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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing It was Dude, in the Study, with the Thing.
  2. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Nooooo you don't kill the thing. You want to take the thing and love the thing....
  3. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing No, no, no. We're supposed to kill the Thing and the Dude at the same time.
  4. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Yes. The Thing. With the Dude. Kill the Thing with the Dude.
  5. Re: Cost of Elven Silver Well just because a weapon is great doesn't mean everybody will want one. AK-47 is good but not great, but it is dirt cheap and ammo is everywhere so everybody wants one.
  6. Re: Non-humanoid races? http://www.starfrontiers.com/rules/ Somewhere in there are non-humanoid races.
  7. Re: Centaur Martial Arts Did you guys NOT play Golden Axe, The Revenge of Death Adder?
  8. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing That was awesome. I'd give you a hot chick, but then I'd get banned again.
  9. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Either that or a recipe for rodent overpopulation.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Wow, they have medication for that now? Huh.
  11. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Do you?
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings According to the Gamilaraay online dictionary, "sky man" would translate as something like "gunagala wanda". (Old man is "waayamaa".) Who knew there were so many aboriginal Australian languages?
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings If you keep doing that, your face will freeze that way.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh please. The Aussies would come up with the best term ever, like "wangarangs" or "dooflidgerrididjerries".
  15. Re: The cranky thread That sucks. Is it treatable?
  16. Re: A Game Of Questions Wasn't that awesome? Did anyone else think the Chinese women's badminton player was hot?
  17. Re: Musings on Random Musings Why the smiley? That's exactly right. The astronomers I was working with back when HST was in development spent a lot of time wailing and gnashing their teeth because it was going to be launched on the shuttle, which meant it'd be in LEO. Exposure times would be shorter, there would be thermal, gravitational, and reflectivity interference issues with Earth, orbital decay, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria, etc. In my experience the only thing astronomers hated more than the shuttle was the ISS.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Meh. Time to replace Hubble with something better anyway.
  19. Re: A Game Of Questions Did you just call Psybolt a queen?
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Did the coup attempt start yet? No? Okay, then, well, forget I said anything.
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions They have no brains? No intelligence? No common sense? No decency?
  22. Re: The cranky thread *snort* Uh, yeah?
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I pretty much knew I would hate this job when I took it. Now I'm being demoted, technically, but I won't have to put up with as much crap from people, and I'm not taking a pay cut, and I won't have to travel as much, and I won't have to move, and I'll have less responsibility. So why do I feel as though I've failed?
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings That was a great show! But I guess only you and I liked it, given how long it stayed on the air. I didn't know demons could possess each other.
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