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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: The cranky thread Perps around here usually commute to the crime scene in stolen vehicles, or vehicles with stolen plates. Still, it's worth a shot.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings The GPL is indeed somewhat viral, but I feel compelled to point out that it wouldn't work any other way. Without the "viral" clause, you could take GPL code, change a variable name, and privatize it. Which is precisely what the authors of the GPL wanted to prevent.
  3. Re: LOTR thoughts Rings or not, any child spawned and raised by Sauron would have to be almost unimaginably evil. I'd envision her as being more of an in-person villain who accomplishes her evil through charm and deceit, though, as opposed to the nebulous big evil that her daddy was. She could pose as a great Eastern queen come to pay her respects to the returned King of Gondor now that Sauron has been defeated...
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Waiting for the meeting to start.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Time for another episode of Mystery Security Theater 3000: http://www.kitv.com/news/27048822/detail.html?source=htv
  6. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? You could almost do that now since sport pilot certificates (for flying light sport aircraft) are so easy to get. I think Terrafugia is shooting for their production convertiplane to be an LSA for this reason. There are still issues; the LSA definition specifically does not include any VTOL aircraft, and you can't fly "in furtherance of business" which may or may not preclude you from using it to commute to the office. But one of the biggest requirements for the sport pilot cert is a driver's license.
  7. Old Man


    Re: Zeppelins Usually that applies to UFOs and Bigfoot, but I suppose airships are rare enough to qualify.
  8. Re: The cranky thread I wouldn't mind so much when people don't get along with their family, except that I have to be treated to a detailed replay of every argument complete with waterworks.
  9. Re: A Game Of Questions Why does that sound like some kind of disease?
  10. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? Your private pilot's license isn't that hard to get. Flying a plane, especially a little Cessna, is actually pretty easy. The hard part is drilling for what to do in emergencies, plus learning navigation, meteorology, and handling the radio. Seriously, just about any Hero gamer ought to be capable of earning a private pilot certification, except for the cost of the lessons.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, it sucks being nocturnal.
  12. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? Dude, this would disqualify at least 90% of the drivers on the road. Which would be awesome.
  13. Re: How Fast an Horse can Go? Don't forget time to unsaddle/resaddle, brush down, feed, and water the thing at either end of the trip, and at each stop.
  14. Re: Steampunk - Source Material "Count Centigrade" is an awesome supervillain name.
  15. Re: LOTR thoughts What book is this from? I've never encountered this story before.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Destroyed many of the ligaments in my ankle once playing volleyball. Teammate and I went for the ball, neither of us called it, I got there first, his foot hit my leg and rolled my ankle with me going full speed. The resulting crunch echoed off the wood court floor so loudly that people at the other end of the gym cringed. Or so I hear. At the time I was busy howling in pain.
  17. Re: Post-WW3 campaign idea Certain ammunition types will be easier to remake than others. The 12-gauge shotgun is what I would consider the most prevalent and useful ammunition type in a post-apocalyptic environment. Pump shotguns are reliable, forgiving, and easy to maintain, every police department has them, and shotgun shells are easy to refill with powder and rocks. And it's the most popular type of ammunition for reloading, so it's easier to find a reloading bench. After 12-gauge, I'd expect the most common ammunition types to be 5.56mm (for M-16s), 7.62mm (for older military rifles and some hunting rifles), and then pistol calibers in 9mm, .38, and .45.
  18. Re: LOTR thoughts Why are girls always attracted to bad guys?
  19. Re: LOTR thoughts Well, he did set Shelob up with her own apartment...
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings That's actually pretty tame compared to my experience with historical discussions on the internet. There's the obvious controversies like Hiroshima and the Civil War and Vietnam, but there's also an awful lot of holocaust denial, revisionist history, conspiracy theories and other extreme violent wackiness out there.
  21. Re: The cranky thread What's stopping it?
  22. Re: Musings on Random Musings Welcome to the internet. You must be new here.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I really wish I could swear in these ****** ******* forums. It would feel so much better.
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