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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: A Thought Experiment: The Buffest Heroes vs Dr Destroyer What kind of campaign do you run where Destroyer's base intelligence isn't Superhuman? Consider that the maximum for a normal human is 20. That means that Destroyer operates on a thought process so alien to the human brain that he is eight times as smart, at least, as a normal. Second, if you have charges, and focus, the triggered force wall is perfectly acceptable...FOR A MASTER VILLAIN LEVEL CHARACTER. The level of cheese allowable to such a character is far higher than that for any available PC in the game, because he HAS to fight multiple PCs at once. Second, let's look at that 60 Presence. REALLY look at it. Okay. It's phase 12. Destroyer launches this massive, horrible, incredible MPA at 3 PC's because he can. He jacks the end cost up all the way and doesn't care. Ready? Here's why. Destroyer is a villain the GM should practice the personality of if you choose to use him. The first soliloquy out of his mouth should go something like this. Presence Attack after he goes. Extremely Good Soliloquy. Extremely Violent Action. -1d6 for being in combat. So, when you add in his reputation bonus, that's 23d6 against an average presence of 25. Even if his soliloquy is mediocre, he's rolling 20. If anyone gets an action on phase 12 after that, you've got to be kidding.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Cybervulture: You know, I could really use a base with a real maintainence facility. Airborne: Yeah, if only we had a backer with real money. Kitsune: Hey...how much does that suit cost? (Looks at Streamline) You've got to have some money. Streamline: I have four mortgages on my house. Really! ------------------------------------------------------ Freefall: I live in my parent's basement! Golden Fencer: Are you one of those Sci-Fi fans? Freefall: NO! I'M POOR!
  3. Balabanto

    Dr. Who

    Re: Dr Who No, but he's just "The Doctor."
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... During a discussion of Shadow Lord, one of the most powerful superheroes in the world, and his media corporation. Biostorm: Shadow Lord does everything by grandstanding. He goes to the chinese restaurant, he grandstands it. He goes to the bar, he grandstands it. Wallop: He goes to the bathroom? Biostorm: I don't need to know that. Bestiary: In SNN news today, Shadow Lord announced that he had a bowel movement that weighed 48 Kilograms. (Entire supergroup collapses laughing) ...I meant centigrams... (Still laughing)
  5. Re: Create a NEW Zodiac Well, I'm working on a project for Legacies/Digital Hero that embraces that, I've shown Dave a shell, and since it's just a shell, you guys can see it too. The Zodiac “Under the Sun, We Shall Rule this World” “Hit the message I can hear you calling No one's going anywhere tonight We conceived a modern generation It was free but now we pay the price We're the victims of our own creation Chasing rainbows that are painted black or white Watch the struggle of our own temptation Instincts barely keeping us alive…” -Voices of Babylon, The Outfield Pisces, The Fishes-Princess of Piranhas Aries, The Ram- Mutant Speedster, Absorbs Hydrogen Taurus, The Bull-Magician, Words of Power, Rune of Shapechange, Apparent Leader Gemini, The Twins-Mentalist Cancer, The Crab-Teleportation, Entangle, Strength, Armor, Leo, The Lion-Roar, Presence, Nobility, Honor, …Yvaine, Knight of the Lion Virgo, The Maiden-Armor, Spikes, Martial Arts Libra, The Scales-Power Mimic, Up to the level of Opponent. Suppress Powers of opponent to weaken them. Scorpius, The Scorpion-Doctor Scorpius II. No changes necessary. Power Her Down a Touch Saggitarius, The Archer-Change Background, use Longbow, Make a New Archer. (There's really no way around this one) Capricornus, The Sea Goat-Mutant, Desintegration, Swimming, Energy Conversion/Absorption, Aquarius, The Water Carrier-Male Water Sorcerer, in Hibernation Since the Days of Atlantis Note: If run right, your PC's should only see this character once or twice. Taurus should APPEAR to be the real leader of the group, no one should realize it's actually a 13 sign Babylonian Zodiac until very late in the game. Ophiuchus, The Serpent Bearer-Many Names, Strength, Wisdom, Tactics, Rulership, Mentalism, Charisma, Forbidden Knowledge, Healing…Real Leader…Gilgamesh, Son of Marduk,…
  6. Re: Not the Dark Age -- the Dork Age! I have to agree about Penance. This is the stupidest character ever. On the one hand, we have Spider Man. Spider Man, Spider Man, does whatever a spider can. Then, we have Penance... Emo Man, Emo Man, does...whatever...
