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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I support Hero no matter what the supplement is. Count me in for a printed copy.
  2. Re: Bushido Hero It's an awesome idea, but you need to consider some sort of Seppuku rule, similar to what they have in L5R. Especially late in the game, this can be a big deal-breaker for a number of people who otherwise love this genre, and honorable suicides should be a fairly common occurrance if the heroes place themselves in constant danger.
  3. Re: Mayan temple found in Georgia (US) So what if it's fake? This is a great idea. Heck, there's a million modern era superhero stories you could get out of this, too. The point was to show how cool this would be in Pulp Hero, not to take a dump on the "researcher" and whether he's real or not. And repped. Bah. Can't get him.
  4. Re: Imaginary Friends Update SPIDER Power Agent, complete. I'm sorry I'm a little slow right now, but I'm working 100 hours a week at my day job. This is the time of year where you make that commitment so that you can do things like go to Dundracon without your Regional Director going nuts.
  5. Re: Imaginary Friends Update SPIDER Stealth Agent, Complete. Five more agent types to go.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Planet of the Grapes of Wrath King Arthur and the Boogie Knights of the Round Table Sister Acts of Vengance Buckaroo Banzai and the Notebook
  7. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Here's my favorite thing that's happened in a while. I'm calling a customer, telling him his pants have arrived from the warehouse to be fitted. Names have been changed for professional reasons. Me: Hi, Mr. Smith, I'm calling to tell you that your pants are in to be fitted. You can fit your second suit at any time. Mr. Smith: What about the first one? Can you look and see if that's in? Me: Hold on just one second. (Watching Shipper open shipping box from tailoring service.) I'll take a look. After getting off hold Me: Mr. Smith? Customer: Yes? Me: How about three feet to my right? Customer: That's pretty good.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Doctor Kevorkian's Neighborhood Doctor Frankenstein's Neighborhood Mr. Rogers and Robin, the Girl Wonder Heaven's Gate of Ishtar at the End of the Waterworld (As far as filmmaking goes, I really can't think of anything more awful than a combination of these three bombs)
  9. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Supplementary Sheet #2 Code Name: Tarantula! SPIDER Webmaster! He is complete. A selection of agent types to follow, along with some robots and a weapons locker. Then it's on to maps and actually writing the adventure.
  10. Re: Changes at Hero I support the system no matter who's in charge, but this is a great blow to the company and a tough knock in the face in general. I'm going to miss those guys, even though we sometimes disagreed, as people do. Good luck to them. May they find great things whereever they go. In other words "Holy !@#$$!!!, I'm stunned for INT!" What do we do now? Well, like a phoenix, Hero shall rise, that's what we do now. As players, we continue to play. As gamers and gamemasters, we continue to game. As a talented freelancer, I continue to write. King of the Mountain should be available at DunDraCon. Will it be my last Hero System product? I sure hope not. It's not about getting knocked down, true believers. It's about getting back up.
  11. Re: Day Of The Turkey 2011 Shouldn't that be Gobbler the Giant Turkey and Blackfeet waking him up with his super-stomps? I kid you not. Adventurer's Club really published this as an example of plot design.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Even if it's a bad title, it's a good idea. Hellboyz in the Hood Valley of the Big Lebowski Seven: Snow White and the Dwarfs
  13. Re: Need some serious help Step One: Tell the police what's going on! Step Two: Tell the media what's going on! They can't focus on you when everyone is suddenly looking for them. Step Three: Cooperate with the police! These people have files on dozens of people who may know more than you do! Step Four: Follow the money! This is a time honored trick that usually works. If people are being paid to do this stuff, as soon as you get ahold of him, search his wallet, his ID, and find out where the money comes from and goes to.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The 8mm Social Network
  15. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Supplementary sheet #1 is complete. Who or what is D.O.R.I.S.?
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Indiana Jones and The Rum Diary
  17. Re: Crossover events (has anyone else actually done this) I ran a big summer crossover event on four separate occasions. The conclusion of "Adolf Hitler's Brain Controls PTAH" Storyline was a big crossover, the conclusion of "Warstar Tries to Conquer the World with his primary master plan" was a big crossover, and Mind Over Matter was a big crossover. I really only get to run them rarely. I'm looking forward to the next one, though.
  18. Re: Imaginary Friends Update The Shimmering is done! Supplementary sheets, agent sheets and a weapons locker to follow! So that's nine sheets and a huge list of weapons. I should be done with this part of it soon. I wish I was further along, but these things do take time.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Nanook, A Sheep, Barney Fife, and his Lover The 500 Hats of Leatherface Santa Claus in the Land that Time Forgot Conan, the Last King of Scotland The Cat in the Hat Goes to Washington (As much as this might be a desperately needed film, it is important to understand that Washington is already such a mess than even the Cat in the Hat can't convince these bucketheads to clean up after themselves.)
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Grapes of A Clockwork Orange Henry Winkler is the Fonz in The Ayyyyyyyyy Team. Clerks in Toyland Monster's Ball in The Chocolate Factory
  21. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Adonis is completed! The Shimmering is next! A large group of supplementary sheets will follow these!
  22. Re: Selling back OMCV Buy AVAD and Alternate Combat Value. There is nothing that says you can't build an attack that targets an offensive value. If they are going to be sacks of rotting fruit in your game, then you have the right to be a doubly stinky sack of rotting fruit to them.
  23. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) They are safe to eat if he does not imbue them with energy. Scientists are really too afraid to even attempt to understand how this power works. If he eats a few slices and then barfs, there is no effect. (The pizza must be cohesive and undigested.) There are two more, by the way. The Big Cheese: Yes, he turns into a giant cube of swiss cheese. He is immobile in this state, and can't really do anything except smell tasty. Nonetheless, he's tried out for every superhero team in the US, maybe the world. People feel bad for him. This really pretty much is the worst power ever. Oh...and it lasts 24 hours and he can't shut it off. Exodus: Exodus has the power of the ten plagues of Egypt. That's right. The ten plagues of Egypt. Fortunately, Exodus is a very religious man, and wouldn't hurt a fly, so many of his powers never get used. Nonetheless, he feels his abilities would be helpful in an environment of his fellow heroes. The flaw, of course, is that Exodus has no movement powers, and after the first time someone asked him to demonstrate his abilities and he filled Freedom Strike's base with frogs, there haven't been a lot of people willing to give him another shot. Thus, he walks from city to city. That's right, he WALKS. One day, he hopes, his pilgrimage will be complete.
  24. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) There's a bunch of superhero losers who try out for various superteams when a general call is put out. Some of these wonderful characters include: Captain Canard and the Deadly Duck: That's right. It's a guy in a duck helmet with martial arts and his duck with a sonic quack. This guy almost made the grade once. But only once. Foghead: Yes. It is like it sounds. He generates fog from his head. Only he can't see in it either. Laundromaxx: Yes. Really. Washing Machine Themed Power Armor Pachyderm Man: He has telekinesis...But only over Elephants. Pizza Man: Can generate delicious pizzas, but when he hurls them, they explode.
  25. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Negafire has been completed only a few moments ago. Adonis is next!
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