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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Finally! The King of the Mountain Podcast is up. http://www.atomicarray.com If anyone is interested in this after the first couple of weeks, it is Atomic Array episode 63.
  2. Re: Looking for 'maps' for a modern environment Buy my adventures. There's a ton of maps in them.
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares A Time to Kill at The Whistle Stop Cafe A Time to Kill Private Ryan A Time to Kill the Addams Family A Time to Kill TJ Hooker Really. This list goes on and on. A Time to Kill Peter Pan And so on...
  4. Re: King of the Mountain Reviewed at RPG.net You are welcome. Thank you for your purchase. Death Tribble: Finish Imaginary Friends so you can buy that, too.
  5. Re: Imaginary Friends Update And now, I have finished a mansion map. This map should take about a week to key and set up with object defense tables.
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Philadelphia Experiment: In this version, a dying gay Tom Hanks tries to save an aircraft carrier crew from time travelling doom. Dances with Equus Big Momma's Safe House National Lampoon's Hotel Rwanda Vacation
  7. Re: Imaginary Friends Update
  8. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Well, the first map is done. I'm hoping to grind out the others over the next couple of months, and then do the adventure text. Currently, we're at 134 pages and 60,000 words. This adventure looks like it's going to be larger than King of the Mountain.
  9. Re: Take a Teammate to a Movie Casablanca. Is there really any other choice?
  10. Re: Darren's Golden Age Champions Playtest: the United Sentinels of America I get behind them all. It's a hero system product. I don't need that much incentive, to be completely honest. But I am looking forward to this. I'm not a collector or a hoarder. It's just that now that everything is a freelance project and I'm actively employed, I should do unto other Hero Freelancers as I would hope they do unto me, and that means supporting all the Hero kickstarters in some fashion. I don't have to like them (Although I LOVE this one), that's not what's important. It's the principle of the thing. I'm a low tier guy as far as Hero is concerned. I publish a couple adventures a year. Soon, I'll throw in a campaign supplement every so often. (Even though most of my adventures are also giant campaign supplements) But I understand this one thing. If you love your game and don't stand up for it, you become isolated from what's out there. You can't live in a vacuum and say "Ha! I'm the only guy." It's about the principles of loving your game. It's one thing if you can't afford it and have to pick and choose your projects. But if you can, you should. Do I really need Champions Villains III? No. But I'd like to see Hero make some money. I'd like to see our game thrive. Sometimes that means buying a product you don't really love all that much. Golden Age Champions will be a great product. I'm looking forward to it.
  11. Re: Thought Experment: Clasic Enimies 2
  12. Re: Imaginary Friends Update I'm finishing up the first map over the next few days. It's another museum cross-section. I think you guys will have a lot of fun with it. I can really only key about 5 locations a day between working on my novel and working a crushing 75 hours at work. I HOPE this will be ready by Gencon. It's tough to do this when you're working these kinds of hours.
  13. Re: Thought Experment: Clasic Enimies 2 What I wouldn't give for a Southern Knights comic again.
  14. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see? The entire purpose behind the adventures I write at this point is to create an alternative world in case the IP for the MMO hurls Hero under the bus. Plus, I'm not a big fan of the way the CU works in terms of fairness to all characters and logistics, but that's a whole different ball of wax. You guys can create a different thread for that and yell at me there.
  15. Re: Champions Villains, Volume 3: Solo Villains I don't mind it. I'll spring for the hardcover.
  16. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! I gave fifty. I don't need this product and won't be getting a copy, but I support all Hero System stuff.
  17. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Star Trek: Voyager of the Dawn Treader Star Trek: Brooklyn The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Star Trek Being John Malkovich in The Last Starfighter Star Trek: Bring the Noise My Bodyguard in Pleasantville
  18. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see? If you talk about an organization in at least two of the last five adventures you published, you should probably actually stat them out for people and publish them. I've been planning this for a long time. ) BWAHAHAHAAAAA! Sorry. Anyway, I hope you like it when it's done. And yes, it will have maps. I'm working on that now.
  19. Re: Imaginary Friends Update All the sheets are done and sent to Dave. Time to draw maps for about six to eight weeks and key them. This one doesn't have as many maps as some of the others, because the final combat has a TON of multilevel stuff and takes place inside, outside, and underground, and the tacticals for it are a bear. So that one has a LOT of maps, but the rest of the adventure is a little more free-form.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Wild Wild Wally West Wally West Gone Wild The Rise and Fall of Wally West The Last Supper of Wally West Breakfast at Tiffanys With Wally West
  21. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter I'm already at 300. I can't do more. One god is enough.
  22. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Being Assistant Manager is pretty much what I used to do, only with more problems and a higher salary. I still have to do all the same stuff I used to. Thankfully, it doesn't cut into my writing time at all.
  23. Re: Imaginary Friends Update Secondary weapons are done! It's just heavy weapons and then we're into maps and object defense tables, then adventure text. Keep in mind, I'm a little slow right now due to recovering from wintertime, intensity and number of hours at my day job, and my unexpected promotion.
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Doc Savage: Man of La Mancha The Cannonball Donut Run The Smurfs: Lords of Flatbush John Carter: Warlord of Flatbush
  25. Re: Can be used as... Sure there is. Ranged Str costs less. Always use the more expensive means.
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