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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Terraforming Terminology "Wompang" gets my vote for best on the name list.
  2. Re: Terraforming Terminology Fixed.
  3. Re: The cranky thread $200 to snake the cleanout? Really?
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings But now you're caught up In the undertow, You never knew a man Could sink so low But now you know Cause you're John Doe In a black bag, a tag on your toe I built the House I felt the Pain You're victimized But got no one to blame Just another victim You're just another victim, kid Just another victim You're just another victim, kid
  5. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Revolvers, eh?
  6. Re: Terraforming Terminology Regolith Atmospheric composition and density Ecopoiesis Cyanobacteria Permafrost
  7. Re: Special Missions team Those movie teams always have a hacker that's capable of some really supernatural stuff. At minimum they will be capable of disabling and/or taking over any surveillance system and coming up with floor plans, sewer maps, and electrical diagrams for any building ever built. They will also be able to either hack in to a network from any PC on the premises, or else provide the main protagonist with a small device or USB thumb drive that will accomplish the same thing.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures It worked once, honest. Anyway, fixed.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'd never even heard of this one. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41117[/ATTACH]
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games The mentions of 9mm and .45 ACP revolvers that I did find were geared toward LEOs that already had standardized on semiautomatic pistols and wanted revolvers in like caliber for backup use. Even then I have to wonder, though--why bother when the odds of you having to load one gun with rounds from the other is next to zero?
  11. Re: The cranky thread Aren't permitted to get paid over 40 hours, of course. Since apparently you aren't permitted to go home on time or work less than 50+. I worked retail once. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as this, and I still swore I'd never go back.
  12. Re: Cool Guns for your Games After some quick googling, it's mainly because 9x19mm is a rimless cartridge; you would have to load with half-moon clips to hold the rounds in the cylinder, whereupon using .38 or .357 looks like a lot less hassle. I get the impression that some 9x19mm revolvers exist, but I haven't found one in five minutes of searching the interwebz.
  13. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) It was a nice sunny day at the beach with my kids, following them around while they played in the surf. One pointed and I looked out into the water. Apparently there was a gathering of people who all had homebuilt quadrotors and helicopters, all floating out on the water. They began to take off as I watched. All of them definitely had a from-scratch design ethic to them, especially the largest quadrotor, which had an overstuffed leather recliner for a pilot's chair. I wondered how often they malfunctioned, and as I did so, one of the quadrotors malfunctioned and crashed, cartwheeling across the beach some distance away. I looked for my kids, who were digging in the sand. One of them uncovered a centipede, and I told them to move to a safer part of the beach if they wanted to dig.
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Huzzah! Sleep is underrated. The kids seem to have had a good Christmas weekend. Santa brought them what they asked for* and their cousins are in town so they have someone to play with. * "Regurgitating Rico". Seriously, this is the toy the older one wanted.
  15. Re: The cranky thread You're pretty understanding. I'd probably have gone straight to the thermite.
  16. Re: A Game Of Questions Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
  17. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "I want to see Santa when he comes." "Sorry kid, no one can see Santa." "But we saw him at the Christmas party." "Yeah, but he wanted to be seen. When he's delivering presents, he's busy, so he mostly stays invisible." "Oh, I get it! Santa is a ninja." "That's right, kid. Santa Claus is a ninja."
  18. Re: The cranky thread It was my turn to come down with the family cold two days ago and I'm still congested. It doesn't help that these are the craziest two or three days of the season. It's not flu though, so that's something at least.
  19. Re: NYC Beat Cops From The 1970s Yeah, every time I see movies or TV shows set in the '70s, I think the costumes are ridiculous parodies--and then I see actual photos from then. Even the sideburns in these pictures are ludicrous.
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