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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess It's not a question of want. It's a question of physical transformation. If you are a DEX 10 guy who turns into a Dex 23 guy, you don't get to transform until Dex 10. Only in Alternate ID is meant to be a limitation in and out of combat. I only let people who have a "Physical Transformation" power have it in the first place. You can't abort to change into Hero ID, because it requires an entire phase to get it to work. So if on Dex 11, the character gets caught in a 3d6 Killing Explosion (Huge in my game, but reasonable), chances are, he's bleeding to death on the ground. He's not in his hero ID, he's just bleeding to death on the ground. That's why it's a limitation. This limitation can kill a PC dead in less time than you can say "Jack Robinson." The argument that this is a zero point limitation would only apply if the limitation itself was also worth a zero and was a power manifestation, as mentioned earlier. Then you could abort to turn it on instantly. But once you take the power limitation, you can't anymore. Often, villains do attack places where the heroes are in Secret ID. Sometimes, they even have destructive actions that occur before the PC's get to go or do anything. It's "The Advantage of Being Evil." How many scenes have you seen in movies and comics where the first thing that happens is Spidey's Danger sense goes off, or the characters are talking in a perfectly ordinary restaurant, and someone throws a bus through the window? Now, if the character has OIAID, he's going to probably take some damage from the bus with no defenses whatsoever. We'll call it "A lot." If he's even conscious after the bus has landed, he can fight the villain. More than likely, however, he won't be. That's what the limitation is meant to represent, because you can't abort to OIAID. That's why this limitation can still be -1/4 even if you can instantly transform, because not everyone is aware that the bus is coming. Now, if the player with OIAID bought Danger Sense that worked all the time, I would definitely say "For you, this limitation is a zero, because you almost always know when the attack is going to happen, and that reduces the value to less than the 1/4 limit." 360 Degree Spatial Awareness would probably also do this too, unless it stopped at the window of the restaurant, in which case it would probably be a little too late to notice the bus at the moment it shatters the glass. The issue with OIAID is twofold. One, Steve always receives lots of complaints about people who abuse OIAID, so when he got a chance, he changed the limitation to make it work a little differently. Two, the limitation doesn't always do what it should in terms of representing things, and makes people go for Multiform no matter how much their power should be an alternate identity of some kind.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... So the PC's of SPIRIT have gone to Somalia to investigate whatever a villain named The Air Master, a gorgeous german villainess with some gadgets, a blimp, and exceptionally well trained agents is doing there. They discover that she's recruiting agents from among the locals in order to teach them how to be proper pirates instead of lousy ones. She has a great benefits package, and lots of adoring fans. El Caminante: So let me get this straight. She offers them a better life and a salary with benefits? Cloud Warrior: Looks like it. Lady Mondegreen: This is just wrong. What do we do? El Caminante (Radioing Venazea, who is currently sneaking into the blimp): Could you get me an autograph? Preferably with a pinup? Cloud Warrior (Shrugging): Ask for a raise? Venazea waits for The Air Master to get done with her interview. Everyone on the team knows she's a lesbian, which only makes this next part colder. Venazea: So what exactly are you doing here? The Air Master: Vas ist? How did you get in here? Venazea: So you're offering a great benefits package? Air Master: Ja, Ja. Wilkommen. Venazea: And you're the guest of Warlord Ogoto? Air Master: Ja. He has a swimming pool. It is great for beating the heat when the blimp is parked. Venaeza: Well, why are you recruiting agents here? Air Master: Zat does not matter. Any life has to be better than a life here. I rate them on their skills, select the best ones, and ask them to join my crew, ja? Venazea: Well, I guess hiring people isn't a crime...can I have your autograph. Air Master (Reaching into her desk): Do you want za flying pose, za Military Uniform pose, or za Leather and Boots Riding Crop, Sword, and Dagger in the teeth pose? Venazea: Leather, please. Air Master: Who should I make it out to? Venazea: Venazea, of course. Cloud Warrior (Facepalming): Snrk. El Caminante: Ohhhh! (Stream of Curses) Note: El Caminante got an autograph later.
  3. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The problem is that someone usually believes that someone else at the table has a game breaker power, and it's not always the same person, Mr. Rabbit. Also, I have multiple PC groups in the same world. If they fight, it should be interesting, not a blowout. It's happened twice in 25 years, but you know, I figure that everyone deserves a fair shot at winning a battle like that. I've always believed that rules should apply to everyone equally.
