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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? The problem is that not only will Is'vatha not face the heroes in battle herself, it's that this is a rocks fall, everyone dies character. She literally has infinite thugs and resources. Player Characters should not only never face her, but they should never even SEE her. When I run characters, I pay attention to their INT scores. Geniuses are played smart. Morons are played dumb. No other character in the game has resources of an infinity symbol. Is'vatha falls into a special class of character. I stress this because Marvel and DC do this a lot too. Is'vatha is the type of character who is created by a comic book writer with absolutely no thought about what is going to happen once the character is inserted into the world. Now, if that was Steve's intention when she was created, he's a genius. And that has to be what I'm going to believe until the end of time, because I have to believe that Steve Long is that smart.
  2. Re: Whatever Happened To: If I get a chance to write the 40th anniversary Champions adventure, it's going to be a "Whatever Happened To..." adventure. I promise. It's called "Fly Away Home."
  3. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Flash Gordon, Queen of the Desert
  4. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete My game has an in game statistic called PDR, or Property Damage Rating. Literally, it's a raw number based on how many superbattles a city or region has in a year divided by the number of raw dollars of property damage caused. Unsurprisingly, it was developed by insurance companies. The rating doesn't really affect the heroes. It does, however, affect the amount that people pay for insurance in a city where those heroes live. The San Diego Knights have the highest PDR. If you obey the rules for destruction of walls and floors properly, once their brick destroyed 16 blocks of road when he crashed into the pavement. This was hilarious in-game, but the in-game consequences were pretty severe.
  5. Re: Organization for use in both Very Powerful Heroic and Standard Superheroic gaming Wait for Imaginary Friends Meet SPIDER!
  6. Re: What Champions books are 6th ed? If you're looking for adventures as well, I've also written War of Worldcraft, Unkindness, Pretty Hate Machines, and King of the Mountain under the Blackwyrm label. All of them feature 6th edition rules. If you really want to help promote the Hero System, you can give us a hand by helping us kickstart my latest effort, Imaginary Friends. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blackwyrm/imaginary-friends?ref=live
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I totally backed this. It's so ridiculous it deserves to be made.
  8. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Then you should back Imaginary Friends, because it uses Champions Complete.
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Pope Benedict: Lord of the Sith! No...wait. This is far too close to reality. Just look at the photos the media takes of him. It's insane. Literally, there are times when I think I'm looking at Ian MacDiarmid.
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I have to agree here. That could be fun. Now, the Human Torch of Oz, that would be a genre crossover nightmare. And you...you're made of straw? WHOOOSH! Oops...
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Bugs.... Elmer... There Will Be Fudd!!!!
  12. Re: Question: What makes a team leader? The real problem is that most groups have big egos. Roleplayers are prima donnas, and everyone wants their screen time.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares You have too much time to spend on the internet. And repped.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Santasm: Santa's ghost constructs an extradimensional maze of death. Santasm on Elm Street: A completely different type of santasm, with Freddy and Santa in their secret love nest.
  15. Re: Trying to Understand 6E This is a player behavior thing. It depends on what players feel is normal.
  16. Re: Imaginary Friends Update One of the funding percentages unlocks the full picture of that guy. His name is Lord Dominus. He's bad news. I've seen the picture. It's really, really nice.
  17. Imaginary Friends is an adventure for the Hero System/ Champions 6th Edition and Savage Worlds in which invisible playmates come to life with deadly consequences. As much a long-term campaign supplement as an adventure, it features a set of strategies and events using the characters and depicting forces at work, rather than a completely linear narrative. You'll meet an entertaining array of sinister and unique characters who will engage roleplayers in tests of combat and the mind unlike anything you've seen before! I know you've probably heard that before once or twice, but I really mean it. Every playtest of this adventure has been fantastic, be it rules light or rules heavy. We hope you'll be pleased and surprised at what you find inside the pages of Imaginary Friends. It's a very different sort of gaming experience. What's inside: A full supervillain team. (It wouldn't be nearly as cool an adventure if there wasn't a full supervillain team in it) Villains opposing other villains! A vast array of map locations that are easily reusable in any modern setting! The groundwork for an easy to expand evil secret organization! A sinister master mind! A lesser master mind! An agent-level mastermind! Absolutely no mimes (or Master Mimes) whatsoever! If you help us reach our goal, we may be able to get you stretch goals such as cardboard heroes of the characters or larger maps! Join our quest to bring this to life here!!!! I'd like to thank Dave, Jason, and the Strudel (My cat) for putting up with me for a year while I ground this out, and I hope you'll all join me on this wonderful journey! Sean Patrick Fannon, long-time writer for Champions, will be doing the Savage Worlds conversions.
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ghandi: Last of the Mohicans Amos and Andy's Brokeback Mountain
  19. Re: Wish List: Other Licensed Content Palladium Books still retains the rights to Justice Machine. Sadly, you'll never get that one.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Oppa Mobile Suit Gundam Style Dick Cheney's American Bandstand (This wouldn't be nearly so funny except for the fact that Dick Cheney has no sense of humor, and little tolerance for that sort of music) Putin's Wheel of Fortune King Arthur and the Knights of the Roadhouse
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Oppa Mobile Suit Gundam Style Dick Cheney's American Bandstand (This wouldn't be nearly so funny except for the fact that Dick Cheney has no sense of humor, and little tolerance for that sort of music) Putin's Wheel of Fortune King Arthur and the Knights of the Roadhouse
  22. Re: Case study: What if they succeed? The problem with Invictus is that if he succeeds, unless he succeeds too well, no one will ever know.
  23. Re: Imaginary Friends Update After some rearrangement and the elimination of some unfortunately generated spaces, Imaginary Friends is complete. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Our final word count is 139,488 before Savage Worlds conversions, and 252 typed pages. With Art and Maps, the adventure looks to be approximately 300 pages long. Just after I type this, Dave and Jason will be getting a big fat Microsoft Word File. Welcome to Imaginary Friends. We'll be kickstarting soon. Excelsior!
  24. Re: Imaginary Friends Update We are on page 251. There are six total sections left in the adventure. I'm going to push hard and try and get this thing done by 2 PM tomorrow. The kickstarter will be going live very soon.
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