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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: The cranky thread Must be nice. Fortunately I don't have IBS or GERD yet, at least.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Lately I've found that I just can't eat the same stuff I used to be able to eat. I always have to be aware of whether I can afford to go into some kind of food coma after I eat, to which the answer is almost always no. The worst thing I can do is to allow myself to get really hungry, because then I overcompensate and eat a month's worth of food in one sitting, and then coma.
  3. Re: A Game Of Questions Isn't that much better? Do you think my earlier posts were excessively hostile? Is that a function of everything here having to be a question? Can I apologize for that anyway, if so?
  4. Re: Jokes The one I saw read: Jesus Saves Gretzky shoots, HE SCORES!!
  5. Re: A Game Of Questions How about we go back to posting pics of Jennifer Garner?
  6. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Isn't the Thing what makes the Dude a Dude? How can one be a Dude if one has no Thing?
  7. Re: A Game Of Questions Is there a ___ ing difference? Didn't I include enough ___s up there for it to count as ___ing swearing?
  8. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) That reminds me of people I've seen in the martial arts classes I've taken. People come to those with the weirdest fighting habits. There was the guy who insisted on jumping whenever he threw a punch, thus guaranteeing that he had no leverage at the time of contact. Same goes for the guy who flinched every time he threw a punch, which not only guaranteed no leverage, it also guaranteed OCV 0. I could go on. Meanwhile, please write up Orc-jitsu in Hero terms.
  9. Re: Under the Agony Star: a sword and planet campaign That could make for a pretty good character or campaign objective, fwiw.
  10. Re: How do I get started in making a cruiser sized ship? Oo, I'm going to have to check that out.
  11. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing I'd go in an instant. Oprah gives out all kinds of crazy shtuff.
  12. Re: Under the Agony Star: a sword and planet campaign Is it just the one planet or will there be interplanetary travel or dimensional gates?
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings Either that or he needs a chainmail condom.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings You don't know how a harem works? *fidget* Maybe you should have OddHat explain it...
  15. Re: A Game Of Questions Is it working? Does anyone else feel the need to vent in an inappropriate venue sometimes?
  16. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Yes! That is my new plan for world peace--maintain open cups of cold beer every twenty feet in every city and disputed territory. Hostilities cannot commence without spilling the beer. That code is inviolate!
  17. Re: Mad Cult-Leader of the Elder God of Pestilence Definitely Sticky powers to represent contagion. Possibly with Invisible Power Effects so that the contagion can spread (with Delayed Effect). AOE attacks, in general, would be fitting. Also, depending on how you want the priest to look, he could have powers that stem from his own body having been given over to corruption. Regeneration (ironically), Damage Reduction for being goopy, maybe even Stretching or Desolid... I'm kind of picturing a priest that goes around mostly shrouded since only his head and face do not appear completely gangrenous, then whips the gloves off his decaying hands and arms when it's time to throw down. You could google Nurgle, too, and see what comes up.
  18. Re: Under the Agony Star: a sword and planet campaign Reminded me of Thundarr, actually. Far-post-apocalyptic S&S. Only perhaps less tongue in cheek.
  19. Re: A Game Of Questions Are you trying to pick a fight with me too? Really? Why this weekend, of all weeks? Is there anything else you want to fight about? The tub of lettuce? The porch light? Is there anything that doesn't set you off? Why is it that, even after I tell you that I'm just barely keeping it together and that I have a really important interview tomorrow, you still want to fight about stupid __? What the __ is up with that? And then you turn around and complain that I don't want to talk to you? Does that surprise you for some reason? Would you want to talk to someone who, literally, flies into a shrieking pounding-on-the-walls rage, complete with waterworks, because a five-year-old didn't make his bed? How is that even rational? Why should I even bother trying?
  20. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Another zombie dream, this time with fully mobile zombies, i.e. ones that could run. It was mostly a chase dream through a deserted cityscape. Then when I started to get winded, I realized it was a dream. So I ignited my lightsaber and went to work. It was nice that the zombie hordes kept running at me like that. Saved me a lot of effort.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Let us know if you need help parsing. Having graded papers for college professors, I can second this.
  22. Re: The cranky thread See, now I have to know which movie that is.
  23. Re: The cranky thread I was pretty non-sensible to begin with. Or is it insensitive? My wife seems to call me those interchangeably.
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