  4. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The one I absolutely had to do was add an additional +1/4 to drains that drain a defense now that Drain is ranged and the list of stats is wider. I don't want people buying Stun and End for the sole purpose of them being defenses. It's more cost efficient to buy +100 END, only to resist the END drained by Drain (-1 1/2), than it is to buy power defense.
  5. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess I don't think of it as pompous. I think the math is different from the math that they have done. Remember, Asperger's Syndrome isn't a blessing, it's a curse, but you have to understand that occasionally I see patterns in things that most other people don't see. They are there, but that's just the way this particular disorder works.
  6. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess No one can be in control of the game outcome. If I wanted to be in control of the game outcome, I would use Standard Effect, because then I would know exactly how much everything did, how much damage it did, etc. If I wanted to be in control of the game outcome, I would not roll my dice out in the open, where everyone could see them. I want to prevent bad or stupid game outcomes, and I think 75 points is just too much. One of my groups is composed of five engineers with an average IQ of 150. My friend's wife is the highest at 185+. We ran this bell curve thing, and after looking at it, they said 'You're right. 75 is too much.' And I've been running for those guys since grad school in the early 90's, and I still go up to Rhode Island once a month and do so. We have fun. The game is good. It works. Stories get told that are fun and interesting.
  7. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Okay, you're right, Tasha. I dropped a decimal point. Even so, the 16m standard cone is ridiculously large. I don't want to get back into this, but 32 meters is still about a third of a football field. Why build agents at all? You would have to give them absurdly stupid defenses to challenge a group of heroes under this model, even with supervillain support. I always use mixed forces every so often, a combination of tanks, planes, agents, and supervillains, especially for large criminal organizations. And, like I said, the real problem is hardened vs. armor piercing. It either becomes "Don't buy AP, it's useless" or AP is amazing and wrecks everything it hits. And by making it +1/4, there's no way to avoid that balancing act. GA wants advantages to be advantageous, and at +1/2, it still was, because it enabled you to slash that brick who has 30 or 35 but isn't hardened down to 17 and really hurt him. That was the original point of the Armor Piercing advantage, as far as what I thought Mr. Peterson and Mr. Macdonald were going for, not to do more damage to everyone. I'm pretty sure GA's argument is based on the idea that 5 stun is a lot less significant than it used to be, but now I'm looking at things like stun pileups and trying to figure out where I want everything to be. I'm very concerned that all this does is justify ridiculously high stun totals and absurd CONs, because if the goal is to make AP advantageous, the way to negate that advantage is to pay 3 points for 6 more stun. I don't know that the average PC should be walking around with a stun total of 46-50, though. I find that pretty shocking.
  8. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Actually, Ghost Angel, use of "I" is grammatically appropriate, regardless of what emotional content you might read into it. The fact that you do is proof that text is blank, and "context" is read in. You may wish to consider rethinking that in light of the fact that I don't put any emotion into my requests for help. I only put emotion into what I write when I publish, because I love doing that. When I say "I hate to lose", losing is equivalent to "Doing double work." Hugh's raising of the die cap is precisely what I was trying to avoid. 75 is too point efficient a number, and allows too much optimization, because it rounds in favor of too many things, and allows the easy construction of things regarding the very advantage stacking I'm trying to prevent, which is powergaming. Obviously, the GM can assign the villains whatever power constructions he wants, but when I see a thirty two fold (two to the fifth, or a 30 point difference, we'll assume the first die is negligable) increase in power, Hugh, from 100 points of value to 70 points of value, and it's the same power, no offense intended, but I don't see the way that works the same as the way you guys do. I see that as a paradigm shift in the nature of powers and how they work. Affecting half a football field shouldn't be possible without some sort of significant justification on the part of the PC, or the villain. If I wanted to give a power like that to an NPC, I'd sit down and think "How fair is this?" Hugh, 8d6 AP is 50, not 60. 9.5d6 is actually 60 also, which is 32.5 , not 31. Using 15d6 is irrelevant to avoiding rounding issues, because I selected a cap of 70 specifically to eliminate rounding issues, namely, the fact that a 75 point power construction was, quite simply, too powerful and point efficient. I used to have a couple players who were powergamers and complained when I installed a 70 point cap because they couldn't afford some of the powers that made them powergamey. They don't play anymore. So I know the 70 point cap works. Demonstrating that AP works better at 75 than it does at 70 doesn't change the fact that I won't let anyone have 75, so that argument doesn't matter. The correct method of doing this to get it to do what I want might be a direct defense slice, where 3 points of power subtracts 2 points of defense, and bringing back the Piercing Advantage from 3rd. I'm reluctant to do that, because it's an adder, but I'm seriously thinking about it. Then 8d6 with 30 points of power for 70 points subtracts 20 and deals 17, assuming the power isn't hardened. What I'm going to do is playtest it. All the numbers in the world won't change playtesting it. And if it is broken, and I'm pretty sure it will be, I'll have to do double work. And I really hate doing double work. Players feel cheated when you do double work, and I really do put a lot of love and care into my game and making it fun for everyone. I'm going to walk away from this now, not because I'm "losing an argument" but because GA is reading violent anger into my posts where there is none, and obviously, and people want to defend something that doesn't need defending, which is an opinion. I am totally committed to making 6th edition work. I have to. I'm a freelancer. Otherwise, my publishing career shuts off. And I like that even less than I like dealing with this math problem.
