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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares They really did that in an issue of What If.
  2. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Bob, these are too much like real life. Especially the first one.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Spinal Tap Meets Ayn Rand in... Atlas Unplugged
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Uh, have you read some of the recent Moon Knight stuff? It's not that far off. As for today's Genre Crossover Nightmare Judge Judy Dredd. Feast your minds on that one.
  5. Re: Reputation system My advice is that since there's a system in the game for reputation, that you just use that.
  6. The work has begun. I am approximately ten thousand words in, and am working on the character sheets for it. This adventure has fifteen sheets, including complex and detailed interview sections, and is constructed with a series of events and a series of insertable complications to make the adventure as simple or as complex as a GM needs. The promise of four to five maps, including the basics of what a GM needs to run one of the organizations I've mentioned several times in my products, will be included in the adventure as well. It's my hope this adventure will make people really sit up and take notice. But it's also my hope it will be one of the most brilliant and different ideas for superhero adventures ever published.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Orphaned as a boy when his parents were run over by a tourist boat, young Baru Swimm swore revenge on all cheap tourists! Now, eager to fulfill his vow, he prowls the Everglades as...Batmanatee! Hey, I even came up with an origin story. So nyah!
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Importance of Being Uwe Ball Rosencrantz and Uwe Ball are Dead Uwe Boll, Prince of Denmark Uwe Boll Does Copenhagen in the Land of Nod Mom, Uwe Boll, and Me
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Mask (Of Nylarthotep). Wait...never mind. That movie might be the same.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Dancing with the Star Spawn The Byhakee who Came to Dinner Fried Green Tomatoes at the Sandwalker Cafe The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and a Shoggoth Dark Young Guns Breakfast at Shub-Niggurath's Deep One Impact Yes. This can be explored all day. But only if you have enough sanity.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Sadly, tonight's best game quote stands alone and is out of character. I hear a weird creak and I look at my hostess. "Did I just break the chair?" Hostess: No, it's been a little creaky for a while. There's no way you're going to break that chair. At that PRECISE moment, the chair snaps under my weight, sending me to the floor in a heap of chair parts. Keep in mind, for those who know me, I'm NOT a big guy, nor am I particularly heavy. Me: !@#$@!!!. Perfect timing.
  12. Re: Red Dragon, the martial artist who wasn't. 6E Harmonious Fist is sheeted in Foxbat For President. He is RIDICULOUS!
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Tonight's Pathfinder story has several morals, most of which can be boiled down to a few basic "Rules of adventuring." So the heroes are wandering through some caverns to fight these priests of Ilbrandul, god of caverns. Well, that's what adventurers do. So they get this bright idea of disguising themselves as a priest who got killed by an NPC they picked up. This turned out to be kind of a bad move. For one thing, the room that one of the priests was waiting in had a teleportation trap outside that teleported people into one of the pools of green slime in the room. Ugh. For another, the dragon in the room with the priests had true seeing up all the time, so as soon as one character moved into the room without being teleported, the plan was doomed to failure. However...one of the players thought it was a great idea to cast Good Hope in the hallway outside. At this point, I just shrugged and said "Roll initiative." So the battle with the Dragon, the priest, and the mohrgs covered in illusions begins. This sucked a whole lot. During the battle, however, the gnome illusionist decided to taunt the dragon after it said something unpleasant. Gnome: Oh, really? (Hurls an orb of electricity at the dragon. Rolls a 1) Dragon: Really. You are weak and pathetic. So after the gnome fireballs the Dragon, dealing almost no damage, the fireball seals off the dragon's tiny escape route. Dragon (To Gnome): Curse you! Other characters: Wha? I explained it all afterwards. The podium near where the dragon was standing had a hole in the center, just big enough for the dragon to turn into a snake and escape through. The fireball melted the copper pipe shut, denying the dragon his means of escape. But it was hilarious, albeit deadly. Three characters got green slimed and the NPC they met got turned into a zombie. If they didn't have 3 clerics, they would have died.
  14. Re: Voodoo Mind Barrier The correct way to build "Voodoo Mind Barrier" would be to buy Invisibility with No Fringe to the Mental Sense group. Then Mind Scanning, Clairsentience, and all those other sensory powers simply cannot locate you. Here's a hint when this happens. Most teams of superheroes have a detective. Perhaps it's time to let the guy shine and use some skills.
