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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: When the good cosmic being motiffs are taken BEHOLD! I am GAD-ZUUK! I am the cosmic lord of all that is unfathomable heroic explanations of disbelief! Observe how utterly, completely, and innocuously I slip into every hero's life, without ever leaving my home on the top of Glorious Explanation Mountain! From the top of this mighty alternate dimensional peak, my lord and master, the mighty Continuito pulls the strings of comic book writing, creating vast and sundry plots that make no sense! My power is but a fraction of his, yet he manages to confuse us all! Why only yesterday, in issue 1,738,543 of GAD-ZUUK, I myself felt the mighty Continuito's power. Even I had forgotten that in issue 546,734 I had been temporarily transformed into a bisexual woman and made love to Sarah Anderson, whose legs were extremely long! Those were the days! But now, Sarah Anderson has been transformed into Reformatia, by Continuito, and is planning on turning me into...sob...trade paperbacks....and now that I am a disembodied head again, my life is over.... Can anyone save GAD-ZUUK? Will he be a girl again so he can be with his lesbian love? Find out, in the pulse pounding conclusion to our cosmic tale, in issue 1,738,544 of GAD-ZUUK, (Volume four of a 12 part cosmic maxi-series) when he says.... GREAT EYES OF THE MIND MAKER!!!!!!!!! (And if you thought this was retarded, they're actually bringing back Omega the Unknown. That's right. You heard me. Omega the Unknown, which makes everything I just wrote look tame and mentally blase)
  2. Re: Heroes and their compassion Trust me. Mind Over MAtter is nothing if not a test of the Heroes compassion.
  3. Re: When the good cosmic being motiffs are taken Innioutus, the cosmic arbiter of belly button lint!
  4. Re: When the good cosmic being motiffs are taken And now, other cosmic beings of no particular import! Lord Soxx! You know all those missing socks in your drawer? He's the lord of the dimension where they reside! Polly-o: The cosmic entity of tasty microwavable string cheese. Foon: The cosmic entity of the opposite of sporks. More soon.
  5. Re: When the good cosmic being motiffs are taken I love the Barry White music. That's too wrong.
  6. Re: Secret Identities and Teammates Even so, it doesn't excuse the action. Metagaming IS metagaming.
  7. Re: Secret Identities and Teammates That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work, Hugh. There's no such thing as a PC Tee Shirt.
  8. Re: Are all the good names really takes? Uhh...the Gentile Giant? Both Gideon and I are Jewish. That's pretty funny.
  9. Re: Comics and cannibalism:two great tastes... This is merely the consequence of people failing to understand that ordinary acts of evil can be equally creepy if presented properly. Take this Mind over Matter thing I just finished playtesting. When the players realized what was going on, the MOST powerful PC on the board went completely nuts and attacked a normal.
  10. Re: Are all the good names really takes? You could always call him "Exomancer" because he gets bigger. But there's absolutely nothing magical about him, thus torquing off magi who try to discover the secret of his magical abilities. While the character might not think of this...he might turn to a dictionary out of desperation.
  11. Re: My yang needs a little help That's a really jerky plot, because there's little to no way the PC has any chance to figure it out. There's no hope of redemption once this guy has KILLED HIS OWN FOLLOWER, and there's no possibility that he'll ever figure this out until after evil lass has already screwed with his head. I recommend, instead, the following. Have the character's enemy be a Fung Shui expert or Japanese Flower Arranging expert. Manipulate everything so that all of his chi is negated, and constantly works behind the scenes to thwart him while slowly giving him more and more unluck. When I did this to a PC, they freaked.
  12. Re: SPD and DEX for superheroic martial artists? Yeah, my world has no SPD inflation. The range is 4-6. That's it. Everything else is done with skill levels and power design. You may ask "Why did I do things this way?" It's because that's what the ranges were when I started the game 20 years ago, and the numbers all work, so there's no need to change them. So most martial artists have a SPD of 5 or 6. This may not work for your game, but it works in mine.
  13. Re: Lucha Libre by Humanoid's Publishing Actually, translating the rulebook into Spanish and packaging it with LL hero might make the company more money than they ever see in America.
  14. Re: Secret Identities and Teammates Speaking as the GM, whose GMPC had the SID discovered as the result of a villain plan, whoever had that "He's me" idea is going to get some rep, let me tell you.
