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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Flaming oil jet.
  2. Re: Weird ship names requested. Plus the active points are really, really high.
  3. Re: Where are the Big Dumb Objects in your campaign? I think fantasy is replete with Big Dumb Objects, but they are almost always stationary--cities, islands, fortresses, etc. Scifi tends to have more in the way of Big Dumb Vehicles, which is easier to justify in the weightless and unimaginably vast backdrop of Space. Scifi also tends to have more Small Dumb Vehicles with which to attack the Big Dumb Vehicles. In fantasy, magic could obviously support the creation of Big Dumb Vehicles, but since the setting is smaller, it's hard to justify the creation of such a vehicle to begin with.
  4. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN)
  5. Old Man


    Re: Zeppelins I have got to get me one of those.
  6. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) Failure to account for relativistic effects on the clocks used in the experiment? http://nbcu.mo2do.net/s/18488/29?itemId=tag:dvice.com,2011://3.83661&fullPageURL=/archives/2011/10/speedy-neutrino.php
  7. Re: The cranky thread Well... at least you'd know exactly where the water would be coming in.
  8. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? A mammal? Probably impossible for the foreseeable future because of the utter lack of atmospheric oxygen as well as the high radiation. Oh, and the complete absence of anything to eat. That said, I did a grad school paper on terraforming. I don't think it would be all that difficult to breed or engineer a form of algae that could survive on Mars and that would eventually increase the oxygen percentage on a geologic timescale. In fact if the grant had come through I had planned to do exactly that. And I did the research before many of the recent extremophile discoveries, so I'm sure there are even better candidates to start with.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Drill holes in the balcony. Drainage problem solved!
  10. Re: The cranky thread Not that it will help you now, but I got this white goop to put on my (low pitch rolled asphalt) roof to reflect heat and seal it against liquids. So far it works like a charm--haven't had any recurrences of the seepage leaks we were having, and temps in the house were down at least twenty degrees over the summer. Little spendy though.
  11. Old Man


    Re: Paper I'm actually surprised there isn't a bigger market for very long term high density storage. You'd think there would be some sort of holographic crystal based archival storage by now. Apple is one thing, but there are also formats from defunct companies that may or may not have been lost. I still have, somewhere, boxes of 5.25" floppies formatted in AtariDOS 2.5 with documents written in some word processor whose name I can't even remember. Try googling "Atari word processor".
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Turkey bacon is quite common, so one would think penguin bacon would at least be plausible. Of course, these are secondary to True Bacon. Mmm, bacon.
  13. Old Man


    Re: Paper I wouldn't expect any 20-year-old magnetic media to still be readable. But a bigger issue is file formats--reading that HyperCard document would be a challenge today even if the media were pristine.
  14. Re: The cranky thread I am extremely bitter and I believe that I have every right to be. That's all for now.
  15. Re: Weird ship names requested. Here's some far out names: Amadannabriona Lord Liaden Escafarc Tkd Guy Dsatow ...
  16. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) Yeah... exactly how fast would you have to be going in order to get clear of the system in one hour?
  17. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? There really has to be another phrase we can use for that.
  18. Re: Weird ship names requested. Icarus Marcus Licinius Crassus Carthage King Harold II Ambrose Burnside Dien Bien Phu Isandlwana Crécy Agincourt Bonnie Prince Charlie ...
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures That pic makes her look like the new drummer for KISS.
  20. Re: What FTL Drives do people use in their campaigns? And what techno bable do you us
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings It's awfully easy to lose something so small, isn't it?
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just another relaxing round of golf... in Australia.
  23. Re: The cranky thread Really no motivation at work today, what with the insurmountable to-do list, the lack of pay, and the threat of a strike tomorrow.
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings Explain that to my wife.
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