  15. Re: Presenting.. Defender He looks like he's trolling for boys in Berlin.
  16. Re: Superhero Showdown #11: Justice Society of America v. The Avengers If the comic is done DC style, here are your matchups. Doctor Fate vs. Scarlet Witch: DRAW. This is nothing but a giant cosmic bomb waiting to go off. If these two fight, two universes will get royally messed up. Thor vs. Power Girl: I give this one to Thor. Power Girl is tough, but all Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic. Captain America vs. Mr. Terrific: Captain America. Mr. Terrific is terrific, but Cap is so much more. Quicksilver vs. Flash: Quicksilver fights dirty, but he's no match for Jay. Wonder Man vs. Captain Marvel: Simon's power is limitless, but he's kind of self centered. Too bad Billy's got the mind of a fifteen year old. Draw. Iron Man vs. Green Lantern: This is an interesting battle, and one which turns entirely on the range at which the battle is fought. The further away Iron Man gets, the more trouble Alan Scott is in. Those pulse bolts can stave in all kinds of things. I give this one to Tony Stark because he's smarter. Alan's real creative, but Tony has the advantage in the brains department. Hourman vs. Hercules: Hercules is really strong, but he doesn't have the edge in facing opponents equal to his strength, plus, Rex is smarter than Hercules by leaps and bounds. The Spectre vs. Moondragon: Advantage, the Spectre, but not by much. Now, if this is done the Marvel way, here's how this looks. The Avengers use teamwork to defeat the massively more powerful JSA. The whole of the Avengers is greater than the sum of it's parts. And Captain America is the greatest tactician in the multiverse. Between Cap's Shield and bouncing Thor's Hammer off it, combined with the Scarlet Witch's hex ability, even the Spectre can't lift Thor's hammer when it lands in his hand. After this, the outcome is decided.
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Postman Harry Potter and The Big Sleep Charles Dickens meets teen coming of age movies in Hard Times at Ridgemont High
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Debbie Does Gallifrey My Mother, the Hangover The Karate Kid Luck Club My Beautiful Laundrette in the Valley of the Dolls The Smurfs Go to The Glitter Dome It's Your Big Fat Greek Wedding, Charlie Brown
  19. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it? Uh, yes. And repped.
  20. Re: In Progress From Blackwyrm Games: Mythic America Sure. You let me review your draft at some point, so I looked at the power levels, figured out ways to edit the plot, and said "Change this, but not this." Very generalized. Still useful.
  21. Re: In Progress From Blackwyrm Games: Mythic America There will be rules in King of the Mountain (very loose) for running the adventure in Michael Surbrook's Mythic America.
  22. Re: WWYCD: Holes in the story Clearly, you don't know my housecat.
  23. Re: King of the Mountain Update Ow, hey, that stings! I mean, thanks, Ray! ) Actually, my collapse lasted no time. I've already started Imaginary Friends, and I'm working on a couple of novels even as I type this message. After art and maps, the whole thing should weigh in at 148+17+15, or about 180 total pages. It's big.
  24. Re: How much do you customize the setting? I removed every element from the CU that I used and rebooted time completely when I realized it was going to throw me under the bus storyline wise and contractually. (Somewhere around the start of 5th edition) My core concepts were completely different and required a little more thought about how to get them to work. I've had to hit time with a hammer twice. I shouldn't have to do it again. If I had known it would be THIS big a problem, I never would have used anything from the CU in the first place. 1) Concept for Atlantis: Completely different 2) Concept for other ancient civilizations: Matters 3) Concept for the origin of humanity: Matters a LOT (See Tsunami in Digital Hero for how that functions. Read Abraxas's Background) 4) Africa: Completely different 5) Concept for the origin of super powers: See #3 6) Ape Conspiracy 7) C.A.S.H. 8) Player Characters matter and their actions do, too. When you've run a world for 25 years, you have to give credit where credit is due. One day, I'll get all their sheets into print as well. Shine on, my friends. You deserve it. 9) I haven't hammered out all the problems. Two in particular bother me, and I'm still working with Dave on what to do about those problems. Ideally, you'll get to see everything before I die. Not so ideally, I'll be crushed by my commute and die in an auto accident.
  25. Re: King of the Mountain Update That is up to Dave and Jason. I just write the darned things and send Dave all my production materials. Then I collapse in a heap for a couple of days and start the next one.
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