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  1. Like
    massey reacted to Pattern Ghost in Why are there so many "...Explained" YouTube videos?   
    So, what you're asking for is a "Explained Videos Explained!" video?
  2. Like
    massey got a reaction from RDU Neil in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    Yeah so much was great in Infinity War that I'm willing to give them a pass on that one quick fight.  I figure they were rampaging around in an Asgardian ship -- maybe it has really high Def and Body internally.
    Absolute best fight choreography of any superhero movie is still Winter Soldier though.
  3. Like
    massey reacted to Starlord in Avengers Infinity War with spoilers   
    My understanding was he's been super-soldiered as well via Arnim Zola's experimentation.
  4. Like
    massey reacted to RDU Neil in P.I. with Indirect STR?   
    This is the classic example of HERO in headache mode. Something that is simple in concept and basically more flavor than functional is going to require complex over-engineering to make possible.
    Old school... go with STR, Indirect, call it good... which would handle 99% of all actual game play uses.
    currently... some kind of frankenstein MP for an astronomical cost and wast of time over-engineering it.
    Or... go new school with old school... it is STR with a Custom Advantage: Ghost Limb... and come up with what you think your description... "Extremity is sometimes a bit out of phase with the real world. Like if he's gesturing broadly, his fingertips might pass through a desk or a wall but so quickly that the people he's talking to aren't quite sure if they actually saw what they saw. In game terms, the extremity can reach an arm (or another limb) through something and manipulate things on the other side with X STR.  Character can do stuff like open a locked door or window, flip on the lights, adjust the display inside a jewelry case, feel what's in someone's pockets, feel what's inside a lock-box, drop candy from a vending machine without paying for it, pick up a piece of paper on a desk and bring it close to the window to read, etc. Anything you could do with your arm or leg, he can do with whatever length of limb the character has stuck through to the other side. He can't see through the barrier unless the barrier is normally transparent.
    If someone grabs his arm while it's pushed through something, he can only exert X STR when trying to pull his arm back through.
    The arm physically exists in the intervening space so if, for example, he accidentally pushes his arm into the power cable going to a light switch, he could electrocute himself. And he can feel the difference between various substances so he can feel the difference between empty space, studs, nails, Sheetrock, etc. when sticking his hands through a wall."... is worth.
    So... how much is that worth? It really comes down to "Can't bypass defenses, but could bypass barriers with attacks. Can bypass barriers to manipulate objects on the other side."
    I guess my only question comes down to the consistency of your description. 1. I'm not sure why it would hurt the guy if he pushed his hand through a power cable, but doesn't hurt going through a wall of razor glass? Just seems odd, unless you are say, "Ghost limb can't pass though energy or energy barriers" which is cool. Just include that.   2. If someone grabs it, why can't he just ghost away and pull back? Clearly no one could grab his hand while ghosting through the wall, and he has to "unghost" the hand to manipulate things, but pulling it back he'd have to ghost it again... so why can't he just "reghost" his hand if someone grabs it?
    Work those two kinks out and Me... I'd rule +3/4... it is more than just indirect, but less than double the STR cost. Seems fair... good to go.
    I honestly think HERO works WAY better in cases where, instead of over-engineering a bunch of effects into a gross kludge, you just come up with a ruling and base the cost on comparison of value to what is already defined. 
  5. Like
  6. Like
    massey got a reaction from drunkonduty in Building a Vehicle based character, looking for advice   
    So, just a quick mention that I don't think other people have covered.
    One problem that you will run into is that when you build something fairly non-traditional like this, there are going to be like 50 different ways to do it.  At least one of those ways will be ultra-expensive, and at least one of them will be ultra-efficient.  Seriously if you experiment enough with it, you'll find a character build that is super-powerful compared to everyone else's character.  It'll be perfectly book legal, and it'll be crushingly powerful.
    Now, that's only a problem if it makes people in your group upset.  If everybody sort of agrees that it's your turn to be the ass-kicker, and they all have a good time with it, then who cares? 
  7. Like
    massey reacted to Starlord in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    Wait, NOW we're not allowed to be tedious!?!
    There goes my other 10%.
