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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Real Armor And END Given that there is practically no need to actually stat out the limitations of physical armor, you (as GM) could more or less arbitrarily declare what the END/LTE/DEX/DCV penalties are supposed to be, within reason. You don't really have to involve Side Effects at all, or else you could make up a 1/8 limitation for 15 points of END drain, or something.
  2. Re: Alignment makes perfect sense Well, I misspoke. I should have said "unless there are players with closely held value systems that differ from that which the GM has laid out". I think I've seen... discussions... of this nature in every game system I've ever played, including Hero, though of course it's not as prone to this sort of conflict as other systems.
  3. Re: Alignment makes perfect sense ...and even then it depends on whether there are any troublemaker players in the group who disagree.
  4. Re: Subtle Fantasy I guarantee you it didn't start out logical, but I was impressed with her ability to sort of hold it together and tie it up at the end as the series progressed. For the Weasleys specifically, I don't seem to remember magic giving the ability to create or even fix fine items, and counterfeiting would have been inadvisable what with the goblins and all.
  5. Re: Alignment makes perfect sense I don't think anyone ever claimed the 3x3 alignment system was a good one. It's only useful for wargame-level moral interactions, if that. But the linked article makes more sense out of it than any other treatment I've seen. I could now see using the alignment system as a starting point for a more in depth character personality study along the lines of Myers-Briggs.
  6. Re: A Game Of Questions Does it matter? Isn't it a really small chimichanga anyway?
  7. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Are you there, vodka? It's me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler. Not entirely F&SF, of course, though for Ms. Handler's sake I hope it's at least fictionalized. An extremely sarcastic semi-autobiographical portrayal of several random episodes in her life involving family, friends, and ex-boyfriends, this book took me only five hours to finish--and that's a generous estimate. Still, it was pretty funny and definitely easy to read. I'm not sure if it really deserved to be on the NYT bestseller list as long as it was, but then again, I quit trying to understand that list decades ago. Anyway, I started on Hero of Ages. So far so good.
  8. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I've got some fish on the line, but haven't managed to reel anything in yet. So far I'm finding that the internet is almost totally useless for finding jobs--every nibble I've gotten has been the result of a phone call. Every resume I've emailed and online application I've filled out has disappeared into the void. I shouldn't really be that surprised, given the quality of applications I got when I put openings online at Monster or wherever--at best I'm lost in the noise. But it's an awful lot of work for no return, and it's really discouraging.
  9. Re: Here be dragons... or Dragon? But-- if you do that, then how can you railroad them into acting out the plot you want?
  10. Re: Alignment makes perfect sense Yeah, that's probably the best discussion of alignment I've ever come across since I first encountered the damned system thirty years ago. Repped also.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings You could do what I did with the irresistibly cute mouse I caught in my office a few years ago, which is hit it with a brick a couple times. Cute vermin is still vermin. Otherwise, I'm sure squirrels of any level are relatively easy to trap.
  12. Re: A Game Of Questions You--you mean the girls were just being polite when they said that?
  13. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Well I'm not dumb, but I can't understand Why the Dude walks like a woman but talks like a man...
  14. Re: A Game Of Questions Is it really that unusual?
  15. Re: The cranky thread We noticed.
  16. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Yours is an industry with unusually low turnover.
  17. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing That's too bad; NPCs in this campaign always come to really horrible ends...
  18. Re: The cranky thread Don't forget to see if they have Top Shot while you're there.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Didn't Dogfights migrate over to the Military Channel? I think all the episodes are on youtube anyway.
  20. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing Why isn't the dude dead yet? Does he have a really high DCV or resistant defenses or something?
  21. Re: The cranky thread Top Shot is pretty cool.
  22. Re: A Game Of Questions Why are you people so obsessed with appearances? Don't you know that real beauty comes from within?
  23. Re: The cranky thread And yet all the stupid cr*p I posted there is still available to read online for anyone who cares to look. Thanks Google!
  24. Re: The cranky thread Ah, the hours I wasted on rec.games.frp.misc. Good times.
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