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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Just to prove I'm not a complete Comeliness Grognard Well, apparently, someone was doing the touching, and he had a VERY good time.
  2. Re: How to encourage RP? Well, actually, that may be a subset of another problem. What if your players would rather eat glass than sit in the same room with each other? Have you considered that they may not like each other as much as you think?
  3. Re: Finding something Hero System can't model... Hero System cannot accurately model animals. That's right, normal animals in Hero System are broken. Many of them are either too weak, or in some cases, too powerful, for what they should be able to do. In fact, I don't know many people who disagree with me on this position.
  4. Re: Dr. Draconis? Yeah. I have a desire to re-do Dr. Draconis for Legacies, but that requires Dave and Steve's approval.
  5. Re: New Haymaker! Cover Art GOLDEN...AGE...WINS!!!! FATALITY! And repped!
  6. Re: Foxbat for President The PDF is full color. Ask Dave about the Print Version
  7. Re: How did you handle the change in the Champions Universe between the 4th Ed & 5th I hit time with a hammer and removed all CU material from existence. The 4th edition stuff didn't conflict with what I did. The 5th edition stuff did. A lot. Bodito Boditay!
  8. Re: In your Universe ... In my universe, real-world celebrities have been all but eliminated so that if the PC's want to play a celebrity, they aren't overshadowed by the media attention given to fictional superhero movies, etc.
  9. Re: Foxbat for President I hope everyone likes it a lot. I worked really hard on making it classic and funny.
  10. Re: Condiment King And it needs Salt and Pepa for hip hoppy goodness.
  11. Re: Condiment King Uh...I would give him running. And lots of it. Because for every person who loves a condiment, there's someone who wishes to eradicate it from the earth.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A D+D Game set in the Forgotten Realms Land of Impiltur. The characters are Warsword Thund: Sacred Fist of Torm Katervali Chernosk: Paladin/Ranger of Illmater Vimak, Mercenary Goliath Reincarnated as a Lizard Man: Ranger Amaril: Drow Prisoner Druid. They encounter a Cloud Giant, who surrenders after they beat up his hill giant ally, while looking for an evil Storm Giant named Roaknir. Thund: So you have surrendered. Giant: Yes. Thund: Is there any particular reason you didn't fight to the death. Giant: I have fulfilled my obligation. Roaknir is a filthy swine. It is Maug of me to serve him without obligations to others. The PC's work out an arrangement with the Giant so that he will guard them while they sleep. The next day, they assault Roaknir's throne room, kill him, and enter his quarters. His wife ambushes them from invisibility, almost kills all of them, and then when they finally get her on the ropes, she surrenders too. Giantess: I surrender! I just had to make a good showing so I didn't shame Stronmaus! Thund: I accept your surrender. Giantesss: He was a filthy swine. I only wish to take what is mine by right and leave. He was disgusting. I am happy he is dead! Vimak: She's leaving? With some of the treasure? Katervali: Apparently Roaknir did not treat her with any form of respect. (Wincing, has six hit points) She should get to leave with what she is legally entitled to. Besides, she's not evil. Amaril OOC: I heal the Giantess on the way out. Her life sounds a lot like mine used to be. Thund: Didn't ANYONE serve this man out of real loyalty? Everyone only served him out of obligation! He must have been the biggest scum on Toril!
  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far The mechanic of negative characteristics is mere speculation. Even if you can't have negative characteristics anymore, it is likely that your BODY score will be allowed to go to negatives, if only so that the death mechanic doesn't radically change.
  14. Re: Hawaii Hero Beat you to it. See last post.
  15. Balabanto

    I'm Foxbat!

    Re: I'm Foxbat! He's not stealing! He's campaigning!
  16. Re: Naming the baby No, just vote for more SexEd and everything will be fine.
  17. Re: Naming the baby That was the one I thought was counterintuitive and a bad marketing tool.
  18. Re: The Last Foxbat For President Trailer! No. We really mean it! I have to admit, it really does.
  19. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Chuck, I would request that you apologize to Rod for that. That's not too nice.
  20. They said it was a hoax.... But he has triumphed over adversity! (DUMMM-DUM!) They said it was a pipe dream... But now they are playing the pipes of misery... (DUMM-DUM!) Now...in the summer of 2009... The future of America depends on one man! (Focus in on Foxbat, standing on a giant Jelly-Roll in the shape of the American Flag!) "My Fellow Americans...I would like to announce that I...the Mighty Foxbat, am running for President!" (Foxbat stops and sticks his fingers in the frosting!) "Oooh! Chocolatey!" (Licks his fingers) Voiceover: Even if Foxbat can save America... Who will save America from him? Foxbat For President A Blackwyrm Games Production Origins! June!
  21. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Possibly true. I guess it would be better to say that "It did not accurately represent the genre to my satisfaction."
  22. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I've learned that Rifts doesn't work in Hero. I just run it as itself. D+D 4th edition, on the other hand, works MUCH better in Hero.
  23. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Gamma World failed because even after 6 tries, it was "Find exactly the right gear! Or die!"
  24. Re: Hawaii Hero Yeah, but it's colloquial use is "You are a surfing master."
  25. Re: Hawaii Hero Why not play a character with growth, Lua, and mad surfing skills called "The Big Kahuna?"
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