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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures Translation please.
  2. Re: More space news! I'm unlikely to be conscious at 4am, unfortunately.
  3. Re: The cranky thread But hangnails are sore! Until I tear them off, that is. Then it only hurts for a couple of minutes.
  4. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? Snark is the point. Welcome to the internet!
  5. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) ...and seventy-one flights later, you go "Wait a minute..."
  6. Re: The cranky thread Friend of mine is an EMT. Oddly the grisly stuff doesn't seem to bother him as much as the way people drive when he's got the lights flashing. That, and really obese patients, are what he seems to like least about that job.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Heh, I first read it as "must take the morning after pill" which prompted a at first. So it's not just you.
  8. Re: Jokes Give it a rest, you guys. Let's go out on a high note for once.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "Dad, guess what we made in school today!" "What?" "Picture frames!" "Wow, really?" "And we're going to put pictures in them tomorrow!" "That sounds really neat." "And then we're going to wrap them!" "What a nice present!" "Yeah! But we can't tell you!" "Really? Why not?" "It's a surprise!"
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Wow! Even the terminal ballistics against the naked gelatin are better than any more conventional 9mm round I've seen. I don't know if CRISAT exactly equates to level III but it's up there.
  11. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) I look forward to reading it!
  12. Re: Need help building up skill list/set for horseback riding archer Hero's always had this kind of power level gray area between really high skill rolls, talents, and low level powers. How you define this particular ability would probably be determined by the overall power level of the game. Do you want to PC to have to spend nine points on this ability, or two? I'd probably write up a talent for it, frankly.
  13. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) Dreamt my house caught fire last night. It wasn't actually my house--the fire started because some papers got too close to the fireplace, which I don't have. And it went out by itself. But I woke up with the full adrenaline rush and will be buying a new extinguisher and testing the smoke detectors later today. A couple of days ago I dreamt I was part of an elite mercenary commando unit storming a building in a tech park. I was carrying at least three long guns and a couple of pistols, but for the duration of the dream I used a little machine pistol that was pretty effective. This was a long dream and I don't remember most of it, but toward the end I had killed so many terrorists and was so low on ammunition I had to pick up a couple more rounds I found off the floor and load them into the gun. Then I was startled by someone who came up behind me, so I spun and fired. It turned out to be a mousy woman, a civilian worker in the building, who took both bullets in the chest and died instantly. I felt horrible about it for the rest of the dream even though my teammates kept assuring me that I did what I had to do.
  14. Re: Cool Guns for your Games *head explodes*
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Usually what happens is a stray Sentinel comes wandering into the yard and someone from the family feeds it. At that point it's a little fuzzy as to whether it's your pet or not, but once you start letting it into the house and/or get it fixed, it's definitely yours.
  16. Re: More space news! It's okay, I'm immortal. Sounds like I should pack a book, though.
  17. Re: More space news! Sounds good enough to me. Let's go.
  18. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I didn't know they made vampires out of vibranium. How does the wood go in?
  19. Re: The cranky thread Timing is everything. Are your printers all run from a central print server? Or are they just hooked up via IP?
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Would it have corrupted Hal Jordan? Conversely, what would have happened if Sauron got hold of the green Power Ring?
  21. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I'm dying to know if they tried to actually fire that. Personally I always figured wooden anti-vampire rounds would be based on shotgun ammo.
  22. Old Man

    Alien Jedi's

    Re: Alien Jedi's In my timeline the fragments of the second Death Star eventually rain down on that particular moon of Endor, reducing it to a sterilized cinder. YMMV.
  23. Re: The cranky thread Progress on the strike front. The union, having no leverage, may soon acquiesce to a "concession" by management that delays the eradication of many benefits by a whole year. They're supposed to vote on it over the weekend.
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