    So much for me.  Peace out, y'all. 
  8. Like
    massey got a reaction from Vanguard in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I don't think you understand how little interest I had in the Captain Marvel character to begin with.
    I saw a headline.  An actress I'd never heard of made a potentially inflammatory statement.  She was starring in a movie I already had no desire to see.  Now I'm supposed to go out of my way to verify it?  No, sorry, I'm not going to do that.
  9. Like
    massey got a reaction from Armory in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I don't think you understand how little interest I had in the Captain Marvel character to begin with.
    I saw a headline.  An actress I'd never heard of made a potentially inflammatory statement.  She was starring in a movie I already had no desire to see.  Now I'm supposed to go out of my way to verify it?  No, sorry, I'm not going to do that.
  10. Like
    massey reacted to archer in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I went out of my way to avoid watching trailers and reading spoilers so that I'd look at the movie with the freshest eyes possible. I just saw it this week and, going back to read this thread, I must say that I agree with almost every negative comment made about the movie so far.
    1) Wooden acting- not just Danvers but Fury, the Rambeau's, the Skrulls, the Kree
    2) Bad choice of accents was distracting - minor quibble but part of blending in as a shapeshifter is doing the appropriate accent. Doing the right accent to match your target should be automatic.
    3) Unmemorable or non-existent plot
    4) Loss of Fury's eye - one of the low points of the MCU so far
    5) Lame Skrull shapeshifting
    6) Lame Skrull motivations, the movie would have been much better with both Kree and Skrull as villains
    7) Captain Marvel way overpowered at the end compared to anyone else in the MCU (and inconsistent power levels earlier in the movie)
    8 ) Unbelievable that a Skrull scientist wouldn't recognize space coordinates or at least suspect they were coordinates which were in space
    9) Calling the invention a "lightspeed" engine was confusing when calling it any other sci-fi sounding name would have at least not have sounded retro compared to the tech the Kree already had.
    10) Also unbelievably stupid that a Kree scientist would give a breakthrough lightspeed engine to a race of shapeshifters who had a grudge against her race. Superior speed is a military weapon. Any scientist who is a member of a spacefaring race which had been at war for decades would know that superior speed is a weapon rather than a tool which would bring peace.
    11) I kept expecting Korvac to do something special but he never did. If they wanted Korvac to be seen but do nothing, they should have had him standing at Ronan's side, not be part of the Kree's SEAL team.
    12) Abysmally stupid cat alien
    I understand that people liked the Men in Black movies with their stupid aliens with stupid powers. But Nick Fury was holding the damned cat when the damned cat picked four aliens up off the floor, which means that Nick Fury was holding the weight of a cat plus four aliens in his outstretched arms. I can accept a super-strong alien cat. I can't accept a super-strong alien cat which temporarily gives Nick Fury super-strength just long enough for the cat to swallow the aliens. No, that was just bad writing.
    The movie would have been so much better if the Skrull had been uneasy and scared of the cat the whole movie, while the cat was nothing else other than a cat for the whole movie. That would have just made the alien seem quirky and alien rather than introducing the cat as being a part of a whole other race of aliens which had no justification at all for why it was on Earth, much less in that place at that point in time.
    I don't follow actors and actresses, had no idea who Larsen was, and go out of my way to avoid hearing spoilers but it penetrated even my intense disinterest that Larson was playing up the feminist angle of the movie as she was making the talk show circuit promoting the movie. I was pleasantly surprised that the movie didn't come across as some political manifesto. I noted the same feminist/anti-male/whatever scenes in the movie which others mentioned, but honestly, I see those all the times in movies, TV shows, and commercials anyway and this movie wasn't any more blatant than anything else in pop culture. The Carol Danvers character started off her superhero career as Ms. Marvel so I wouldn't have been exactly shocked to have seen a heck of a lot more than her burning the face off of Arnold Schwarzeneger and stealing a rude guy's bike.
    Anyway, given this movie, if the Captain Marvel character were to literally disappear from the MCU, I would not be sad at all. And I say that as a big fan of Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel and Binary from the comics. I didn't like the movie overall. When it inevitably shows up on TV with another MCU movie on another station, I'll tune in to any other MCU movie rather than watch Captain Marvel. I needed to see it to set up the next Avengers movie. But I don't feel a need to see it over and over like I do some MCU movies which I watch whenever I need to feel better.
