of the PC's chew gum and take a leak." They lose interest in the combat. It becomes not fun for other players.
  6. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See? Heavily armed War-Librarians. To destroy the past is to die!
  7. Re: 6th Edition Hero System One of the reasons I try to keep characters as simple as possible is to remove the "Barrier to Entry" issues to the maximum possible extent. Usually, when I have new players in my game, I build their first 2-3 characters myself anyway.
  8. Re: Favorite All Time Hero/Villian/Group Heroes Captain America Batman Wonder Woman Spider Man Iron Man Villains Doctor Doom Per Degaton Ronan the Accuser Darkseid The Key Green Goblin Doctor Octopus Teams JLA Avengers Please note that there are absolutely no X characters on this list. I hate mutant hysteria and everything to do with it.
  9. Re: Gestalt Interview I exploded with delight, but I got to proof it and put it on my resume. Thanks, Scott.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... While discovering that Prestige's boyfriend has been turned into a massive dog/plant hybrid. Mrs. Finnegan: I'm not sure, he went up to his room and there were some thumping sounds, and then he came downstairs, and he was bigger, more muscular, and about six foot two, and he ate everything in the fridge, and then he ate the sofa. Seizure: Mrs. Finnegan, did he put sauce on it...? Mrs. Finnegan: YES! Seizure: Damn...my smart aleck comment got derailed by a serious answer. After Prestige has brought her boyfriend (Who had just been transformed into a dog/plant hybrid humanoid) to the home of her father, Shadow Lord. Shadow Lord: I know that eventually, you were going to do things like bring your boyfriend over and stuff, but my god, this was NOT what I had in mind!
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Thank you, Captain Obvious.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh, it came after the kick.
  13. Re: Vvv I was told that it is out of stock at present, and that I would have to wait to get one by my LGS. I did get Champions, News of The World, though.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... More Mind over Matter Madness (See Mephron's quote above) The heroes are trapped in an underground base on "Level X." There is a six hundred foot elevator shaft between them and the carefully crafted exit (Read "hole") they made to get in. The heroes have no response from Ember, and she's not being particularly chatty, as usual. Eiko: I think we might be under attack. Captain Unity: Well, maybe we should arrange a surprise for them. Gideon: Let's all go up in the elevator, on top of it. Then you won't have to draw fire. Gideon walks into the elevator, opens the safety hatch, and a government super named Bypass, along with two of her cohorts, is waiting on top of the elevator. Gideon fails his danger sense roll... Bypass: Sorry, Cowboy. This is the last round-up. (KAPOW) Gideon got kicked in the head while unaware, thus affording him no protection from combat luck. He took 2x stun from a surprise attack and got pummelled into the elevator wall, which dented. He went from 35 stun to -71 STUN. Ooops.
  15. Re: What Kind of Heroes do you GM? My players are divided into two camps. Those who want the game to be MORE cinematic and those who want the game to be LESS cinematic. This produces TONS of problems. Characters often don't get along as well as they should, and unfortunately, people are starting to take sides. I think there may be a hero war. Not what I want, but if it happens, it happens.
  16. Re: WWII Era Superheroine: American Angel I...umm...hesitate to call a sidekick "Action Girl" even in a 40's game.
  17. Re: Heroes and Nukes! Well, let me tell you a story about nukes and warring masterminds. The PC's knew that Master villain A (Who shall remain nameless) was going to blow up the world in 72 hours. One of the PC's got the bright idea of going to Warstar, and asking him for a nuke to blow up the villain's evil island in case the PC's failed. So he gave it to them. You know, you could have A) Called other Superheroes. Asked other Superheroes for the chance to help them assault the island. C) Asked other hero teams to evacuate the west coast. Instead, the villain boldly got on TV, being the cunning type he was, and said "Ladies and gentlemen, the esteemed superheroes of America have asked me to provide them with an atomic weapon, and I have graciously done so, free of charge. Always remember that it is Warstar who holds the fate of your planet precariously in his clutches." It was the last time the PC's tried to get a nuke to do ANYTHING. Five years later, the same villain, unbeknownst to anyone, successfully engineered nuclear disarmament the world over. He did it with mind control, genetic engineering, and, of course, a healthy dose of cash for those who were not altrusitic. While it did work to Warstar's advantage, now when I say "He has an atomic bomb" it's exactly that 1960s, early 70's type reaction. "Oh my GOD! He's got an atomic bomb!"
