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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: A Game Of Questions Does anyone recognize this man?
  2. Re: A Game Of Questions Maybe we have nothing to say to you?
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The more I interact with people, the less I like them. I have probably posted this before.
  4. Re: What might you find on a Sorcerer's personal Airship? The airship also needs a gangplank, plenty of rigging for buckling swashes in, levers to throw accidentally, ropes to cut, ladders to get on top of the envelope, a total lack of safety equipment on top of the envelope, windows, trapdoors, tools of all kinds lying about, engines to fall into, propellers to fall into, boilers to fall into, steam pipes to break open...
  5. Re: Sentients native to low-gravity worlds operating on "normal" gravity worlds? Hey, so I looked up the equation for pressure vs. depth and it turns out that pressure is a linear function of density, gravity, and depth. So if we're talking about water, a depth of 20km on a Titan with .14g is equivalent to an Earth depth of (20000m)(0.14) or 2800m. Which is deep, about maximum depth for sperm whales and viperfish, and home territory for Architeuthis. But it's not incomprehensible.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures That may be the point.
  7. Re: What might you find on a Sorcerer's personal Airship? Captive, or stowaway?
  8. Re: What might you find on a Sorcerer's personal Airship? Lifeboats. Some quick Googling suggests that zeppelin crews were pretty small--anywhere from 9 to 20 people. In addition to officers and helmsmen/navigators, there were also mechanics (obviously) as well as carpenters and even a sailmaker (to repair the gasbags). And two gunners per machine gun, of course. Generally it sounds as though zeppelins didn't require much crew to operate... which makes sense given the technology at the time. I can see the crew size ballooning if, say, the rudders have to be operated by hand crank, or if the engines ran on hand-shoveled coal, or if the hamsters in the hamster wheels needed tending. And then there is the matter of what kind of staff the payload (if any) requires.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm starting to think it was a mistake to take this job.
  10. Re: Sentients native to low-gravity worlds operating on "normal" gravity worlds? If the species is aquatic then I think that actually gets us around the problem of them being crushed by their own weight, assuming they're in a fishbowl of some sort. Then all you have to worry about is maintaining the appropriate amount of pressure. I know Titan has only a fraction of Earth's gravity but surely the pressure at a depth of ten miles is still extreme.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings What are friends for?
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yeah, well, people died at Rammstein so it doesn't have the same type of entertainment value.
  13. Re: The cranky thread I think that's more like lobotomy.
  14. Re: The cranky thread In Missouri, maybe not. I've been accused of racism for not giving a black man $1.50 in a laundromat in DC.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Dude, you can't just allude to a hawt waitress in a photo album. Sheesh.
  16. Re: A Game Of Questions Were you at Gen Con? When was Gen Con?
  17. Re: A galaxy of humans I'm ready to do my part. Send in the pretty girls!
  18. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread My youngest's first day of preschool was today, and he did not wet himself! ...and yet, for some reason, I feel like crying.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Usually when I get something stuck in my teeth I remove it with floss. The irony is strong with this one.
  20. Re: The cranky thread That's what I forgot to do this weekend.
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