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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! The second part of the background history is now complete. The third part will be done tomorrow. Then I will be moving on to villain sheets.
  2. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! Woo-hoo! The first part of the background history is complete. I got two pages. I feel really good. So we'll finish up that background over the next few days and then get to the sheets!
  3. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! The sifting has been completed. The end result will naturally be a surprise. Today was sifting. Tomorrow, the work begins on villains and NPCs. I took most of January off to prepare me for dusting off the old versions of these to prepare them for conversion, so getting things together will be oodles of fun starting tomorrow.
  4. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! And we've reached about the eight hour mark. Get those suggestions in so I can sift.
  5. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! A reminder that as soon as I wake up tomorrow and check the site, all suggestions are locked. So get them in quickly. Sifting will be done and an outline assembled.
  6. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! SPIDER is detailed in Imaginary friends. There's always more to come from these guys.
  7. Re: Journey to the Center of the Earth! A new Michael Satran product! Wait for King reptillon. He will be a cheesy blast from the silver age past.
  8. With Imaginary Friends funded and behind us, a new product rises on the horizon.... Journey to the Center of the Earth! Not just an ordinary product! This is here because you guys VOTED for it! While I already know what's down there at the Center of the Earth, I am willing to take suggestions for extra stuff. What you get for sure! The Oligarch and the Council, a powerful team of magical supervillains, and their mystical agents Dinosaur People! A SPIDER Research Station! Maps of the Center of the Earth! A couple of additional villains you're sure to love! If there's anything you guys want from down there, let me know so that I can give it a fair review. Our work begins February first. Wish me luck! Michael
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Robert Pattinson as Sigfried in "Twilight of the Gods."
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Spy Fiction and Science Fiction Collide Peter Cushing is Doctor No in... Doctor No and the Dalek Invasion of Earth It's no hands versus no feet in a weird battle for SPECTRE to save the world!
  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Three Men and Rosemary's Baby Ridley Scott's Prometheus, Man of La Mancha Don Quixote, the Godfather
  12. Re: Campaign Damage Caps, Code vs. Killing & Pulling a Punch Rex. I love you to death. But you need to understand that you mean "disparate" levels of impact. A disparaging level of impact just tells me that I suck.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Angel Heart of Darkness Gojiras in the Mist (With an Orson Welles Voiceover)
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Godfather Meets Cooking TV: Don Corleone! Cake Boss!
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares When the British State TV Station is overrun with African-American porn stars, you get only one amazing film... B..B..C!!!!
  16. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Oppa Mobile Suit Gundam Style. THAT's a Genre Crossover Nightmare
  17. Paul Malmont has announced that he is working on a sequel to The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril. I can't wait.
  18. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Robert Downey, Jr. is Magilla Gorilla in Iron Monkey.
  19. Re: Campaign Damage Caps, Code vs. Killing & Pulling a Punch I care about world consistency, which is why my world has caps. For the most part, I want my world to simulate comic books. The chart looks something like this: New Hero: 10d6 Experienced Hero: 12d6 Mightiest of the Mighty: 14d6 This is a pretty crude chart, but it's important to note that most people never get more than 12. They don't NEED it. Some master villains and giant monsters throw between 15-20, but I have needed more dice than that only when someone falls off a building and can't fly. There are a number of reasons for this. 1) In my game, combat is played on a battlemap. Because of this, we don't like to have battles that can't fit on the table. 2) If people can't reasonably fit the number of dice they need to roll in their hand, it slows the game down. 3) The caps in my game are not optimized for point efficiency. The world is designed to support the mechanics I set up, so everything fits into the theme. But I also have this key phrase that I follow when playing Champions. "It's okay to lose." Four color comic book games seem to have lost their way here a little bit. Sometimes being defeated and/or losing is part of the genre.
  20. Re: But I don't want Grond to be a pushover... When the PC's arrive, Grond has picked up a bus filled with people. Threaten innocents immediately so they can't just mind control him without running a terrible risk if they fail.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares They advertise for Casks of Amontillado and Strange Piping Music!!!! Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft are... Mad Men!
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Nebraska Football Meets B-Grade Horror Movies! Children of the Cornhuskers!
  23. Re: Looking For Input On Potential New Fantasy Product Pegasus, you're a genius.
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Captain Caveman, Unga Bunga Friendship is Magic
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