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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! Look, this species is worth millions to the bio-weapons division, right? Now if you're smart, we can all come out of this heroes, and we'll be set up for life! We'll be able to get all the Hero 6th books we want!
  2. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! This is clearly an important species we're dealing with, and, I don't think you or I or anybody has the right to arbitrarily... exterminate them.
  3. Re: I love me some xenomorphs!
  4. Re: Science gives me a Hadron! If it's the SNL one, then yeah, that's where I got it from.
  5. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! I still find them rather terrifying. The things are huge and sharp and full of acid, and it takes a heavy caliber full automatic weapon to bring one down... if you see it in time. Just one of them is more fearsome than most modern-day horror movie antagonists. Given the choice of facing a xenomorph or a psychotic, quasi-supernatural axe murderer, I'll take the axe murderer, simply because my inevitable death will be relatively quick compared to what'll happen to me in the xenomorph nest.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The man responsible for Battlefield Earth has apologized for his actions! http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/movies/penned_the_suckiest_movie_ever_sorry_MdXedZpTMWJmfpw80Xc7aO/0 I never saw the film, but I have a hard time believing it was worse than Dungeon Siege In The Name Of The King.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Kick somebody in the head. It works for me.
  8. Re: Science gives me a Hadron! Yeah, but did they find the damn boson yet? Because they better.
  9. Re: Characters from the Max Max Trilogy of films I know a guy who spent three weeks in the ICU after stepping out of a golf cart. That said, many stunts were filmed at speed, but many--especially the ones involving people climbing around on the vehicles--were not, and you can tell just by looking. Don't get me wrong, Mad Max 2 still stands as one of the best vehicle-stunt movies ever made, it's just that they weren't stupid about it.
  10. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! I remember playing the boardgame until we wore it out. Nothing like having everyone at the table cry "Wierzbowski! Wierzbowski!" whenever he got munched (which was every game).
  11. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! That's pretty much what their existence is for. They are the equivalent of zombies, robots, or Nazis in their respective genres--faceless but extremely dangerous antagonists. We don't care about the xenomorph's motivations. It's a bug for chrissakes. They are basically there to threaten the heroes and generate some interesting interactions among them. What sets them apart is that they are relatively badass even against heavily armed heroes, and the really horrible things that happen to people they capture. Now to go back to the computer game realm, they become very interesting POV characters, simply because they use stealth and hand-to-hand as opposed to the usual frenetic run and shoot gameplay that dominates the FPS genre. I think I can count the number of good sneaky FPS games on one hand.
  12. Re: Xenomorphs vs Cobras Which is why Cobras sound pretty lame, from a storytelling point of view. If they're basically just riding around in their cybernetic bodies while the computer kills everything in range, there would seem to be no skill involved, no risk to Mary Sue Cobra. I'm sure there's more to it, obviously I haven't read the books, but they do seem to be a roundabout way of just nuking the xenomorphs from orbit.
  13. Re: Xenomorphs vs Cobras
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just lost an hour looking for competitive information out on the net. What a rabbit hole. Next time I'll take the blue pill.
  15. Re: Characters from the Max Max Trilogy of films
  16. Re: Xenomorphs vs Cobras I never said the Cobras couldn't do it, just that it was more complicated than "you don't want to close". Of course you don't want to close with something that's made out of fangs and acid. But they're not going to expose themselves to 10mm explosive tipped caseless standard light armor piercing rounds either, if they can help it.
  17. Re: Xenomorphs vs Cobras The only problem with that line of reasoning is that xenomorphs tend not to cluster on featureless desert plains waiting to get picked off by air strikes or other long range fire support. They sneak in to your fusion-reactor-based atmosphere processing station and kill a dozen colonists before anyone even knows they're there, and now Cobra or whoever has to go in there and take out a whole nest of the things in close quarters. Or you can take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, but you don't need Cobras for that.
  18. Re: Great weird/cthulhu/strange/occult/fringe/conspiracy game resource I think it was fear and panic, actually.
  19. Re: Jokes Who's feeling me up?!
  20. Re: What's in a name? "Vironoid". Also in Japanese, the suffix is -jin, so it would be "Vironjin". Both singular and plural, so it would go "stay away from that dude, he's Vironjin". Actually it'd be "Bironjin", the Japanese have no V.
  21. Re: Arabian Knights Hm, now what did I do with my Campaign Classics Arabian Nights?
  22. Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves My money's on the werewolves. Even with the spread.
  23. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! Harry Potter and the Missing Colonists of LV426
  24. Re: I love me some xenomorphs! A short book, I take it?
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