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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: The cranky thread Now that you've ripped someone's throat out?
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Can there also be ice cream? I like ice cream.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Why is Microsoft still running Mojave ads when the Mojave experiment backfired so badly?
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Better to be teh funneh than to be teh bunneh, methinks.
  5. Re: A Game Of Questions Should I be offended by that question?
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Maybe not the best ever, but surely in the top 0.000001%. Unless owls eat their young, I can't remember.
  7. Re: A Game Of Questions Aren't time zones arbitrary and artificial constructs that have little to do with Time?
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings YMMV but I find nothing remotely sexual about breastfeeding. They get really hard, and they leak.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hope hope hope! Also, breastfeeding is not automatic. There is a learning curve and there can be complications. Don't know if you were planning on it, but if so, you've been warned. Remember, you can always pump and bottle feed and get the same benefit. You're going to have to pump anyway.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings As someone who's been kicked upstairs into management, I have a real appreciation for how difficult the job can be. Often--in fact, usually--I feel that I'm not up to the task. I am much better at working with machines than with people. But then I read about what other managers are like and I realize that maybe I have a long way to go to reach the top, but the bottom is a long way off too.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings You'll also want to stock up on burp cloths (i.e. clean rags), zinc-based diaper cream, and takeout menus from every decent eatery within ten miles. Also, if you're having a girl, you might consider using a spray bottle of water to clean up as well as wipes; the wipes can't reach all the way into every nook and cranny. Is the gamer gene recessive or dominant?
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Did the official exhibit trembling shock?
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings Ah, she posted in the cranky thread. Yeah, definitely encountered someone with issues. She's better off working elsewhere. Can you imagine living with that kind of paranoia for the duration of your employment?
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings I don't know, but my guess is Alice's intelligence and common sense somehow offended or frightened someone higher up in the organization.
  15. Re: The cranky thread Towels, plastic bags, antiseptic, band-aids, spray bottle full of water, more water, probably a tourniquet...
  16. Re: The cranky thread Head wounds bleed profusely. My aforementioned toddler already did a header out of the back of a (parked) pickup truck. Just a bump, but that day we learned that head trauma gets you looked at first in the ER.
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings "Vancouver, Vancouver, this is it!" I read an article where the winningest countries, on a medals-per-capita basis, were Jamaica and Australia. By that measure, China lost badly despite its nationwide Olympic-athlete-factory program.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, the Olympics are over, and despite having six HD channels of Olympic coverage I still feel like I didn't get to see anything different. Four of those channels were dedicated to boxing.* The other two were the gymnastics and Michael Phelps channels. I did get to see quite a bit of women's beach volleyball, which is always nice, and the early U.S. women's sabre sweep meant I got to see some fencing. But I saw no tae kwon do, no judo, and virtually no decathlon. Once again, despite the modern technology that should have enabled it, I was not given the option of watching what events I wanted to watch. *Ordinarily I like boxing, but the headgear required in Olympic boxing really screws it up. There is virtually no chance of a KO and, really, no incentive to hit hard. The resulting sport is... silly.
  19. Re: A Game Of Questions Has anyone else seen Scary Spice on Dancing With the Stars? Is she hot or what?
  20. Re: The cranky thread Then I had to come into the office, and I still have to kind of hold back the tears when I think about it. And you know, the kid's not even sick, but we need to find out what his allergies are before we find out the hard way. I don't need a replay of the peanut butter sandwich incident.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Had to hold my three year old down for a blood draw this morning. His veins are small. Ten extremely long minutes while he struggled and pleaded to be let go.
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