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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Steampunk - Source Material What's that from, anyway?
  2. Re: Kingdon-Level Napoleonic Setting Hopcroftland's only chance would have been to knock Tabletopia out of the fight before they got their industry spun up. They should have followed up their sneak attack at the Coffee Stain with an invasion.
  3. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Wow. Is that from something? Or did you draw it yourself?
  4. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Hmmm. Well, I always have a hard time coming up with mentalist concepts, so how about an all-mentalist team? We can call them The Idealists. I'm using the term 'mentalist' loosely here--it can mean mental powers or just psionics as a special effect, or whatever. Surprise me.
  5. Re: A Game Of Questions Wait--you mean they're the same guy?!
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The meatball MRE was surprisingly tasty. The mashed potatoes, not so much.
  7. Re: A Game Of Questions Burrito Boy's not that overbearing, is he?
  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings Absolutely. There's something really hot about cute young foreign exchange students.
  9. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! So Countdown has a shapeshifter (of sorts), mentalist, speedster, and... well I don't know what to call Zero. I guess we need a brick? Trust fund inheritor William Tender misspent his youth as any spoiled rich heir would--fast cars, girls, parties, and dissipation. There was one thing he loved above all else: himself. When it came to his person, William spared no expense: high tech gyms, exotic muscle growth treatments, bone structure augmentations, the best yoga, sports, and martial arts instructors money could buy, ex-Soviet bioengineers, native American shamans, you name it, he tried it. After years of this, he became what he'd known he should be all along: superhuman. But before long he found it wasn't enough to be superhuman--he needed to do something with his new superhuman body. When some costumed supercrooks damaged one of his many mansions, he found his calling. Attiring himself in a custom-cut suit made of the latest experimental materials, accessorized with flashy Bond gadgets, he joined the fight against crime as Billionaire.
  10. Re: A Game Of Questions Are we sending Seal Team Six to ventilate all the Mexican entrées now?
  11. Re: Knights at Tournament: (Hopefully) Inspirational Photos On horse. Horses just seem to amplify the degree to which things can go wrong.
  12. Re: Knights at Tournament: (Hopefully) Inspirational Photos Awesome! Although I've wondered at the sanity of people who do that in real life.
  13. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread OBL is dead. It's a nice way to start the week.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Well, and there was that girl who died in the wood shop at... was it Stanford? I can't remember. Long hair and a lathe, I think it was.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "Oh! Oh! What channel is the wedding on?" "Probably all of them."
  16. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! That's what's awesome about it.
  17. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Show us the birth certificate!
  18. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Are they clones of white people or some other, more expendable, nationality?
  19. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! By day, law professor Howard Dess taught copyright and tort law at Gotham University. It was a good job, one he'd worked very hard to get, but he'd gotten bored with it and fallen into a rut. So at night, he turned his energies to his other great passion--heavy metal. As frontman for his metal band, the Droids, Howard would stride around the stage in a postapocalyptic costume he'd built with the help of the university engineering department. Heavy steel boots, spiked kneepads, skull-adorned belt, bracers, armored vest to make himself look bigger, even a red flowing cape--with an outlandish spiked helmet to send it over the top. It was even somewhat functional, since Howard designed it to protect him from onstage pyrotechnics, flying beer bottles, angry moshers, and the pulsing sonic waves coming from the amps. Sometimes Howard felt, onstage, that this was his true identity. Then, one day, he happened to catch a breaking news story of costumed superfreaks fighting in a downtown intersection--and the villain was wearing an outfit just like his Droid costume! Enraged, Howard immediately sprang into action to find out who was this upstart was who'd stolen his look and was using it to commit crimes. He quickly realized that he wasn't going to be able to nail this particular criminal with copyright law--he'd have to take matters into his own hands. After working with the university to beef up his and his bandmates' costumes, he soon took to the streets as crimefighting Dr. Dess, Lawyer, backed up by the Dess Droids.
  20. Re: A Game Of Questions Isn't that why it's funny?
  21. Re: Lost cities countdown And another one today! http://gizmodo.com/#!5796404/lost-mayan-city-found-hidden-under-the-jungle
  22. Re: Alignment makes perfect sense So wait, you mean SSgt Baloo is one of your characters?
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings How does the mail pile up so fast? Bank statements, medical statements, retirement statements, pay stubs, all the unemployment BS, magazines, special offers from the phone company, special offers from the cell pone company, catalogs, magazines,... I haven't even gotten to the bills and credit card offers yet.
  24. Re: A Game Of Questions Can turnips feel discomfort?
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