  18. Re: Humans are "Special" Hey, in my game humans are special because all humans were originally superpowered soldiers working for alien humanoid sperm whales before the gene burned out in most of the population.
  19. Re: Pirate Hero arrrrrg! Uh, the ship has no cannon. I don't know how many priests they have among their number.
  20. Re: 6th Edition Hero System Hi, Zornwil The original setup for Champions was conceived around the following set of numbers. Starting Hero: 8d6 Villain: 10d6 Master Villain: 12d6 Ultimate Master Villain (Doctor Destroyer): 14d6 Now, when 4th Edition came out, this was revised to look like this: Starting Hero: 10d6 Villain: 12d6 Mighty Villain: 14d6 Master Villain (Doctor Destroyer): 14-16d6 (Or so) Now, Let's look at 5th edition Starting Hero: 12d6 Villain: 12-14d6 Master Villain (Doctor Destroyer): This guy is so powerful he's off the chart. He no longer registers as a deadly opponent that people can fight and drive off. He now registers as a galactic threat. All he has to do is shoot the street, and he creates an 8 Block Crater. It can't even be MEASURED in comparison to a starting character. Too much realism crept into the system. But the problem is, that defenses and attacks didn't scale correctly with the power increase. Every 2 die increase in attacks came with a 3-5 point increase in defenses, so effectively, the characters were balanced within themselves. The DEX genie is a completely different issue from this. But now, the 2 die increase in attacks came WITHOUT the 3-5 point increase in defenses. The scale of the game began to break down. Once you reach 75 points, it's too easy to be point efficient, because everything divides too neatly when you start taking power limitations. Four of the people who play in Legacies are Engineers. With my assistance, they did a bell curve just to examine the effectiveness of 3rd vs 4th vs 5th edition design, vs. the defenses of the average characters for the game. What we found is that in 5th edition, characters get knocked out a LOT more easily, because the increase in attacks didn't coincide with a similar increase in defenses. Plus, the bell curve on RKA became so astoundingly insane compared to energy blast that it became meaningless to take any other power unless you wanted to spread and hit multiple targets.
  21. Re: 6th Edition Hero System Wow, I'll take a simply designed character with a good background over a crunchy number ball with a bad background every time. I'm not a fan of reams of advantages and limitations. Keeping it simple will keep the game good. And accessible to a larger customer base.
  22. Re: Champions 1st edition picture request Actually, it's not quite Holocaust.
  23. Re: [WhatIf] Mechanon took control of the Minute Man VII Robots? No, what you do is you insert a mutation potentiality virus into the Minuteman Robots. "This person has a 35 percent chance of giving birth to a mutant. This percentage is too high. ZOT!"
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... On Ape Island: Cybervulture: That's nice...could someone get this electrical rod out of my (ZZZZT!) AAAAAAAAAAAA...Neck? Accelero: Think again, hairless one! Now you face Accelero, the Fastest Ape Alive! "Who was that mysterious masked ape?" (Yeah, someone actually said this) Golden Fencer: We're on an island. We're not near Denver anymore. Streamline: (Sarcastic Tone) I never would have figured that out, because there are NO ISLANDS ANYWHERE NEAR DENVER! Golden Fencer's Player: I look around...!@#$%!, I'm BLIND. I can't actually READ ANYTHING OR UNDERSTAND THIS STUFF!
  25. Re: Humans are "Special" I think the main difference here is that I'm cynical and Hermit's optimistic.
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