  9. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess AP Blast Max of 11d6 is correct. That's 69 points. The Narrow Cone AP Blast Max should be 8d6. +1/4 for AP, and +1/2 for Narrow cone. (That's 1/4 less advantage from 3/4), or 70.
  10. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The knockback on this is actually a separate issue. I don't WANT them to be knocked back. I get more range mods. I have to move. I don't want to do those things. I want them to be half-DCV and as close as I can get them so that when I shoot them again, I don't have any range penalties. Armor Piercing actually helps me, because the targets are closer.
  11. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Actually, my players don't try to screw me. Most of this is all theme enforcement, Mr. Rabbit, sir. That AP Blast I just talked about. Let's envision Giants Stadium, or better yet, let's use the Indianpolis Colts stadium, it doesn't matter, it's just that we hang out at Gencon, so I'm trying to put this into your mind so you can think about it. 70 points, 8d6 AP Blast is half a football field. That cone covers half a football field from 32 meters up. Double the radius to get the area, that's 64 meters or so, or about the distance from the goal posts to the 50 yard line. Now try to fit that on a battlemap. It's a question of envisioning what people think about, roleplaywise, when this cone comes shooting down at them. They can't dive for cover. There's almost nowhere they can dive to. They WILL fail their roll, except for the lucky few on the edges who might be able to dive into the seats and gain about 5-6 additional defense from foam padding. But it doesn't matter. They're probably still stunned. So they take the damage and are stunned. I freely admit I use a lot of agents. But I don't want agents to be as souped up as the supers, and I can't fit this thing on my playing table. (And my playing table is 4.5 feet by 10 feet. I treat my gamers like gold when they hang out in my basement) Now let's replay that on a crowded street at rush hour at NYC. Only now, it's not a PC using the attack. It's a villain. What reason does the villain have to not just say "Ha. All right. You may arrest me, but I'll kill 500 people. Go ahead, take a shot at me." Hold action. Unless the villain has a psychological limitation that prevents him or her from doing this, the PC's just lost, no matter what happens. And THAT's not fair. Because the situation either favors the players completely, or the GM completely. Now, lets' do the Armor Piercing math for GA. I will freely admit that if you do standard effect, the Armor Piercing advantage is balanced at 1/4. I will concede that point right now, and move on to what happens when you actually roll dice. Randomly, you have an equal chance of rolling any number equally on 1d6 from 1 to 6. The average defenses in my game are somewhere between 20 and 25, so I'm going to be generous, and choose 25. We're going to ignore knockback damage because on average, most of the situations we're dealing with won't deal any, but I will get back to knockback at the end. 1+2+3+4+5+6=3.5 3.5 per die vs 10d6, 12d6, and 14d6. An average character has around 40 stun. 10d6=50 points, so the equivalent AP Blast would be 8d6. 12d6 is approximately 10d6-1, so we'll use that, because it's as close as we can come. 14d6 is closest to 11d6 AP Blast, except that the AP Blast costs one point less. 10d6 deals 10 points of damage. Body is irrelevant. 8d6 AP deals, RAW, not my house rule where everything rounds in favor of the defender, 27-12=15. 12d6 deals 17, that's 42-25. 10d6-1 AP is 34-12, 22. That's 5 stun difference. This is the actual point where it breaks. Two shots of that, and your average character is at -4. He is out of the fight until the next phase unless someone else gives him a recovery. The alternative, 34, the character is still on his feet, and takes another hit to bring him to -11. Three shots and finished. This is the way Champions combat has worked since time immemorial. 14d6 deals 49, against 25, that's 24. Likely, this character is stunned. (Assuming an average con of 23, maybe not so for a powerful experienced character, but then, that character probably won't be stunned.). 11d6 costs one point less, but that deals 38-12=26. The target is still stunned. However, let's follow through with that second shot. The second shot is fired. 24 again brings the character to -8. Still in the fight. 26 brings that character to -12. Out of the fight until phase 12. Although the numbers may have changed slightly, the numbers on the recovery chart did not. And this is why I think Armor Piercing is broken at +1/4, because it brings people to the -11+ recovery categories much faster than was ever possible before. People now have to spend their time using actions to help their fellows recover. And that means that they are taking their full phase to eat the same thing.
