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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Bourne Smurf (Bourne Identity + The Smurfs) 300 Candles (300 + 16 Candles) Saw: The Breakfast Club Indiana Jones and The Last Boy Scout (Okay, I admit that this could be a good movie, as anyone can fix a football game. But it would be a dog of a premise)
  2. Re: Catch Me If You Can: A Champions Adventure Thanks, Bill. A unique find and collectors item. I shall treasure it.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Brokeback Mountains of Madness
  4. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Evasion and Retaliation Agent are complete. Just two more sheets and a large weapons locker to go before I get into maps and adventure text.
  5. Well, King of the Mountain has made it to the printer. Look for a review by Chris Perrin and an Atomic Array podcast soon.
  6. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? Yeah. When I do things I try to do them from a simulationist perspective, and remove villain concepts from the games I run that would simply run roughshod over the player characters because they have no motivation whatsoever to do so. Is my world still really comic-booky? Yes. I would actually argue that the Kingpin situation is very different, because there always comes a time on the streets where you have to settle things with your own fists or lose control of your organization. There's no motivation to do so in Istvatha's case. If she came from a warrior culture where she was obliged to settle conflicts personally, then I would be a lot more likely to say "Aha! This could work." I've just never liked the idea of building a villain where the characters have literally no shot at beating them whatsoever because of the scale of the game vs. the scale of experience points.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Green Lantern and the Flash meet the Mafia in "The Groddfather" La Cage Aux Godfather New Gods: Big Birda (Big Barda plus Big Bird. What has been imagined, cannot, unfortunately, be unimagined.)
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mike Surbrook of Gor Lucius of Gor Balabanto of Gor, now with awesome Excelsior Action! Ugh.
  9. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth?
  10. Re: Steve's STORMlords Setting This setting, you should kickstart.
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Porky Pig is Hann-bu-bu-b-hl Lecter in Silence of the Hams Roseanne Barr is Bruce Willis in Fat Sin City
  12. Re: 6ed Transfer: Is It Just More Than An Aid Linked To Drain? In my view, it's still necessary, because Power Defense is not purchased in most games with any degree of commonality. If Power Defense was really, really common, then Aid becomes a lot more useful. But...Power Defense is kinda rare in most games. So transfer and drain become way more useful, because when you amplify yourself, they are taking a similar hit. The most powerful thing in any game system isn't what you can do with your math. The most powerful thing in any game system is action denial. And that's why I'd rather have Transfer than Drain + Aid, because Drain + Aid=More Action Denial Plus a Boost for your side.
  13. Re: 6ed Transfer: Is It Just More Than An Aid Linked To Drain?
  14. Re: 6ed Transfer: Is It Just More Than An Aid Linked To Drain? Alternatively, create a +1/2 advantage on drain called Transfer that does what the old power used to do. There are THREE very good reasons for doing this. 1) Drain now has range for free. This brings the power into line a little more, especially since certain drains (END in particular) are now ridiculously destructive. 2) Power points are conserved, along with the laws of conservation of matter and energy. You can't drain 3 points from someone and wind up with 18, which is kind of ridiculous to begin with. 3) Combat is resolved more quickly, because you have to make one less roll. Hero System Combat is long enough.
  15. Balabanto

    A Riddle:

    Re: A Riddle: Just buy entangles. We've had several characters over the years throw well-timed entangles that have turned otherwise deadly encounters into joke disasters. It's totally possible to build "Wrap Em Up Like Shoes, Imelda" characters and succeed.
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Epic Rap Battles of History: Unicron vs. Galactus (Wait. I would WATCH that one) Transformers: I-Phone Autocorrect Breaking Wind in the Willows: Mr. Toad falls on hard times and turns his house into a meth lab. Allying with weasels and stoats and kicking his friends out, he begins a new life as a jolly crime lord.
  17. Re: Imaginary Friends Update The SPIDER Evasion Agent is complete! The SPIDER Retaliation agent is next. In February, I have jury duty and Dundracon, so after this week, I should have more time to work on this project. Ideally, all the sheets should be done by the second or third week in February. Then I'll do maps. We're at 112 pages or so worth of text and character sheets, and 50,000 words. There's still a few sheets to go, a ton of weapons and gear, and then there's maps and the text of the adventure. This thing is going to be BIG. Not to mention useful.
  18. Re: campaign start off adventure Yeah. I also wrote Chains of Doom and Tsunami!, though Chains of Doom is way more appropriate for beginners than Tsunami! is. Tsunami is rough. Those bad guys play hard. When I do a villain book, the bad guys will all be reconfigured to use SPIDER instead of VIPER, but that's really the only change.
  19. Re: campaign start off adventure They sell well enough to keep writing them. Check out my other products also. This is the latest one. http://www.indiegogo.com/King-of-the-Mountain
  20. Re: campaign start off adventure I wrote an introductory Hero System 6th Edition Adventure called War of Worldcraft. Go to the Hero Store or the Blackwyrm Store and pick it up!
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Romancing the Kidney Stone Pinky and Spock's Brain Schindler's Bucket List
  22. Re: EPIC Champions--unofficial material, what should I write about? Shouldn't that be on the Genre Crossover Nightmares thread?
  23. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Shaolin Stepford Wives Fight Club Shaolin Striptease
  24. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Do we have the option of building it ourselves?
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