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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Apologies if this has been posted before... saw a commercial for it on one of the kids' TV shows, thought I'd check it out. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38560[/ATTACH]
  2. Re: Archery question Only three quivers? In the days of free encumbrance in AD&D, I saw characters carry five. Plus a shield, and a half dozen backup weapons including a spear, and the obligatory 10' pole. It can be a problem, though, if a character's schtick is archery, to have that be limited by charges. A SPD 4 archer with double fire is burning eight arrows per turn and is all done three encounters in, and now he's useless for the boss fight.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings I don't see how, mine is obviously much bigger. Besides, why are you trying to clobber my stick with yours? I'm not into that.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Jörmungandr.
  5. Re: A Game Of Questions Why does he fear the Lorenzo so? Is the Renegade after him?
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings And why would he risk his own integrity like that?
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings AIUI Faux News refers to itself officially as an "opinion and commentary" channel, as opposed to "news". Truth in advertising, you see. I also note that it is the loudest, flashiest, gaudiest, seamiest of the cable "news" networks.
  8. Re: A Game Of Questions Which Lamas? Lorenzo?
  9. Re: A Game Of Questions Does anyone here not have allergies?
  10. Re: The cranky thread Is Wabash County a significant loss? In other crankiness, I'm getting really tired of applying to jobs online with no feedback. I'm also tired of being the only adult in the house.
  11. Re: The cranky thread I didn't know you were a reptile.
  12. Re: Why We Should Go Into Space I wish I could argue with this but you're probably right, interplanetary manned space flight is probably a nonstarter in the current political environment. I hear conflicting reports about the viability of the Chinese vehicle. I'm kind of pulling for them in a way, if only because it might get international manned spaceflight going again. Plus, I'd love to see the President award the Chinese astronauts a silver medal for their accomplishment.
  13. Re: What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow in flight? Well, they are just rats with wings, after all.
  14. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) My subconscious mind tells me lots of really creepy and bizarre things, so I tend to shove it back under the bed where it belongs and try to pretend it isn't there.
  15. Re: A real laser pistol? Power from vacuum? Photons affecting more than one electro It's extremely hard to find any signal in the noise generated on this subject by the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists. (This groundbreaking free energy source is being suppressed by Big Oil, btw.) Anyway it seems that some dude by the name of Bearden has latched onto Klimov's work and is loudly misinterpreting what Klimov originally published. Klimov himself does not seem to be making any claims of 700% output, and even points out that the total energy of the output electrons cannot exceed that of the input photon. If I can find more I'll link here.
  16. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Not to mention the phenomenal amount of Hunteds you get to take.
  17. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Obsolescence sucks.
  18. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! John Doe Van Winkle awoke washed up on a beach with no recollection of who he was and where he came from. But over the course of his subsequent wanderings he found that he was not only unusually tough and good with a fishing line, he had the supernatural ability to create and control vast amounts of water. Falling in with the Literateers, he still had no idea that he was really Aquarius, the water bringer. Instead, he simply called himself The Old Man and the Sea. I think that's it for the Literateers... next up are the six-member sound-based superteam, The Acoustics.
  19. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Perfectly ordinary people destabilize in real life already. Does the cloning process make this more likely, or less? I've already mentioned upthread that cloning could actually fix genetic damage and overall wear and tear, depending on the process. Maybe your clone won't develop Parkinson's because it wasn't exposed to pesticides. Maybe it won't develop schizophrenia. It certainly won't have your bad back or bum knee. Perhaps the clones should band together to get rid of the "beta versions" and outlaw haphazard sexual reproduction.
  20. Re: The Random Gizmo Generator Trade you for the reinforced macrocryogenic luminosity duplicator. Which I guess is a big, tough, really cold, flashlight.
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions You know it doesn't really make all that much difference whether the little monster had sugar or not? That they pretty much only slow down while sleeping?
  22. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! I think it's more moral to send in the humans. Clones can in theory be engineered, whereas the originals are created haphazardly at best, if not entirely by accident. On top of that, the originals are older and have accumulated more damage, genetic or otherwise. So it follows that the originals are less valuable and should be sent in first.
  23. Re: The cranky thread I'm sure he deserved it. I've made the same silly statement to my kids, who are much younger.
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