  12. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The most important thing is that the CHARACTERS not change, and the way the numbers work that tell the best stories not change. There's also a fairness issue vis a vis the players in the game. The most fun happens when the best stories are told and the players in the game aren't fighting over who got the best break. The numbers NEED to work right. If not, I'll change them. But every time so far with a conversion, I've been correct right out of the box, and the game continued as if nothing had happened. This time, I know that this isn't going to happen because of the rules on CSLs alone. Armor Piercing at +1/4 changes the way EVERYONE in the game fights. You have to take design into account when figuring out how an NPC is going to react to being hit and hurt. If you don't know how many hits are going to take someone down, you can't figure out important things, like "Is he going to cut and run? Is he going to take hostages?" It also increases the number of people with hardened defenses. I am concerned that certain key things, like Combat Skill Levels and Armor Piercing, are so effective that every villain in the game will have to be redesigned to cope with them. And if that's the case, then they're broken. (See the old 4th edition creation checklist. Your mileage may vary, and you can feel free to disagree with me) Hardened, also, now falls into this category. If enough people buy armor piercing, Hardened suddenly becomes common, as everyone scrambles to buy defenses to prevent it. Plus, Armor Piercing is broken because of it's stackability. It's 8d6 AP 16 meter cone for 100 points in 5th. The same power in 6th costs 70. This is broken because people can buy flight. Period. That cone is now 32 meters wide, hits everything on the ground, forces dozens of people to waste their actions and hits most people for 15 stun per hit. And you know, it's still pretty good against the people it catches in the air. For the tradeoff, many of the guy's fellow PC's might be willing to take that damage. It may not seem broken to you, but it sure seems broken to me. You cannot convince me that 15 stun to everything on a battlemap when your average agent has a con of around 13, thus defeating an entire tactical situation in a single attack, does not make the other players feel like there was a need for them to be there. I don't run games where the only purpose of the Justice League is to kick the Kryptonite out of the way for Superman. Granted, the second time this happens, every agent on the battlefield will probably shoot at that character, but quite frankly, I try to manage the resources of my agencies so that they're fairly distributed. The removal of CSLs adding to damage as an optional rule also does that. A good game doesn't have wars of escalation. It prevents them from the start. Every game I've ever played in that had a war of escalation eventually collapsed under it's own weight.
  13. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Oh, believe me, I spent many hours poring over the Multiform rules and trying to fix how broken this is. My house rules are currently loaded with notes like "You may not buy DMCV through a technological device" and other things that enforce the theme and how powers work. I already can't stand that the point cost of CSLs and having them add to damage isn't an optional rule and breaks the whole combat system. All combats now look like this. Get them down, hit them while they're down, put all your CSLs into damage. I can see this coming from a mile away. Legsweep is now ridiculously powerful. People wait for legsweep to go off, everyone puts their levels into Damage against half DCV since they're holding for the Legsweeper, BAM! This was specifically designed to be a "System without limits." But if your world has limits, rebalancing it is very difficult. I still don't understand the balance point of making Armor Piercing a +1/4, and I've done the math on this 30 times, no joke. I don't understand the reworking of Area Effect. An 8d6 AP Blast in a 16 meter cone used to cost 100 points. This power went from "Unattainable for anyone except a master villain, at 100 points" to "the top of my power cap at 70 points." The problem with AOE Cone is this: People can buy flight. So really, what you have is a power that's just as effective as a 32 meter radius against everyone who can't fly, and is still pretty darned good against everyone who can, AND it's armor piercing. The problem isn't the advantage itself. It's the stackability of the advantage. I've been struggling with some of the minutae of this system for a month, and it's becoming more and more frustrating that I can't get it right immediately. I'm supposed to be smart. I have an IQ of 180. I've published adventures for this system. This should be EASY! But it's not. I should be able to crunch these numbers and get everything balanced by the time the books arrive on my players doorsteps. But the idea of failure angers me a lot, and I don't like to lose.