  7. Re: A Thought Experiment: The Buffest Heroes vs Dr Destroyer Yes, he can. It can IGNORE ENERGY ATTACKS. It's a piddling +1/2 Advantage. And charges cost no end. Just put the whole thing on a fuel charge.This is minor compared to some of the munchkin things people have put together. I could blow up the entire universe with Destroyer's gadget pool alone. Heck, I'll bet you money that I can do it and make the force wall infinitely accelerating, so that it slowly grows tougher as the combat goes on. Trigger is a wonderful advantage. Even if someone is faster than Destroyer, the thing still turns on. Plus, the real purpose of the force wall, which is only one hex in size, is to lure the aforementioned teleporter inside it. Please come into hand to hand range of Doctor Destroyer with a big knockback wall behind you. That's not a character with super strength, usually. And even if you grab destroyer, so what? Whatever damage shield he has that day also on a trigger will make it go away. So then a PC has one shot and Destroyer has a hostage. "Fool, now I have your teleporter, and he's unconscious. Behold the folly of attacking Doctor Destroyer!" SNAP. Dead. Or, if you're more merciful. "Fool, I have your teleporter. But the one I make from his DNA will destroy you all! HAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Pop. Destroyer vanishes. The thing you guys don't seem to understand is that Destroyer has a high enough intelligence that he will NEVER be unprepared. He has a strategy and a system for everything. Any character with an INT of 25+ should have thought processes so alien from humanity that except for psych lims, there's really no reason not to run this character the way you would run your favorite PC. And he's powerful enough and built on enough points that he really should be unable to lose to anyone.
  8. Re: A Thought Experiment: The Buffest Heroes vs Dr Destroyer The problem is, no attack will get near Dr. Destroyer. He has enough power defense to stop most of the real cheese. His gadget pool is devoted to a physical force wall that ignores energy and is hardened twice. All he has to do is drop his DCV by half, since no one can conceivably exceed the defense of the physical force wall, and fire energy bolts out while he runs uncontrolled, continuous missile deflection. He can rapid attack ranged 3 targets per round with 310 points of Multiple Power Attack, and have an AVLD vs. Lack of Weakness that he uses the rest of his gadget pool for. No PC can survive this assault for very long, and he can use AOES which they can't missile deflect while doing this. Destroyer drops 2-3 PCs a round. Combat will be over by phase 8.
  9. Re: Calling all lawyers--Supers and unique legal issues Fortunately, in my game, I have a law firm called Bartlett, Owens, and Slade that specializes in these sorts of superpowered law issues. For years, the PC's suspected there was some sort of conspiracy behind it, but there really wasn't. They're just lawyers. Isn't that ENOUGH?
  10. Re: Why would I put Fast Draw on a superheroic character? Ghosty, that's a problem with held actions, not a problem with your players. The problem is that in 5th ed, if I hold until the DEX of ralph, and wait for him to do something, I have to make a DEX roll against Ralph to get the action off. However, if I hold until the DEX of Ralph, and I have Fast Draw, I automatically win the contest and shoot.
  11. Re: Why would I put Fast Draw on a superheroic character? No, Ghost Angel, it's a problem with the rules. This wasn't a problem holding to interrupt in the previous four editions of the game, so why is it a problem now?
