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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? I'd require a significant increase in capability before I'd actually replace any functioning body part with a cybernetic version. I did get my eyes lasered out, for example, which is about the best four grand I ever spent. And other than the slight risk of infection or error, there's basically no downside. OTOH I understand that prostheses for leg amputees are superior in some ways to actual feet, I think I'd still rather have an actual foot for the sake of versatility.
  2. Re: Conan: The Current Movie in Progress.....
  3. Re: The cranky thread This, for eleven years, only I got laid off at the end. I've kind of deprioritized work as a source of personal satisfaction and frankly if I didn't have a huge frickin' mortgage I'd have looked for a job that paid less but didn't have the same level of BS.
  4. Re: A Game Of Questions Is popularity the most important criterion?
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings And if you survive that, there is always the rare and lethal fungal infection that follows.
  6. Re: A Game Of Questions What's love but a secondhand emotion?
  7. Re: A Game Of Questions Since when does it matter what kind of filling mummies have?
  8. Re: A Game Of Questions Don't ancient Egyptians have their very own undead tech?
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet flank venison chicken turkey short ribs, strip steak ground round salami shoulder ribeye shankle tail sausage. Bresaola jowl t-bone meatloaf shank fatback flank beef ribs. Ground round hamburger pork tri-tip, drumstick beef ribs shankle meatball sausage jerky chicken. Strip steak sirloin pork chicken jerky, shoulder pastrami. Pork beef ribs pork loin strip steak salami ball tip. Short loin drumstick cow beef. Pastrami tongue meatball, beef pork loin biltong short loin rump spare ribs venison. Corned beef cow drumstick ground round chicken. Tenderloin ham salami spare ribs short loin pancetta corned beef chuck. Shank spare ribs meatball beef ribs bresaola. Beef ribs chicken pastrami, hamburger cow drumstick bresaola ham short ribs venison tongue ball tip. Beef bacon fatback ball tip hamburger tri-tip, turkey tail spare ribs ground round cow pastrami pancetta rump biltong. Salami jowl rump, ball tip spare ribs biltong corned beef t-bone. Cow bresaola ribeye tri-tip ham hock spare ribs, turkey ball tip shoulder strip steak. Tongue pork loin swine sausage beef pancetta. Fatback hamburger sausage, tail pork shank meatloaf flank beef. Venison shankle chicken fatback corned beef hamburger pork tail. Jowl tail pork belly swine, shank bacon pork short loin pork chop cow pancetta. Tongue meatball chicken, t-bone ribeye ham pork belly short ribs drumstick ground round bresaola biltong. Beef ribs short ribs tenderloin, pork belly fatback tail venison shankle jerky meatball turkey pastrami hamburger swine tongue. Salami flank sausage ham hock strip steak, beef ribs jerky.
  10. Re: Let the tomb raiding commence It does have a certain elven aesthetic to it, doesn't it?
  11. Re: Gadget For Your High Tech Hero -- Hoverbike! Didn't they have these in Star Frontiers?
  12. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? Another Ghost in the Shell fan, I see. The case of true AI is especially silly. We don't even know how consciousness works yet, how can anyone say whether computers will be able to do it or not?
  13. Re: A Game Of Questions Wouldn't you like to see a sequel to Highlander?
  14. Old Man


    Re: Bows Also, Mongolian and other Asian archers used a different draw from western Europeans. The usual western draw pulls the string with two or three fingers, above and below where the arrow is nocked. The Mongolian draw has the thumb on the string, just below where the arrow is nocked. The thumb is hooked under the fingers on the draw hand, so really it's the fingers that are doing the work of holding the thumb on the string during the draw. The thumb ring is actually almost like a half thimble to protect the pad of the thumb from the string. There are a bunch of ramifications from using this technique. First of all I think it makes it easier to pull a heavy draw weight since you're basically drawing with a closed fist instead of three fingertips. Second, the release is much more abrupt as the thumb snaps free from the fingers. Third, the arrow rests on the right side of the bow from the shooter's perspective, not the left as with the western release, which makes nocking easier as the archer doesn't have to thread the arrow between the string and the bow. My memory's a little hazy on all of these, but I think it's right.
  15. Re: A Game Of Questions Isn't the first movie of a series almost always the best?
  16. Re: The cranky thread That's not entirely true. All our customers with half a clue were really pushy about support--how good it was, how fast it was, whether the call center was in the U.S., and so on. However, some customers do not have half a clue. And sometimes the most important consideration is the up front cost, or maybe the person making the purchasing decision doesn't give a damn about support because it doesn't come out of their budget. Worst of all, IT is complicated, and if you don't know what you're buying, it is extremely hard to find unbiased information on the web or anywhere else.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Incompetence? That's deliberate. How do you think Oracle DBAs justify their outrageous hourly rates? Organizations should avoid Oracle for the exact same reason they should avoid inviting a vampire into their home. That's even before we get to the technical reasons.
  18. Old Man


    Re: Bows No, that makes perfect sense to me. I've always wondered about archery discussions that talk about bows meant more for distance and others with more power--to me this should be almost entirely a matter of muzzle velocity and arrow type. I'm sure the combination of bow and arrow make a big difference as far as arrow mass and length determining the acceleration of the arrow and its overall inertia, but it just seems weird to think it would make a huge difference unless you were in the Olympics. I'm certainly not inclined to bother with it in Hero, at least.
  19. Re: A Game Of Questions Ask you if he was any good?
  20. Re: Uh Oh. Whats the story here? The adventurers have arrived just in time to see the children defeat the evil Pumpkin King. They have him surrounded and confined by holding hands and chanting the timeless charms as he is destroyed by fire. The adventurers should stick around. There will be pie.
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions Did you just call Psybolt a trick?
  22. Re: A Game Of Questions How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, owl?
  23. Re: Best/Worst Characters? I'm going to go with "awesome", if only because Mr. Snickers resembles a MSH character I once made (but never played).
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