  14. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess But you have to buy O END, Persistent, and Inherent. Or the character changes back when knocked unconscious, and suppressing his shapeshift knocks him out of it if you don't purchase inherent.
  15. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Thank you. In the future, please don't raise your internet voice by posting in caps. It can be considered rude, and/or offensive. I wasn't offended, but please be aware that there are people who might be.
  16. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The first sentence, right at the top of the Multiform block, states "A character with this Standard Power can change his original form into one or more other forms, each with its own abilities, personality, and Characteristics." It later says exactly what you said. So which is it? It cannot be both, sir. This is why I hate Multiform and the way it works. It doesn't fulfill the promise of anything it's supposed to do, especially now that the base power is 400 points and I can get an 80 point normal with 4 400 point multiforms as the base character, and that's without a multipower or VPP of Multiforms. That's why I always insist that each Multiform be substantially different from the others, why the same personality shouldn't be located in each character unless the base creature is far dumber than the main mind (Shapechange into Animals Man), and why I really dislike this power.
  17. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The problem is that even if a character looks like a giant heap of granite, to someone with enhanced senses, he isn't perceived that way, because of the way Shapeshift is written. SID, Blown, fear the dog. I'm willing to roll with the "Activation of Powers as a O Phase Action" bit, but the problem is, people will get all snarky over it, because it grants the ability to be perceived differently by enhanced sense groups for free. I couldn't care less, but my players are raising a stink.
  18. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Frequently, in those situations, Spidey doesn't fight unless it's the Goblin. Several times, Peter Parker was like "Crap! I can't just beat the living daylights out of Doc Ock! He's dating my aunt!" Etc. That's why the disad is a disad. Yes, he could fight, but he's had to make a show of not having any powers. That's Secret ID, not a physical transformation. But if he WERE punched full force in the face by Doctor Octopus, he would take way less damage than a normal. The difference is, if this happens to Transformation man, transformation man is in the hospital or dead. But the thing is, he paid points for the right to not be smeared. The guy who pays less points should be smeared. That's why the 68 point shapeshift is absurdly priced. It's actually more points, in many cases, than the points you save by buying your powers straight. A 6 slot 60 point multipower with OIHID and the Shapeshift saves 17. You get a 1/4 advantage on around 60 active points of defense, so that's 12. You're up to 29. 40 points of movement or so is 8. That's 37. Therefore, the shapeshift is overpriced, but your character still appears as a 5'9" human to radar and enhanced senses. Fear the Dog.
  19. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The problem is that in my game, I know it's worth the -1/4, because their disadvantages get used. If you're a normal, and have the RP happens during School, for instance, your teen character should get a -1/4 for only in Hero ID. If something happens, people have actually taken SID seriously and done things in their normal forms (Flee with other students, get other students out of the way) than transform. If a villain shows up in the middle of the lunchroom, and you can't change (remember, modern world. Security cameras everywhere), and without your powers, you're "Goes Squish Man", then that's worth a -1/4. If all you have to do is stealth and put your costume on, sure. If your character is a journalist for a magazine that covers supers, and you publish unflattering material about someone, or they're offended by what you wrote, and they have a higher DEX than you, Sneak attack is irrelevant. You still can't change until your action, AND if you can't hide, your SID is fried like an egg if you do. If the villain goes before you, you suck an attack with no defenses. The real issue here is the 68 point shapeshift. There's no reason for it to be 68 points. If that were more reasonable for this sort of effect, I probably wouldn't have the problem that I'm having. Fear of Dog is ridiculous. Fear of Radar is even more ridiculous. If I have Radar and the character instant changes, he senses that this being is a 5'9" human unless the PC pays 68 points for Shapeshift. And, of course, now we come to Multiform. I've ALWAYS hated this power. It is the bugbear of Champions. All the Only in Hero ID twinkiness is nothing compared to how broken this gets. The x5 point multiplier turns even the lamest of normals into a skill-based superman when one of the forms is Normal. These are the questions I ask when someone wants to take OIHID in my game. 1) Is the character ever in a position where this is a disadvantage? 2) Does the character do things that promote those positions, or will the character frequently/constantly be in an environment that promotes those situations? 3) If it is the case that something like this comes up about once every four sessions or less, then it's worth the -1/4 limitation. Otherwise, no bonus. So, it looks like I have to revise my thinking. I don't like revising my thinking, because I despise how broken Multiform is. I already made it a special power that can't be frameworked. A multipower of multiforms and a VPP of Multiforms are just broken. I don't want a player to come to me with a briefcase and ask me to review his character EVER again. Well, I'll review this yet again. It should still be a -1/4 limitation, especially since now everyone will not necessarily be at the same place in the DEX order.