  12. Re: Munchkin Build Contest? Very well. On a standard 350 point base, I will build a character here sometime within the next week. Here is his background: Born on a Bee Farm, Ronald Atkins was stung by radioactive bees after the government secretly buried radioactive waste on his property! Now, he makes people feel the sting of Justice as...The Beekeeper!
  13. Re: Munchkin Build Contest? Sigh. How many points am I allowed?
  14. Re: Munchkin Build Contest? Cardinal, I just showed you how to do it with ONE point a page or so back. SIXTY? Wow, that's way too many. I can blow up a whole galaxy for that many points.
  15. Re: Help: Hyperspatial Balls What exactly is the special effect of his...umm...balls? How does this power WORK?
  16. Re: Why would I put Fast Draw on a superheroic character? Because the way that Held actions work is now textually ambiguous. Some GMs, according to the rules in the hero system rulebook, require that any interrupt action where you are holding make a dex rolloff. A fast draw roll negates the need for a rolloff. This is, in my opinion, wrong, because it makes people buy fast draw who have no business buying it.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Some people's character concepts are uniquely suited to their power sets and abilities. Some aren't. Nail polish is one of the hardest substances in the world once it dries. Putting something like that on a butch lesbian type? Worse than putting on a football player.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... During a discussion Heroes, Inc is having, they begin discussing Biostorm's archenemy, Simon Logos. Biostorm: Yeah, it all began in high school when I slept with his girlfriend Helen just before prom night, in his car. Glaze (Butch lesbian heroine with nail polish powers): That was you? I can't believe you went to my high school. Biostorm: Yeah, and then we went to college, and he slept with my girlfriend in my dorm room. But it didn't end there. He always had to be better than me. He even broke up with his fiance because he thought I was sleeping with her. Wallop: Did you? Biostorm: No, I paid someone else to do it and made sure I was in plain sight the whole time. OOC: I don't tell the team how I got my powers... Glaze: Still, it was a crappy thing to do. Biostorm: Yeah, but I'm not going to lie to you. It's who I am. It was who I was then, too. She was fine... At this point, Bestiary, who has been listening to the conversation and doesn't like the turn it was taking, walks out. Glaze: I'm going to have some girl talk with Bestiary. You guys talk about whatever. Glaze heads off to talk to Bestiary. She raps on Bestiary's door. Glaze: Bestiary, don't worry about this. You're just mad because he's talking about all that macho jock crap. Bestiary: Yeah. Glaze: And you shouldn't worry too much about Helen either. Bestiary: ???? Glaze: She was FINE...
  19. P 363 Which of these interpretations is correct? When one person is holding an action, and one is not, the person holding an action gets to go prior to any action taken by the person he is trying to act before. Regardless of how many people are holding actions and who aren't, any attempt to interrupt an action using a held requires a DEX roll.
  20. Re: Munchkin Build Contest? One pip penetrating deals no body. One pip is body 0. The attack deals no damage at all. I built the planet Earth on 350 points. I built a character that turns you and everything in a 16" radius into Jello. Instantly. I built John Jacob Jingleheimer Shmidt, a character so broken that it can't even be printed. Next year, as the Build and Brawl judge at Origins(Because I was too cheesy to compete anymore) I must build Chairman Kaga himself in 75 percent of the time. And lest you think that you are my master in the world of rogue cheddar, these three words should have you quaking in your boots. Ready? Here they are. Global Thermonuclear Follower
  21. Re: STRONGHOLD -- What Do You Want To See? Keep it hex-shaped.
  22. Re: Bwahaha Villain's arena play Hack the armor. He's computron. Just flick the off switch.
  23. Re: Casting "Champions Universe: The Motion Picture" Samuel L. Jackson as Leroy.
  24. Re: What if: Japan won World War 2? Read the following book. The Man in the High Castle, by Phillip K. Dick.
  25. Re: What is your favourite Masks (Luhadore Masks) Actually, my favorite is still the massive collection worn by Mil Mascaras, if any of you remember him. He had THOUSANDS of the fricking things.
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