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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Military Spacecraft Designations Yeah, but what are you going to call the big ships?
  2. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. But still probably illegal, which was the point of my post.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Yesterday the Catholic priest said that pregnant women faced with a choice between abortion and death, should choose death. I give him credit for having the balls to say that out loud, but I couldn't help but think his words might have carried more weight if he were a woman. Oh, wait...
  4. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. More importantly, just because it's classified as an ultralight does not give you the right to land it in on the sidewalk in front of your downtown office.
  5. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! Getting back to the thread title... I figure xenomorph would have to be fixed with a lot of sugar, to neutralize the acidity. Then stir fried until caramelized, maybe with some sprouts and snap peas.
  6. Re: The Necrinomicon That was worth a rep.
  7. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. I actually seriously considered getting one of these for about five minutes, until I realized it has the same problems that motorcycles do, which are 1) rain and 2) death. Also, I'm not in New Zealand, and I don't have $100k lying around.
  8. Re: Predators vs. Military Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.
  9. Re: Spear-based Martial Arts Ah. Well if we're making something up... - a long-range strike, with the wielder gripping the very back end of the spear... guess this'd be defensive strike - a throw, where the wielder tangles up the target's limbs and uses the leverage to fling the victim - pole vaulting, possibly in conjunction with a high-damage kick or movethrough - twirling the spear to make a sort of autofire slashing attack - twirling the spear to deflect missiles Also, if you have time, see if you can find fight scenes from "Musa the warrior" on youtube. Based in Asia, but the spear combat seems more cinematic than kung fu.
  10. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Exposure is easy! You just have to make sure there's no cops around. Not that I would, uh, know... Nice photos, BTW. Good composition. And I know how hard wildlife photography can be--after all I have two kids.
  11. Re: Predators vs. Military I'm putting you in charge of finding that out.
  12. Re: Laser launched rockets If by "scaling up" you mean "weaponize", I'm all for it.
  13. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. That's enough to get me to the office. I'm surprised it has no wings for gliding purposes.
  14. Re: Spear-based Martial Arts KS beat me to it... the Greeks were really big on one-to-one spear tactics, often in conjunction with the shield. Lots of overhand usage (to get over opponent shields).
  15. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. Whee!
  16. Re: Borg vs. Xenomorphs I think the Borg would figure out how to assimilate aliens after a few tries. The bigger question is whether the embryos can be implanted, and whether the Borg could resist that... Or if they'd want to resist it. It's nit hard to imagine a Borg cube voluntarily sacrificing its weak mostly-human population for assimilated xenomorphs.
  17. Re: More cross-genre goodiness: The Predator vs. a Jedi I think the Predator furries are more likely to have actual blades on them, so I'd put my money on them.
  18. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! Kids don't need a reason to do anything. Trust me on this. Number Two Boy literally taught himself to crawl for the sole purpose of investigating the power outlet in his room. He had to have it. He just had to.
  19. Re: Company cleared to sell jetpacks to comuters in New Zealand. ...so, does it take a license of any kind to fly a jetpack? *looks up nervously*
  20. Re: Interesting entry at Rocketpunk Manifesto (and a question for Star Hero GM's) I think you left out black hole drives, though they'd really be all-or-nothing. IIRC the SDF-1's jump drives were actually used (accidentally) as a WMD in Macross. And lifeboat thrusters are good to have around for when you blow an Alien out of the goddamn airlock. Like I said. Oh, and Orion, but I think that may have been discussed in another thread or three.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Good to hear it's not fatal yet.
  22. Re: More cross-genre goodiness: The Predator vs. a Jedi Judging by the prequels, the rule of 2 isn't helping with that.
  23. Re: The cranky thread Cancer is Thor! I hope it turns out to be nothing, Collie.
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