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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Star Trek: How dangerous are phasers? "You don't frighten us, Klingon pig-dogs! I fart in your general direction! Now go away before I am forced to taunt you a second time!"
  2. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. It appears to be a pretty original concept. Closest thing I could find on the gewgle is Triceraton, who of course shows up as a result of his association with the Turtles:
  3. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? Flying cars are by definition going to be "fiberglass boxes" or they aren't going to work. Air travel means light weight, especially if it's going to be operated someplace where downwash/jetwash needs to be minimized. My little Honda weighs more than any non-turboprop single engine plane I can find. Here we agree. Really widespread flying car use will not happen until autopilot and collision detection systems are perfected. That said, those systems are already pretty close to perfect--they're used every day in much larger, heavier aircraft that carry thousands of people daily. It's much easier to computerize flying than driving, simply because there's a lot less to run into. And the recent explosion of research into UAVs can't hurt. Meanwhile, for drivers of above average competence, sport pilot ratings aren't that hard to get. They're much harder than driver's licenses, with good reason, but I reiterate than any Hero gamer would make a perfectly good sport pilot. Operating an aircraft just isn't that hard unless there's an emergency situation. It's a lot like scuba diving in that regard.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "My triceratops is a ninja!!!"
  5. Re: What will it take to get some flying cars? No, light sport aircraft weigh a maximum of 1320 lbs. A Cessna 152 weighs 1600. Not "several tons". And these aircraft have large drag-inducing wings on them that often make it difficult for them to "plunge" out of the sky. It's not impossible to make them fly straight down at high speed, but they're not lawn darts. Not that GA aircraft aren't dangerous, or that the people flying them shouldn't be trained. But the dangers should not be overstated either.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Man, that's the worst. I prefer it, slightly, when they die on premises. When they just disappear you can't know what to do.
  7. Re: How Fast an Horse can Go? I understand there have been recent developments with polymer shoes epoxied on to the hoof, that are better all around than the steel type that's been in use since metal was invented.
  8. Re: PCs owning slaves: Do, or Don't? I'm thinking the answer to this question depends entirely on the maturity of the players. I've played with people who would make PC slave ownership an interesting and thought provoking roleplaying experience. And I've played with people who would have their PCs use slaves as meatshields, sources of illegal income, or food.
  9. Re: Star Trek: How dangerous are phasers? Egad. I just posted a rant about how SF weapons are less powerful than 20th century ones. What thread was that in?
  10. Re: Star Trek: How dangerous are phasers? There was one in STII:TWOK and, I think, one in the movie after that. I can't remember the Dustbusters being employed against anything organic in TNG.
  11. Re: How Fast an Horse can Go? There is video evidence of Kalahari persistence hunting on youtube. Perhaps it is faked, but I am not one to accuse David Attenborough of poor factchecking. I note that Kalahari hunters aren't hunting horses, though.
  12. Re: How Fast an Horse can Go? The meme predates the interwebz. I've been hearing it for decades. One of the sayings in my family is "How does an Apache catch a horse? He walks." (Not that that makes it true, but my point is that the idea has been around for a very long time.) My understanding is that capturing horses took days, not less than two hours as that man vs. horse "marathon" would suggest.
  13. Re: Star Trek: How dangerous are phasers? I don't think I've ever seen someone get injured from a phaser hit in the shows--not when it's set on kill anyway. They really seem to be all-or-nothing.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oo, DirecTV! You should hook up all your friends with sweet discounts before you bail out.
  15. Re: LOTR thoughts And even a slightly dialed-down campaign might be more interesting to KTDWTT players. One of the big criticisms of LOTR is that the primary antagonist, Sauron, is invisible--he just sits in his tower the whole time and goes poof when his bling heats up. At least Smaug, Shelob, the Balrog, and the Nazgul could be faced, if not defeated by anything less than a Maiar or a crossdresser.
  16. Re: 2 Planets found in same orbit So basically what you guys are saying is, their cloaking device is on, and they have antigravity tech.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Played golf today for the first time in about two decades. Remembered why I gave it up, but still had an okay time.
  18. Re: 2 Planets found in same orbit
  19. Re: The cranky thread Well, it was important so I figured I'd repeat myself...
  20. Re: How Fast an Horse can Go? Yeah, I'd be more interested in joining the Society for Performance of Cruelty to Halflings... ...and Ewoks.
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions Wouldn't you be the expert on that subject?
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