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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Unkindness is now available in the Hero Store, the Blackwyrm Games Site, and RPGnow as a PDF for 3.95. Pick it up. Take a look. You won't be disappointed.
  2. Re: How Much DCV? The problem is that the system doesn't function if DCV range isn't regulated. At all. There comes a point where it becomes kludgy, and you have to set a DCV MINIMUM, or all characters look sort of like this: DCV is irrelevant when: 1) People are buying area effect attacks so that they don't have to worry about people dodging or 2) People don't like the way the dice fall. If your GM is particularly lucky with dice, or knows the rules really well, they'll say things like "It doesn't matter what I do. I'm going to get hit anyway." or 3) Their concept of the world and yours don't match at all. This is something to have a statement about on my site, I think. I'll put something up later tonight or tomorrow.
  3. Re: Non conductive powder It does, because it's ON the guy. You can't "Englobe" without having shrunk characters and/or midget clowns occupying the 2mx1m high space.
  4. Re: Non conductive powder
  5. Re: Secure Printing That's interesting. Hmm. Microscopic Optical Printing. I see an adventure coming to mind. Hmmm....
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Some quotes from the Pretty Hate Machines Playtest: Mr. Hideous: It's time to rearrange your face! Ember: Someone really needs a dialogue coach. Later... Mr. Hideous: I've filled this blimp with Hydrogen! There's no way you can shoot it down without killing hundreds! Ember: Why do you always go to places that explode around fire? Mr. Hideous: Because I prepared for you, you stupid little witch! What did you think I was doing? What's the matter? Nothing to say? Who needs a dialogue coach now? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Unity: You're under arrest, Mr. Hideous. Hands up. (Yanks his arms hard and hits, knocking him unconscious.)...To Eiko: Honey, I brought you a blimp for Valentine's Day! Eiko (At 1 stun and 4 Body): Excellent. I claim this blimp in the name of Random Access Technologies. (THUD) --------------------------------------------------- Ember: I can't believe this. I'm grabbed by a slimy snake. I've been through a lot of gross things during my days as a superhero. This is in the top ten. The Reptile Boy: Trussst me, touching your dissgusting ape flesh issss not so exsssiting for me, either.
  7. Re: Searching for Maps Foxbat for President http://www.blackwyrm.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_25&products_id=55&osCsid=d100aa105f2a4a02f0a3d86c45c6f865 War of Worldcraft http://www.blackwyrm.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_25&products_id=57&osCsid=d100aa105f2a4a02f0a3d86c45c6f865 I don't have links for the others yet.
  8. Re: Searching for Maps You could also purchase the PDFs of Foxbat For President and War of Worldcraft. There are a number of useful maps in there, and there's adventures to go with them! I never design an adventure without a bunch of reusable locations. Foxbat For President includes Street Scene, Brownstone, Rural Home, Underground Cavern with Evil Temple, Prison Yard, Hospital. War of Worldcraft includes Maxi-Mart and an abandoned Warehouse. This year, Unkindness will have a suburban home, a restaurant, a jewelry store, a museum cross section, and a suburban home. (Origins Release Date) In August, Pretty Hate Machines will have Convention Center (With fashion show centerpiece), Condominium Cross-Section, Warehouse, Oil Refinery, Abandoned Airfield Hangar, Parade Cross-Section, and Super-Blimp
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Tonight in my Pretty Hate Machines playtest, they got to what I consider the worst encounter in the adventure, an oil refinery robbery. They decided NOT to fight, but rather, to quickly pretend to lose and tail the villains after they left with the stolen goods. To this end, they disguised themselves as oil refinery workers. However, the villains came in wearing disguises also. EVERYONE was wearing a cheap uniform disguise. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
  10. He is the ugliest man in the world... He has suffered at the hands of your campaign city... Now, Mr. Hideous is coming home, to show your heroes the Ugly Truth, with his disfigured minions and his super powered circus freaks... Pretty Hate Machines. Ugly goes straight to the bone. A Blackwyrm Games adventure for the Hero System Gencon 2010
  11. In the heart of the city, a new supervillain plans his evil scheme on echoing wings... Tears are kept inside... The Raven King is coming... An adventure about whom the gods would destroy and the evil that men do... Unkindness. Origins. The Brawling Balabanto is back in action
