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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Your favorite SF gear. If you have a towel, then you must also have peril sensitive sunglasses.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Hey I got it coming out the other end, so I sympathize.
  3. Re: Fantasy locations that should be real Is that Farmer or Chalker? And, no, I am not brave enough to go through the Well of Souls.
  4. Re: The cranky thread I am told that lower back pain is sometimes the result of weak abdominals, and that 40-50 leg lifts a night help a lot with that. YMMV. As for my own cranky, I let the yard go too long again, so I broke out the weed whacker. Only to discover that the long grass was harboring zillions of big African snails, which also got whacked, covering me in a nice even layer of snail guts.
  5. Re: Your favorite SF gear. I'm not sure why the bigger blister blaster is the backup blister blaster.
  6. Re: Your favorite SF gear. Lynch didn't like the movie either, to the point where he had his name taken off of it. In several cuts directing credit is given to Alan Smithee.
  7. Re: Your favorite SF gear. Examples I like from canon include: M41A pulse rifle with 10mm explosive tipped caseless standard light armor piercing rounds and over-and-under 30mm pump action grenade launcher (Aliens) --because I like basic full automatic slugthrowers over ray guns Phased plasma rifle in the 40W range (Terminator) --unless the ray guns are full auto Weirding modules (Dune) --because not just anyone can use one Tron discs (the first Tron) --an effective weapon that isn't a gun or a sword! Powered armor (Starship Troopers) --this is a lie. I hated this book. Examples I like from gaming include: Sack full of laser pistols (Star Frontiers) --because you can dial them all the way up to fire the entire power pack as one huge 10d10 shot that will kill or cripple anything in the game FGMP (Traveller) --I believe the Fusion Gun Man Portable is just about the most firepower one person can carry in any SF game I've seen Psi Helmets (Traveller) --Elegant and effective. Except for the elegant part. But whatever. Noise Marine Sonic Blaster (WH40K) --Killing good guys with the power of ROCK. Waaay too overpowered.
  8. Re: Fantasy locations that should be real If by "the power" you mean "Teela", then I'm right there with you.
  9. Re: The cranky thread You'd think the manufacturer would be able to correctly configure their own equipment. Wrong!
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings No, no, no. He needs an active suspension, steel belted solid tires, armored wheelguards (rear) and wheelhubs (front), a three-space turret with a variable fire rocket pod and zero-space targeting laser, a targeting computer, and a ram plate. And since hazards stack, a heavy duty oil jet would go perfectly with the ice and snow.
  11. Re: A Game Of Questions Can I help it if I only drop into this thread once in a while?
  12. Re: A Game Of Questions Is that an antler? Or should I be grossed out?
  13. Re: The cranky thread You got married when you were five?!
  14. Re: The cranky thread You should come visit. Just not this weekend, it's supposed to rain.
  15. Re: The cranky thread "Kicked in the butt"? I myself have noticed the arrival of Holiday Driver season. Which is even more fun with kids in the car.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Yes, I've found that the supermarket is the place where you need to make your EGO roll. If there are no Twinkies in your house you won't eat them. And never go to the supermarket hungry. My weakness is lunch. Usually I must eat out because of work, and for some reason I am always fearful of ordering too little. And if I'm having to eat lunch late and I'm really hungry, it's all over.
  17. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Dreamt that I was working as some kind of network tech, going from building to building replacing old routers. Anytime I unplugged an old dusty router, the ghosts that were haunting it would emerge. These took the form of very transparent skulls, like x-rays floating in the air. I would have to grab them with my hands, which somehow worked even though I couldn't feel them, and stuff them in a bag. This all happened in broad daylight with people walking around, so I guess it wasn't out of the ordinary.
  18. Re: General Atomics electromagnetic rail cannon Fixed.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings For a few months now I've had a hard time repping people because of the spread-around limitation. Which is odd, because I think I rep a lot of different people.
  20. Re: One Sun, Many Sungods? I see three ways to go about this. One is to have one overall pantheon that is basically static but whose members are referred to by different names depending on the religion. So the all-father god would be variously known as Odin, Zeus, or Jupiter, depending on where you were, while the sea god would be called Aegir, Poseidon, or Neptune. You could change this up a bit and have Poseidon/Aegir be more powerful among practitioners of the island-peoples' religion than in the religion of the mountain-people. But overall you would have one pantheonic structure. The second, weirder, way would be for religion to be mortals' uncomprehending perceptions of incomprehensible divine forces. Because mortals can't possibly understand the true nature of these forces, their will perceives them to take the form of gods and goddesses, and the perceptions, if not the forces themselves, are shaped by religion. As a religion gets stronger in followers and faith, the divine forces it relates to take on a more and more definite form and increase in power. So while two mortals perceive two different sun gods, those gods are nothing more than different perceptions of the same force or even different forces. In game terms this would be practically meaningless, it just means that mana is mana no matter which cleric you're playing. The third way, which I think of as "JLA theology", would be for each pantheon to have its own structure and members who may or may not have analogues in other pantheons. They would play a lot like high-powered superhero/villain groups, usually teamed up with one another but on occasion you might see the Divine League of Ambria join forces with the Divine Society of Ambria to defeat the Legion of the Divine. There might even be reason for the sea gods of all the pantheons to join up to fight all the sun gods, though ordinarily there would be something that discourages that and causes gods with similar powers to join separate groups.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Are you self-medicating before or after you drive home?
  22. Re: Musings on Random Musings Good luck lemming. It's good that they caught it early.
  23. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Grats Iuz! In other news, I beat Civilization Revolution on deity level. Tech victory.
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings Congrats Chad! Cisco course material is not exactly known for being easy.
  25. Re: Quick question about oxygen! I recommend using nitrous oxide as the buffer gas.
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