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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I need someone to stat this out in Hero for me. Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svOlz2ei4Yk
  2. Re: The cranky thread A Ziploc® brand sealable plastic bag. Just so I didn't have to get out of the car and chunder next to the busiest road into town. The vomit was a brilliant green color, because of the blue Gatorade I'd been drinking.
  3. Re: The cranky thread It is my turn to deal with the stomach virus. Nothing like pulling over on the side of the road so I can vomit into a ziplock.
  4. Re: More space news! If we're counting each trip separately then China's already in seventh! I do think China is on their way and should not be underestimated. But they will never be first to the moon.
  5. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Somebody needs to rep this man for me to honor him for his contribution to society. It was better than I expected, but I don't know if I'd call it his best. I did not know this film existed.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Dunno if any of you remember Shadowpup but he's been given ten days' notice at his job.
  7. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Ah, but does anyone here drive a modified vehicle? I put some Tein coilovers in my car last year. It's actually too low now but they don't adjust to go any higher. But cornering is fun!
  8. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! I've never read Pern and have seen a grand total of thirty seconds of Dr. Who footage. I don't care for continuity. Yes, I like to reminisce about good comics, books, and movies, but I don't get my panties in a bunch when the movie doesn't follow the book exactly, or when they change Spidey's costume. I like reboots and new takes on old stories. I like cars. No one else here seems to be into cars.
  9. Re: The cranky thread A month ago the install group said they couldn't do the work in the RFP, so I spent a month contacting subcontractors to find ones who could do the work and get pricing. Now, two days before the proposal is due, the install group suddenly thinks they can do the work after all and all the subs can go pound sand. Great job, fellas.
  10. Re: Traveller Hero: Jump Drive Causal Influence Diagram I own a copy of the SOM, though I can't get to it easily. It's fantastic and I very highly recommend it even for non-Traveller star campaigns.
  11. Re: NYC Beat Cops From The 1970s I think some real cops would be thrilled if that's all they had to carry. I sometimes wonder how they can move with all that junk hanging from their belts, let alone run around apprehending criminals that don't want to be apprehended.
  12. Old Man

    The Cage Opens

    Re: The Cage Opens The high point of that campaign will be when the PCs manage to antagonize one of the peaceful advanced alien races into going to war with its buddies.
  13. Re: Unleash The Clockworks Of War! If we go back further than Da Vinci, the ancient Greeks had several war machines that could be of interest: Archimedes' death ray and iron claw, the Helepolis siege tower and drill, various types of catapults, and so on. You could also build out clockwork versions of Icarus' wings and Talos, the bronze colossus.
  14. Old Man

    The Cage Opens

    Re: The Cage Opens I envision mankind at war with a universe of advanced alien races determined to "fix" us.
  15. Re: More space news! I wish them the best of luck. If they ever do manage to land a human on the Moon and return him safely to the Earth, my response will be, "Great job! Here is your second-place medal. Now try it without computers."
  16. Re: Traveller Adventure: Ghost In The Machine Why the demotion?
  17. Re: Ranger Choke Hold? There are lots and lots of possible choke holds--blood chokes are different from air chokes, there are several ways to apply either, and that's before we get into ground work like triangle and anaconda chokes.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Nope. Check back in a couple of days.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, I've been fighting with the wife all day. And much of yesterday. I think I made it eight and a half hours into 2012 before the first hissy fit.
  20. Re: Unleash The Clockworks Of War! A sword or axe with a clockwork-driven haft that increases the leverage applied to the business end on a downswing. This may involve an integrated gauntlet. A weapon with a can opener-like blade that can be used to pry open armor or drill into a target. An extensible weapon that gives a reach advantage. A shield with a sawtoothed, bladed edge driven by clockwork. Or a pincerlike shield that traps and crushes opponents' weapons (and limbs). A helm with assorted lenses and prisms that can magnify, enhance light, or provide a 360˚ field of vision. Pushing the envelope a bit, clockwork magic could be used to create mechanized creatures that could be used as drones, e.g. for surveillance or possible attack.
  21. Re: Special Missions team One more I haven't seen yet is the demolitions/explosives expert.
  22. Re: Cool Guns for your Games In real life I can't see a huge advantage to having a gun that folds and unfolds. But it's still really cool and this is not a real-life gun thread, but a thread about guns for games! So the FPG is awesome. The three revolvers I posted--one is a PPC target pistol (real steel) and the bottom two exist only as renders from some deviantart page. Which is good since the bottom revolver, that apparently fires two bullets at once, would be utterly ridiculous.
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