  12. Re: Hey, Balabanto has a Website! Theories on gaming are up. Feel free to post, comment, and debate them.
  13. Yes! I have a website now. No, I will not be posting any of the Universal Deathmatches on that site. Those will all stay here. For those who wish to comment, drop by, or say hi, the site will be monitored as much as I possibly can. http://michaelsatran.wordpress.com/
  14. Re: How Do I Build This? This is illegal. dmjalund. Read the initial section before the power descriptions.
  15. Re: Need game advice, *Quick* If it's his village, he ought to know everyone in it. Hero characters don't have lots of ability to withstand lethal damage in most fantasy games, so consider this plot. The Seven Laughing Skulls: The town is under attack by undead! Our hero comes home from the wars to discover that every night, seven undead creatures rise and stalk through the town. People are dragged off and summarily slaughtered, helpless against the undead threat. They take five people every day. It is currently day three when the hero comes home. The skulls giggle as they slay their prey, and when the hero slaughters the undead, they rise again the next night, to do it all again. The villain: The villain is the Lord Mayor's accountant. This charming fellow wishes to become a land baron by scaring people off their land and manipulating their tax records. Every night, for years he has turned to the practice of necromancy, keying the undead to a ruby that he uses to control them that he wears on a ring on his finger. Since the PC knows everyone in town, during the night, it's relentless scary action, and during the day, a mystery. Since peasants are superstitious, it won't be long before he owns more land than the Lord Mayor. The secret to beating the adventure is to get the ruby ring off his finger. Once that happens, the angry undead will seek out their former master and giggle madly while killing him, letting out keening cries for their loved ones before collapsing into sacks of meat and bone.
  16. Re: Only in Hero ID In general, unless the hero has some set of real conditions that prevail upon the character that cause the power to only function in Hero ID, then the answer should be no. Only in Alternate Identity means the identity must be significantly different from the other identity. Batman putting on a costume does not suddenly give him OIAID on his DEX, SPD, and CON scores. Powered Armor can be bought OIAID, if you have a suit of armor that is nearly impossible to destroy, BUT, if that's the case, you should not also be buying OIF. If that's the case, and you are, one of those limitations is worth 0. You can't "Double Dip" on power limitations and gain the bonus twice.
  17. Re: Stats for a Forklift That's why I'm going to build the lift with telekinesis and a slightly lower STR score, Tasha. Sadly, it's also going to have unified power and the killing attack, but I think that's a better way of designing it.
  18. Re: Stats for a Forklift Thank you. This is highly appreciated. I'll figure out how I want to do the lifty stuff on this end.
  19. Re: Stats for a Forklift I think that the lift might need telekinesis rather than a high STR score. This is why I'm asking.
  20. Sigh. I figured the stats for everything I needed in terms of construction vehicles would be in 6e2, but apparently no construction vehicles are listed. Does anyone have a link to one, or am I building a forklift tomorrow?
  21. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes Someone get Mr. E for me. Wet Burqa contest is the !@#$!!!!!
  22. Re: Book of the Destroyer: Destroyer v. Takofanes My only comment on this is the following link to something elsewhere on these boards. Dice were rolled, as they always should be. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/73539-Champions-Universal-Deathmatch-Final-Round!-Doctor-Destroyer-vs.-Takofanes!?highlight=Champions+Universal+Deathmatch
  23. Voiceover... When people in the Champions Universe can't settle their differences... When the only hope for resolution lies in conflict, in front of twenty, forty, or seventy thousand screaming fans... When vengeful parties explode into bitter hate... There can be only one method of resolution... Focus in on an announcer's booth! Johnny: I'm Johnny Gomez! Nick: And I'm Nick Diamond! When Steve Long finishes the BVB (That's Big Villain Book), we're going to be back! Defender in a Jar: I'm back, too! With special guest announcer Genetic Deviant X! You remember him, right? Genetic Deviant X, grinning as he oozes hideous liquid: Just don't call me Sid, okay! (Brushes down his gold chains) So everyone get ready, for the Sixth Edition version... All: OF CHAMPIONS UNIVERSAL DEATHMATCH! Coming soon to the Hero Boards near you!
  24. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
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