    I thought Wonder Woman was much, much better than Captain Marvel. But I think that's true because of Chris Pine vs Jackson, rather than because of the leading ladies. I thought Gadot was better than Larson but not by a huge margin. But Gadot worked off of Pine wonderfully while Larson and Jackson had no chemistry on any level (whether lovers, friends, people who happened to be on the same planet at the same time, etc.). And I say that as a Marvel fan, not a DC fan, and as someone who has never cared much for the Wonder Woman character.
    My wife fell asleep during Captain Marvel, I woke her up so I wouldn't have to endure it alone. And she was the one who was pushing for us to go see it sooner rather than later.
    On the good side,
    a) Ronan the Accuser looked better in this movie without the ridiculous face paint.
    b) Nice cameo by Phil Coulson. I kept wanting him to have more dialogue because his actor knows how to deliver a line.
    c) I didn't mind that the "Avenger" name was Carol's call-sign. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. In the context of the movie, it made sense.
    d) The de-aged Fury looked good. If I didn't know he was old, I wouldn't have guessed it from the SFX.
    e) I liked having both blue Kree and pink Kree and the fact that Captain Marvel didn't comment on it. Logically it should have been just a background fact of life to her and she shouldn't have taken special note of it.
    f) The Rambeau's didn't add anything special to the movie for me but I can see why they were there as part of the fan service.
    g) I didn't mind Fury trying to be funny: everything is all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
  11. Like
    massey reacted to Toxxus in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Discovering this thread was like time travel back through the 2016 election cycle. 
    So much drama and despair and ridiculous statements from both sides of the aisle.
    I think one of the pinnacle moments was some guy wearing a "Punch a Nazi" t-shirt to my home D&D game.  My wife, who is Mexican, voted for Trump (I didn't) and suddenly white-hipster-man came face to face with reality.
    You can't call everyone who disagrees with you (either direction) some variation of evil without considering their personal motivations for making their decisions.
    Hers was that her family immigrated legally and it was BS that millions of people were coming in illegally and ruining it for everyone who played by the rules.  She also supports the wall - big time.  Reminder - she's Mexican.
    I, like many, felt that I couldn't in good conscience vote for Hillary or Trump and gave my vote to the Libertarians.  Both of them had major problems as candidates for me and I just couldn't do it.  I might as well have voted for Giant Meteor.
    This was just the mental reset I needed before I start this next bit of code. 
  12. Like
    massey got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I don't think you understand how little interest I had in the Captain Marvel character to begin with.
    I saw a headline.  An actress I'd never heard of made a potentially inflammatory statement.  She was starring in a movie I already had no desire to see.  Now I'm supposed to go out of my way to verify it?  No, sorry, I'm not going to do that.
  13. Like
    massey reacted to Gnome BODY (important!) in Ridiculous Feats and stats?   
    Why are you throwing normal humans at mountain-punch-girl?  At that scale of effect every opponent should be described as superhuman and/or go down in one hit. 
  14. Like
    massey got a reaction from Toxxus in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    Probably.  I generally don't follow entertainment news, or pay attention to things that celebrities say.  I don't use the Twitter machine or anything like that.  But occasionally I'll see a Facebook post about "so and so causes controversy with statement about blah blah blah".
    Basically I feel that if they want me to pay money to see their movie, it's their responsibility to market it for me.  I don't have any duty to research the context in which she made some statement, or try to understand what she may have meant.  Now, I still saw the film.  I didn't think her comments were so outrageous that I would refuse to watch it.  It came across as just generic "girl power" crap.  But it definitely didn't motivate me to see it.  In the end I trusted Marvel to make a decent popcorn flick, and I didn't feel disappointed.
  15. Like
    massey reacted to Old Man in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    She rolled over in bed and whispered in his ear, “sweetie, don’t see my movie, it’s not for you.”