  15. Re: 6th Edition Hero System The next bugaboo of mine is this one: Shrinking. I cannot, for the life of me, repeat how utterly and completely broken shrinking is. The DCV benefits this power grants in conjunction with everything else makes things completely and totally outrageous. I recommend that the power cost of Shrinking be changed to 15 points per die.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... More one inch death ray madness Mervin: Prestige, you can't go into the house. Prestige: Yes, I can. Mervin: She is watching us, my parents will blow up! Prestige: I can handle it Mervin: I hope you fail Mr. Robards' final! -----------------------------------------------------------
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Upon discovering that Countdown, the bomb leaving villainess, has wired Plastron's Parents to bombs in exchange for the technology for his "one inch death ray," Plastron, in his secret ID, calls Sarah Lawrence, AKA Silver Sentinel. Plastron: Sarah...you better watch out, you bitch.... Sarah: What did you call me? Plastron: I wasn't talking to you. Countdown cuts in on the line... Countdown: You would be the lovely Sarah Lawrence? Sarah: Uh...who is this? Countdown: This is Countdown. Surely, you could help Mervin with his one inch Death Ray? Sarah: He only has a one inch death ray? Countdown: No, I need you to help me build his one inch death ray. ----------------------------------------------------- Countdown: Actually, Mrs. Spitzner, your son is helping me build a one inch death ray. Mrs. Spitzner: He's building you a what? He's always doing things that people shouldn't. Just wait til I get home! Countdown: I actually would have baked you those brownies if you built me my death ray. ------------------------------------------------------ Mrs. Spitzner: Mervin, what's all this about you having a one inch death ray? Police Officer: Son, is this true? Sarah: Yes, officer. He only has a one inch death ray.
  18. Re: Phase 12, GM's what do you allow? The problem with the haymakering attacks that cannot be reasonably haymakered is this. Who is usually DOING the Haymaker? The guy doing the haymaker is the brick. His dex is 18-20. Everyone else has already acted. So unless he's fighting agents (In which case, he doesn't NEED to Haymaker), WHO CARES WHAT HIS DCV IS? If his DCV becomes 1, unless someone held to stop the brick from Haymakering, his DCV might as well be 1000. If there's no one there to stop the brick from haymakering, so what? Most Bricks are tough, strong, and knockback resistant. If he gets hit, unless he gets hit with an attack powerful enough to wipe him out (unlikely), that Haymaker is landing. Furthermore, he can use his STR to resist KB in the direction of the guy who is holding to stop the Haymaker. Haymaker lands.
  19. Re: [Twisted Game Concept] VG Supers Oh, for god's sake. Just give me an intelligent ape that throws barrels at people!
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In Mind over Matter, the characters encountered a talking cat. Perhaps foolishly, one of the characters took it home, buying food and water for it. Too lazy to jump up to the spot where the water dish was, the talking cat perused the numbers next to the phone and called an emergency number, the PC's super girlfriend. The characters were trying not to be monitored. Argent: Hello? Euripides, the talking cat: Hello. I have an emergency. Argent: Who is this? Why are you calling my cellphone? Euripides: I am Euripides. A talking cat. I can't get to my water bowl, it's too high to jump up to. Argent: Is this a prank call? Seeker, is that you? Outback: Who is it? Argent: He says he's a talking cat, and that his water bowl is too high up to jump to. (At this point, Greyshadow, a character present near Argent, attaches a security device to the phone to disable the phone's security features so it can't be traced.) Euripides: No. I am a talking cat. This is a real emergency! If you don't get someone here to move my bowl soon, I will drink from the sink or the toilet, and you know what that will be like. Argent: What the HELL is going on here? Outback (Butting in and grabbing the phone, thinking his weirdness magnet has kicked in, even though it's really Seeker's alien ignorance): Listen, just call Seeker back. I'm sure he'll get to you soon. Call back when there's a real emergency! Euripides: Hmf. The rudeness of you bipedal creatures. (Klick) Euripides dials Seeker....
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From another Mind over Matter playtest... The heroes have been turned against each other, and the battle lines are being drawn. In one of these battles... Wind Witch, to Captain X, a radiation projector: "I'm sorry. You're radioactive. Leave, or we'll call the EPA." Later, after someone does so much knockback that trees start getting destroyed. Americana, heroine of America: My god. Maybe she was right. We MIGHT have to call the EPA.
  22. Re: A "Vintage" plot And what is the actual plot?
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Actually, if you're a reasonably healthy superhero, it's probably transparent. Nonetheless, I repped him anyway.
  24. Re: 6th Edition Hero System I take it you don't run a lot of plots which are mysteries, Ghost Angel? That's where it breaks. Why is Spatial Awareness so special that it gets the +3/4 version of Indirect for Free? That's stupid expensive. For a mere-smear purchasing of Discriminatory, you get to determine where everything is and blow up every single investigation the GM might produce by having infinite ability to follow people. Now, you can always attack the character if they keep doing this, but after a while the player complains and says "Why does everyone always attack me when I follow them around with my spatial awareness?" You couldn't see through walls with it in 4th edition, it was about the same number of points, and it worked fine. So, let's add 100 points to a 4th edition character and figure out about how many points something like this should cost. It winds up being close to 70 5th edition points after you add Discriminatory, 360 degree, and targeting, and INdirect. Now, if you want to pay that much, it's your SHTICK. But if you don't, this power should stop at walls.
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This one was OOC, but it's still worth mentioning. It's also a D+D story. Player: Well, half of us are dead, so there's always Plan C. Other Players look up, one of them asks: What's plan C? Player: In Plan C, I coup de grace myself! It's a bloodline related spell. I'll die, and all the demons will turn on my evil father! Other Players: You can't be serious. That will never work. Me: Well...uhm...yes.... It will.
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