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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: The cranky thread It's hard to spell. "Oojy?" Rhymes with "muji". It means "icky", anyway.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Bus system is top notch. I'd seriously consider it except I'm going to need to drive to appointments from the office. Fortunately I found a couple of options that only cost one limb instead of two, it's just that they're bordering the more oodgie side of town.
  3. Re: A Game Of Questions Who's the Grammar Nazi's younger sister's schoolteacher?
  4. Re: What power ideas/concepts do you get from these code names? Ultra Violet would be a female EP of course. She'd wear a skintight outfit of deep indigo, and her energy blast would be invisible and AVLD. Revolution is an automotive themed speedster/gadgeteer with move-through and autofire melee attacks. Both would be dependent on caffeine and have the phys lim: diabetic.
  5. Re: A Game Of Questions Is that Edna's schoolteacher older sister?
  6. Re: The cranky thread The new job doesn't come with parking, so I have to find someplace downtown to stash my car. Fine, whatever, right? First place I looked costs $350 a month for an unreserved space. Worse, it looks like that's one of the better deals.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. I wonder that myself sometimes.
  8. Re: The cranky thread The last time I had to have the radiator changed on my '95 Teg it was about $220, I think. I think you pretty much just drop it in, but having never done it myself I couldn't say for sure.
  9. Re: My Elves Are Different! I admit I haven't been playing as much as I'd like the past few years, but I've pretty much gone to playing humans only. I find that it's more fun to distinguish my character through roleplaying than by coming up with an off-the-wall quasihuman. If I run a veteran warrior who's really conflicted about his place in the world, it's just easier for me if he's an ordinary man as opposed to a clean-shaven dwarf or the only moral Orc in the entire setting. It's just too easy for the character's identity to get lost in what he is as opposed to who he is. Does that make sense?
  10. Re: My Elves Are Different! That's cause elven chicks are hawt. Dwarven and goblin chicks, not so much.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "...so traffic was really bad coming back from the airport." "Daddy? Did you fly in an airplane when you were at the airport?" "What? No, I was just visiting people by the airport, I didn't actually go to the airport." "Did you fly in... a helicopter?" "No." "Did you fly in... a space shuttle?" "What?"
  12. Re: Best/Worst Characters? My worst character was a power armor superhero whose main power was a damage shield that was triggered by being hit. Unfortunately, the way I built it, the damage shield only went on after he was hit, and since it was part of a multipower, it would take all the points away from any other powers he was using. I think I played through one session and then went and learned the damn rules. My best character was Batty, a martial artist leech (and a vague sendup of Batman). Martial arts and drains/transfers are a pretty good combination but the real reason I liked playing him was because he was pretty unhinged. Sometimes I would use that to advance the plot and other times I would... just make things interesting. My best worst character was Crisis_9, who was basically a walking 80-point magic pool. I couldn't believe the GM let me play that. Anyway I had five pages of powers written up so that I wouldn't have to do the math on the fly, and he was just way too powerful for the campaign. The overall concept was that he was a hacker kid who'd downloaded a spellbook off a poorly secured DEMON server, so he was a punk kid with a distrust of authority as well. Imagine the disaster that that could cause, and know that it turned out worse than that.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings Tick tock tick tock tick tock sproinnngg.
  14. Re: A Game Of Questions Aren't there easier ways for her to prove she's not a she? Assuming she really looks like Jennifer Garner?
  15. Re: My Elves Are Different! QFT. I think this combination of elven traits does tend to attract certain types of player, including players with image issues, players with inferiority issues, lazy players who want to play a nonhuman that's still basically a human, and of course the munchkins. Not that a significant percentage of elf players are any of these, but for some reason--again, in my experience--'perfect' elves just seem to draw more of these players than other races.
  16. Re: Musings on Random Musings Thanks guys. I guess even a broken clock can parent well twice a day. Or something.
  17. Re: My Elves Are Different! I can only speak from my own experience, but in my own experience, players who prefer to play elves tend to be a bit more zealous about it than those who prefer playing other races, or a variety of races. I wasn't kidding when I mentioned players who wouldn't play if they couldn't play a chaotic selfish D&D elf. I know of other players who literally wouldn't play an elf that didn't have pointy ears. (But then again, would it be an elf without pointy ears? )
  18. Re: My Elves Are Different! as more absolute than you meant, but it sounded to me like you thought Islamic elves in Middle-Earth were fine. Apparently I was mistaken, but my point is that angry, or Islamic, or wild and carefree elves in that setting would be extremely unusual, at best.
  19. Re: My Elves Are Different! My humans don't, but like I said, it's specific to the setting. To go back to the tired example, if I were in a Tolkien campaign and another player tried to play an elf that was an angry Islamic fundamentalist jihadi or some other inappropriate culture or personality, I would regard it as annoying, if not sabotage. That might work in another setting, but not Middle-Earth. I'd have the same problem if someone tried to play a human Taoist monk in Harn or a Warforged redneck in Eberron.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Maybe we need to improve your fuzzy logic programming so that you can think more like a human....
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions That L. Marcus is a 'she' who dated Matt Damon?
  22. Old Man


    Re: Bows FWIW another difference you could throw in is expense and construction time. Simple shortbows, IIRC, could be constructed in a day. Good longbows took more like a week. Composite recurve bows of horn and sinew took months or years. Depending on the campaign it might not matter at all, or it might be critical when the archer's exotic ibex-horn-and-cheetah-sinew recurve composite bow breaks, and the orc army is due to arrive tomorrow...
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