  16. Like
    massey got a reaction from Christopher in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I agree that this is something that happens, but I didn't detect too much of it in Captain Marvel.  And I was reluctant to see this movie, because of the lead actress' comments.  Her quote was pretty much targeted right at me, saying "hey massey, don't see this film, it's not for you".  My response on things like that is generally "okay, I won't".  But I wanted to be prepared for Endgame.
    --Carol Danvers was one of my least favorite characters in the comics.  I had no interest in seeing a movie about her.
    --I'd never heard of Brie Larson before, so she had no star power appeal for me.  Her comments made me want to see it even less.
    --The previews that I saw didn't strike me as interesting either.  Just looked like a generic comic book movie.
    --I didn't talk to anybody who had seen it who just loved it.
    --I was worried that we'd get a lot of man-hating girl power stuff.
    --I was afraid they'd take this character I didn't really like and have her ruin Endgame.
    For those reasons, my interest level was at an all-time low.  But... Endgame.  So I went to see it anyway.  And fortunately, I think most of my worries were unfounded.  The movie was not too bad, on par with some of the mid-tier Marvel films.  It was roughly the level of a Thor.  It was a Marvel origin film that had too much CGI in the ending.  I saw the twist coming from a million miles away.  Some of the comedy seemed kind of forced.  I'll agree with people who say it felt a lot like a 90s action movie.  I thought there were flashes of Independence Day and Men in Black.  Now, I like 90s action movies, so that's not really a bad thing, but it did feel kinda dated.
    Overall, I liked it okay.  I didn't feel offended by anything, I wasn't upset by it.  It was just something to watch for two hours, and I hope her role in Endgame is pretty limited.
  17. Like
    massey got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I agree that this is something that happens, but I didn't detect too much of it in Captain Marvel.  And I was reluctant to see this movie, because of the lead actress' comments.  Her quote was pretty much targeted right at me, saying "hey massey, don't see this film, it's not for you".  My response on things like that is generally "okay, I won't".  But I wanted to be prepared for Endgame.
    --Carol Danvers was one of my least favorite characters in the comics.  I had no interest in seeing a movie about her.
    --I'd never heard of Brie Larson before, so she had no star power appeal for me.  Her comments made me want to see it even less.
    --The previews that I saw didn't strike me as interesting either.  Just looked like a generic comic book movie.
    --I didn't talk to anybody who had seen it who just loved it.
    --I was worried that we'd get a lot of man-hating girl power stuff.
    --I was afraid they'd take this character I didn't really like and have her ruin Endgame.
    For those reasons, my interest level was at an all-time low.  But... Endgame.  So I went to see it anyway.  And fortunately, I think most of my worries were unfounded.  The movie was not too bad, on par with some of the mid-tier Marvel films.  It was roughly the level of a Thor.  It was a Marvel origin film that had too much CGI in the ending.  I saw the twist coming from a million miles away.  Some of the comedy seemed kind of forced.  I'll agree with people who say it felt a lot like a 90s action movie.  I thought there were flashes of Independence Day and Men in Black.  Now, I like 90s action movies, so that's not really a bad thing, but it did feel kinda dated.
    Overall, I liked it okay.  I didn't feel offended by anything, I wasn't upset by it.  It was just something to watch for two hours, and I hope her role in Endgame is pretty limited.
  18. Like
    massey got a reaction from RDU Neil in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I don't like the idea that criticizing 40 year olds is gerontophobic.  I strongly reject this idea.  Please, please God let it not be true.  You know some people say that 40 is the new 20.
  19. Sad
    massey reacted to Toxxus in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    You are seven years older than Jesus.  Deal with it! 
  20. Like
    massey got a reaction from Toxxus in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    I don't like the idea that criticizing 40 year olds is gerontophobic.  I strongly reject this idea.  Please, please God let it not be true.  You know some people say that 40 is the new 20.
  21. Like
    massey reacted to Christopher in Clue Aversion   
    That is very true. Questions never go beyond "who is the villain?", "what is the villains plan?" and "where is the villain so I can punch him to stop him?"
    And even those questions are usually designed so the Heroes can not fail to solve them.