  20. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess The problem is the way Enhanced Senses work, GA. Remember, the moment someone buys radar, they see something different. The character still smells the same, even though they shouldn't, because they're a big lump of granite, on fire, etc. Otherwise, boom, SID blown. Sixty eight points is way too expensive compared to the cost of those complications. By a DOG. An ordinary dog owned by an ordinary seventy year old. And the Instant Change kludge doesn't work for the fire projector because she actually changes her height, weight, etc. That's not a "Costume."
  21. Balabanto

    6E Mess

    Welcome to my little problem! Here we go! Today, I ran into some intriguing 6e rules constructions that prohibit existing characters from being converted easily. Here are the concepts in question. 1) A is a heroic fire projector who inherited a wish from a dragon. She transforms into a beautiful superheroine with fire powers. Problem #1: Rules as Written, A cannot take Only in Hero ID, as there is nothing to prevent her from changing other than her own force of will. Problem #2: She could buy Shapeshift, where her height, weight, and appearance change, but this is counterproductive for what it offers. It costs SIXTY EIGHT points, which is likely less than Ember ever spent in limitations on Only in Hero ID. Problem #3: Multiform is also out, because she retains her original personality, which means, rules as written, this is also illegal. 2) B is a teen, around five foot nine who transforms into a massive heap of humanoid rock. All problems as above. How did this happen? That makes a hero who transforms from an ordinary human into something completely different a legless cripple compared to his fellows, since the Only In Hero ID limitation must take at least a full phase to work and must have a means of being interrupted, whereas the others are 1) Prohibitively expensive or 2) Illegal. IMHO, 68 points is WAY too much to pay for turning into a slightly hotter hot chick, and it's also WAY too much to pay for turning into Granite Boy. Thoughts?
  22. Re: Jokes A man goes to his doctor and says "Doctor, I'd like to live longer, how can I accomplish this?" "You diet and exercise?" The man says "Yes. But is there anything else I can do?" The doctor says "Well, you could marry an orthodox jewish girl and live close to her family?" "Will I live longer?" The doctor says "No, you'll live the same amount of time. But it will seem like an eternity."
  23. Re: Post "gotchas" here The method by which an attack is delivered and it's special effect are cumulative for the purposes of Vulnerabilities. I house ruled this away, I don't believe a player should get additional rewards for putting a VPP on his sheet and defining it as magic with a bunch of spells that generate various effects, or just for buying a gadget pool. In previous editions, if I shot you with a magically generated fire effect, it was fire. Now it's fire AND magic. If I shot you with technologically generated oatmeal in 5th, it was oatmeal. Now it's technological oatmeal.
  24. Re: WOW! Stun drain in 6e That's actually not the one that's broken. END Drain is howlingly broken. Whereas before, it used to drain about 42 END for 6d6, now it drains an astonishing 52 End for 6d6. (Thats 21x5=105/2=52) This really, to me, signifies a shift from "Power Defense is something you don't need" to "Buy Power Defense or Die." If Joe Character has 60 END, one shot and he's pretty much done.
  25. Re: Masked Crimefighters And The Bill Of Rights Response: Thatman does not take money from the police department for his actions. By the laws of the state, either Thatman must be receiving an appropriate form of compensation from the police department, or Thatman's actions are those of an independant good samaritan. Condoned does not mean Sanctioned. Otherwise, every person who ever called the police or turned someone over to the police would be considered a vigilante. The fact that the police call Thatman using an unusual method of communication does not indicate that it is the same person every time, nor does it indicate that this individual is anything but. Unless the defense can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the same individual always answers the signal, he has no case for dismissal.
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