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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "Eeew! Why did you fart on me?!" "That's how I distract my prey!"
  2. Re: The cranky thread I didn't say impossible. It is a question of relative probabilities.
  3. Re: The cranky thread No one could be this incompetent on purpose. It has to be sabotage.
  4. Re: Game World Economy In "reality" of course this would cause all sorts of inflation problems, but I'm generally not interested in modeling inflation in a fantasy game. More interesting would be the unsavory types that would swarm all over the area as soon as rumors of the hoard got out. I really prefer beastly, if cunning, dragons for this reason.
  5. Re: I hope we have cooler looking cars than this in the future. Rockets. Guided by the laser.
  6. Re: Game World Economy One thing I got from the movies was the idea of a royal-issued letter of credit, which would be a plausible sort of precursor to checks or paper money, and which would solve some of the encumbrance issues. It would also help require that the characters stay on good terms with whoever issued the letter, which might or might not factor into campaign plot elements.
  7. Re: Game World Economy Well, if you drink it, it'll transform you all right.
  8. Re: Game World Economy It really depends on the campaign. Lighter, more swashbuckling games I'd use the gold piece standard. Dark Sun, one of my favorite published settings, of course used water. For more in depth games, I like the added flavor of using different currencies. Especially since you can use them as plot points, i.e. why is this supposed brigand's purse full of Darian gold talents? Regardless, I tend not to sweat the actual economics of a fantasy world. As long as there nothing glaringly weird about it, rich areas are rich and poor areas are poor because I say so.
  9. Re: I hope we have cooler looking cars than this in the future. A pretty good roundup of the current future of passenger vehicles at http://jalopnik.com/5731884/these-are-tomorrows-cars-today .
  10. Re: Non-lethal melee weapons It seems to me that any such weapon is going to be defined as a HTH NND, so at that point you're talking special effect. I'd go with some kind of nerve shock/deadening effect, kind of like what happens when you hit your funny bone or your foot goes to sleep. Only worse. Or you define it as locationless, causing some kind of nerve feedback that goes up to the CNS and shuts it down.
  11. Re: I hope we have cooler looking cars than this in the future. It's likely, given that there were apparently versions of that car built with an all-carbon fiber chassis. That is an SLR McLaren, which, ironically, came out in '02 or '03 and was discontinued last year... so it's not a future car. It is being replaced by the SLS. This vehicle is out of my price range.
  12. Re: I hope we have cooler looking cars than this in the future.
  13. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Poor Dude. Poor, poor Dude.
  14. Re: Grand Master of Paek-Tu Your Paek-Tu "Hit Location" paragraph is cut and pasted from the preceding NAGINATAJUTSU/SOJUTSU/YARIJUTSU.
  15. Re: The cranky thread You shouldn't have bought your STR as a multipower ultra.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Money problems are certainly on pace to inflict ulcers and aneurysms on me in 3...2...1...
  17. Old Man

    Fantasy art

    Re: Fantasy art I... don't mind impractical armour on women.
  18. Re: Your favorite SF gear. I'm sure there's a field mod for that.
  19. Re: Shield-Sword! Hey, that's pretty good.
  20. Re: Shield-Sword! STR Min?
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions How do you know what your accountant tastes like?
  22. Re: Advice Required: Indistructible Force Field Isn't this in the rules already? I could have sworn that it was. Or am I confusing my editions again?
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