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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? Actually eating live kobolds is safer than eating dead ones IIRC. Of course for this to even be an option one must be polymorphed into something with a strong stomach, like a xorn or pudding.
  2. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Taxes are done!
  3. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? I think that describes Nethack perfectly. In fact I still use the term "nethack" as an adjective meaning "grossly unfair".
  4. Re: So, "Shields" are back on the list of "Possible Near Future Tech"... Be a really tough sniper to fire it. For kinetic penetrators, the Telegraph article mentions the development of holey Super Bainite armor, which actually interests me more than the "shield". Projectiles striking this will usually hit close enough to a hole to cause them to yaw, reducing their penetration, and of course the holes make the armor a bit lighter as well.
  5. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? No, you cannot. But I always hated the damn dog. It nearly always gets in the way when I'm trying to flee.
  6. Re: Great weird/cthulhu/strange/occult/fringe/conspiracy game resource Crime really did not pay for that guy. Probably the most creepy of the other ones is the mystery feet. Because that one involves multiple dead people.
  7. Re: So, "Shields" are back on the list of "Possible Near Future Tech"... I'm having a hard time getting that one past my BS detector. I wish the article had gone into greater detail about the physics involved.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Sounds like Microsoft has done you a favor.
  9. Re: VSS Enterprise completes her first captive carry That thing is funny looking, but nice to look at, all at the same time.
  10. Re: Great weird/cthulhu/strange/occult/fringe/conspiracy game resource That list doesn't include the bomb collar bank robber. edit: My bad, that one's been solved.
  11. Re: Xenomorphs vs Cobras Thanks to this thread, I constantly picture xenomorphs rushing into combat shoulder to shoulder with the forces of G.I. Joe. Against that Cobra, whose members can't shoot anything, ever, it seems like a slam dunk win for the xenomorphs.
  12. Re: Project Orion/Project Daedalus Yeah, that video has it backwards. You need high impulse (bombs) for launch, and low impulse (ion/plasma) once you're out of the gravity well.
  13. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy Man, I wish those were higher resolution. I need new wallpaper.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "Look, Daddy! My poops are as long as two fire trucks!" "Uh huh. Wow. That's a lot of poop, kid." *grunt* "Look, now they're as long as three fire trucks!" "You don't say." "I have four more poops left, Daddy. Maybe five." "Should I get you a Twitter account?" "What's a Twitter?" "I'm sure you'll figure that out before I do."
  15. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy Chinese got a lotta hells, Jack.
  16. Re: Predators vs. You Early trailer for Predators is up at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f77rFJD00kg . Doesn't show us much predator though.
  17. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? What do you do with a dog in a dungeon What do you do with a dog in a dungeon What do you do with a dog in a dungeon Er-lye in the morning?
  18. Re: Jokes Log-man got that drunk?
  19. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Sanderson has the chops. Elantris was very good, and I understand his Mistborn series was highly acclaimed. Too bad I am totally uninterested in starting a 12-book (so far) series.
  20. Re: Predators vs. You You can't shoot a kid with that in a crowded movie theater! A .357 would really overpenetrate and might hit someone else. Besides, there are too many witnesses!
  21. Re: Predators vs. You You left out the high school kid with the laser pointer.
  22. Re: Predators vs. You Well, ruthless killers such as myself would empathize with everyone. I mean no one. Wait...
  23. http://www.wired.com/underwire/2010/03/sxsw-predators/ Upcoming new Predator movie. Really minor spoilers, I guess, though it gives away less than the trailers will.
  24. Re: Save the American Space Program?! I was doing research on the F-35 and accidentally came across this awesome analysis of cost overruns and scheduling for large projects, especially as it pertains to NASA. To sum up: Large projects nearly always go over budget and schedule; have been since the late 1800s; organizations are insufficiently motivated to fix it; people are psychologically predisposed to underestimate costs. http://www.scribd.com/doc/14857058/NASAs-Joint-CostSchedule-Paradox-A-History-of-Denial-Final-41609
  25. Re: The cranky thread Why have you been talking to my wife on the phone?
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