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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine Hard Blonde! The denser she gets, the dumber she gets, the blonder she gets!
  2. Balabanto


    Re: Maps You can also go to the Hero Store or http://www.blackwyrm.com and pick up any of my adventures. I tend to focus on having 4-5 maps per adventure.
  3. Re: 6th edition Actually, the limitation doesn't reduce the values in the correct way. Cannot Deal Damage should be a -1/4 at most, especially with Overall Levels. Being able to raise your DMCV? Fantastic! This has saved my characters and villains tons of mental pain over the years. Mentalists are rare in most of the games I play in. If you have an OMCV or ECV, edition dependent, of higher than 8, it's largely a waste of points. Mentalist: I have to hit a 9? Are you kidding? Me: Well, according to this, he's got a DMCV of 7 and 2 overall levels. You have an OMCV of 8. Roll a 10-. Player: (rolls dice) !@#$!!!!!! 11.
  4. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Last Temptation of Homer Simpson Bubba Ho-Mer Tep Buck Rogers and the Gorillas in the Mist of the 25th Century Duck Dodgers and the Gorillas in the Mist of the 25th Century
  5. Re: Starting a Hero System Podcast .... who is interested? That can certainly be made to happen on my end. Just not from November 1 to January 30th or so.
  6. Re: 6th edition With Armor Piercing at +1/4, it gets used too often. My players used to be like "Armor Piercing. OW!" Now it's "Armor Piercing? !@##$$!@! You!" This advantage is radically unbalanced at +1/4. Hardened Defenses, in the old days, used to be ridiculously rare, and for the most part, in most of the games I run and play in, they still are. Does anyone actually study who buys what things when they make new editions of the game?
  7. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy Oddly, I play Hero because it simulates superheroes better than anything else.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares When Moses Meets Romancing the Stone... Oy Vey! It's Jews of the Nile!
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Groundhog Day II: The Groundhog Strikes Back! Brokeback Groundhog Day (I really don't even want to know what this looks like) Groundhog Day: Ecks vs. Sever (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)
  10. Re: King of the Mountain at DunDraCon If anyone does drop the thousand dollars for a game run by me, I will also provide chips, snacks, and dinner for the gaming group. Characters will be provided. Bring up to five friends.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Sherlock Holmes and The Little Blue Smurf League Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Smurfs Sherlock Holmes: The Seven Percent Commission Solution
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Eternal Lebowski of the Spotless Mind Tombstone: Smurfs in Paradise Mortal Kombat: Secaucus Edition
  13. Happy Elvis's Birthday, Everybody! It is with great pride that I announce that King of the Mountain, Blackwyrm's latest Hero System Effort, will be available at DunDraCon! If you can't get enough Hero System, An evil sorcerer plots to rule the world by bringing Elvis back to life! Fight Demons! Solve Rebuses! Battle a supervillain team that plays for souls! Fight zombies! Battle Yo Yo and his Robot Elvises! (Thanks, Mark Arsenault!) Oh...and Elvis! Yes! We've got him, too! Seventeen character sheets! Seven Maps, including a massive hotel, an underground lair, a suburban home, a concert hall, a villain lair that takes up an entire brownstone! Oh, and a chart that determines who lives in the apartments you knock people into! This one should be a lot of fun!
  14. Re: Was there a canon Champions NPC named Silver Shamrock? No. There was a villain called "Shamrock" who was a big Irish Brick with super strength and luck. But that was all he was.
  15. Re: Imaginary Friends Update The SPIDER Destruction Agent is complete! The Evasion Agent and the Retaliation agent remain. Then, robots, a weapons locker, and once I'm done with that, it's map time!
  16. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I just didn't need a signed copy with that high a number. This is a book that I read once and put on the shelf. On the bright side, I'm also the guy who dumps tons of money on Hero to make sure all my players have copies of the rules.
  17. Re: Crossover Miniatures at 80% funding on Kickstarter! Actually, it's funded.
  18. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I don't play MMOs. I couldn't care less about LARPING. I don't use Facebook or Twitter. I stopped collecting comic books two years ago. I honestly believe that I don't spend enough time outdoors. I commute to and from work for an hour each day, and work in retail for an extremely conservative company. I'm not a slacker of any sort, and work 60 hours during the summer, and about 100 during the busy season. I don't have a computer job, an engineering job, or any of those other jobs you would expect a game designer to have. Except that being a game designer makes me really good at math, so that there's a lot of skill overlap. Orcus isn't on my mantel because he's cool. Orcus is on my mantel because he infuriates religious people who come asking for donations. My casual dress is a sportjacket and pants. I wear a suit almost everywhere. If I am totally dressed down and not wearing that stuff, I actually don't feel normal except in my own house.
  19. Re: Immigration into the USA - legal, or making illegal legal You have to consider the way your character emigrated. If your character emigrated from Japan, consider the current immigration laws of the United States. If he came from another dimension, you and your GM need to sit down and hash out whether the rules are the same or different for extradimensionals.
  20. Re: Superheroic Miniatures/Minions Kickstarter Project I went for Galactic Overlord. My game is important enough to me that I need a variety of figures.
  21. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Holy COW! Someone dropped the two grand!
  22. Re: Starting a Hero System Podcast .... who is interested? Feel free to have me as a guest whenever I release a new product.
  23. Re: Vanished Villains Assuming we have a 50th anniversary champions adventure, and I'm allowed to write it, I promise that if I'm still writing Hero products by then, it will be nothing but Forgotten Villains. And yes. I already have an idea. It's called "Fly Away Home." You're gonna love it.
  24. Re: Imaginary Friends Update The SPIDER Investigation agent is complete! Sorry this has been so slow, but I'm working 100 hours a week. Next week I go back to about 60. Things should speed up now.
  25. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? Because more actions=more face time by default. Nothing angers fellow players like watching someone go every other action phase when they have a SPD of 4. My advice is this: Having run the same game for 25 years or more, keep the SPD range tight (4-6, 3-5, etc) Allow master villains and giant monsters to have 1-2 points of SPD higher than this number to reflect that they must fight alone against an entire group of people much of the time. To reflect super speed, build powers and movement abilities that reflect the character's ability to cover ground and attack multiple opponents rather than allow them a vastly superior number of actions. The problem is, most people want the vastly superior number of actions AND these abilities, which is how speedsters get to be broken.
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