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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Where Pulp Is Now But how will we know they're there?
  2. Old Man


    Re: Dragons Yeah, going back to evil destructive greedy dragons seems kind of counterculture nowadays.
  3. Re: Question about "classic" Star Hero. Yeah, either that year or the year before. I remember scratching my head wondering why they would instantly obsolete SH like that.
  4. Old Man


    Re: Dragons Oo! Oo! Does it also have stuff besides stats, like combat vs. dragons, riding dragons, riding dragons in combat, stuff like that?
  5. Re: Where Pulp Is Now That would rock! Now we just need to add pirates and zombies.
  6. Re: The Scale of the Universe Suppress is cheaper. It comes with an AOE.
  7. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... You mean like this? http://io9.com/5574830/a-musical-version-of-conan-the-barbarian-that-must-be-seen-to-be-believed
  8. Old Man


    Re: Dragons Dragons are always favorite adversaries because you know that if you can bring it down, kewl lewtz await! In actuality PC-dragon combat always annoyed me since it is often handled badly. Logically a flying critter the size of a two story building armed with a breath weapon should be almost invincible simply because you can't reach it. Even on the ground, it should be hard to reach any hit location on the thing that isn't 7-8 or 14-18. I never did figure out a good way to modelthat in-game.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Meanwhile, tank full, valves open, fire small. Om very mad.
  10. Re: The cranky thread We have a few of those around here. Trust me, no matter how irritated you are, you'd be even angrier if you have little kids in the house, like I do.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Borders/Starbucks: dialup speed wireless, lots of power outlets. McDonald's: unreal fast wireless, no outlets. Barnes & Noble: decent wireless, deliberately removed outlets. WTF?
  12. Re: Nazis. On Dinosaurs. Just add something original, like having the Nazis come from the secret moon base at http://www.ironsky.net... oh wait.
  13. Re: The Scale of the Universe So we have a scale, how much does the universe weigh? I'll bet it could stand to lose a few pounds.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The coilovers are in! w00t!
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That list is wrong. I'm pretty sure you can get the Wendy's Triple Baconator with the additional patty option. edit: That Chili's spicy burger looks really good.
  16. Re: Where Pulp Is Now Oh, come on. Remember that big flamewar we had here a few months back about the definition of pulp? Wasn't that fun?
  17. Old Man


    Re: Zeppelins Yeah, you might damage the ground.
  18. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... According to Infallible Wikipedia, he's a 50-year-old bodybuilder.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "EEEEEE-YAAAAHHH!!! NINJA COWBOY!!!!" "I don't know where you got that, kid, but it's awesome."
  20. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. A solid, unconventional, medium-weight fantasy novel that revolves around an unusual magic system.* First of a trilogy, but a standalone book in its own right. The ending comes surprisingly quickly. I get the impression that Sanderson is of the damn-the-torpedoes school of writing, as opposed to the outline-everything-first technique. But here, at least, the resulting story is pretty tight, with most major loose ends sewn up (the others presumably being left for the sequels). Characterization is pretty good, at least for a limited number of main characters. Definitely recommended; looking forward to the next two books (which are already out). *Based on the ingestion and use of metals as fuel for different magical abilities. This is one magic system that should be pretty easy to model in Hero, especially with its limited range of powers, so far anyway.
  21. Re: Build a Pleasure Planet
  22. Re: Build a Pleasure Planet
  23. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress..... That and the attitude.
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