    I mean if the heroes somehow manage to fail all 3 questions, the villain will reveal himself (and his plan) publically in short order. If nothing else, to brag and lament how dull the heroes are
    His solution is usually to start a rampage and have other superheroes solve the Mystery so they can calm him down with the solution. "Playing to your strenghts" and all that
  22. Like
    massey reacted to Starlord in But I did not swear!   
    Yosemite Sam is the greatest 'clean' cusser in the history of cussing.  Learn from his example.
  23. Like
    massey reacted to dsatow in Clue Aversion   
    OK, I've had situations like this and this is how I handled it in a campaign.  YMMV.
    PS: It's a lot harder in CON games or games where you have little say over what the players bring (like say a communally GM'd campaign).
    1) If you are going to have mysteries in your group, make sure your players know that there will be mysteries to solve.  They will tend to buy up their INT and deduction skills and possibly buy things like forensics and criminology. 
    2) Never have them roll to spot evidence or never tell them what they need to make it by.  Just have everyone roll perception and tell them to tell you how much they make or miss it by.  If they all fail, then simply say there was a bonus to their perception modifier (make up something like "Your experience in super power combat gives a bonus the police don't have in ordinary crime.") and the players who made it the closest are the ones who spotted the clue.
    3) If they continue to ignore the plight of the DNPC, kill the DNPC.  Yes, that is correct.  Kill the DNPC (or effectively eliminate the NPC from the game).  Its an NPC, or effectively your character, not the players.  I can see the NPC getting into serious trouble and no longer wanting to be their DNPC.  In the situation you describe, you could give the player 1 last chance.  The DNPC is supposed to have a date with the hero but doesn't show up and doesn't tell him about breaking the date.  If he goes to her apartment, she's not there and the villain is burning her apartment down. Stopping the villain will lead to the question of where is she.  If he doesn't care, that's fine; she's gone.  If you don't want her dead, she is rescued by another superhero (one who will annoy the hero) whom she has fallen in love with.  Make the player get a different NPC or buy off the complication.  If its a second reporter, well people in the industry do like to gossip and the player though, handsome, rich, and smart, never seemed to pay much attention to his last girlfriend...
    4) The two skills most heroes need, especially if the players are a bit clueless to your mechanizations is deduction and tactics.  Deduction is great for "Hey, this is the plot thread!" rolls and Tactics is good for "You ain't gonna win!" rolls.  Apply rule #2 to these rolls as well.
    5) Recap adventures in the beginning of the session.  Most players don't take notes.  They don't remember what happened last adventure let alone the one, one or two adventures ago.  Emphasize the clues they have found. 
    6) Even with all these things, players can be dense.  Auto pilot them. If you ended with their discovery of the burning car, the next adventure auto pilot them, by saying, "Last adventure, you found someone's body in your girlfriend's car.  In your concern for her safety, you go to her place and check up on her where she leads to this startling confession 'I think someone might be trying to kill me.'"  If they still aren't biting, go to #3.
  24. Like
    massey got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in An Energy Blast That Gets More Powerful With Distance   
    Aha, very true.
    You are perfectly free to play the game however you want, and even to alter the limitations as you wish.  I'm not coming over to your house to tell you that you're doing it wrong.  Your group shouldn't worry about what I think (likewise, I don't pay a bit of attention to what many people here say  ).
    As I said using way too many words up above, refiguring the cost of published limitations is probably going overboard.  There are exceptions of course.  "Only under a full moon" would probably be something like a -2.  However, if you are playing The Adventures of Captain Werewolf, and every game session is set at night during the full moon, then it may just be a -0.  It's not that the character can transform whenever he wants, it's just that the "camera" is never on him except during those times.  The player will never be affected by the limitation, because you skip over all the boring human parts.
  25. Like
    massey reacted to Trencher in Captain Marvel with spoilers   
    It does not matter if a character is smug or confident or insecure or afraid. What matter is if its done well in the movie. Its all subjective. 
    I think lot of the apprehension against Cpt Marvel comes from people thinking she will fly into Avengers Endgame as a deus ex machina and one shot Thanos while all the other heroes the fans have grown to love over ten years stand by twiddling their thumbs. 
    I really doubt that. I am very sure that it will be a cooperative effort from all involved and each one will be an important part of the final victory. 
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