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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Fairytale Hero I wouldn't even bother statting out Wishes. PCs aren't going to buy them and it's not as though they can be Suppressed or Dispelled. I assume.
  2. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Ah, but are you going to get a tattoo?
  3. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster That's a lucky guy right there... many crazies are not quite so obvious.
  4. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? That's because Roomsweepers are awfully effective for being single shot. My own SR2 street samurai's primary weapon was the FN assault rifle, with the usual smartlink and recoil comp accoutrements. Because of the way bullets penetrated armor better if you fired lots of them, he used 10-shot bursts--basically full magdump mode--to output something like 14D2 damage per attack, which was enough to badly mess up anything that wasn't killed outright. Not the most subtle or concealable weapon, though.
  5. Re: Faery Kin (Balance) & Rules Ordinarily you might expect very small characters to have correspondingly low values for STR, BODY, and CON. Cinematically, combat with characters like this tends to be all-or-nothing--the fairy flits around and is extremely difficult to hit, but when she does get hit she's definitely stunned outright and often cold-cocked. I'd let such characters have relatively high Body values and Combat Luck (just so they can survive) but their STR and CON should be pretty low, forcing them to get creative with called shots, lots of dodging, and other mischief in order to be combat relevant. To make up for this I'd expect fairy characters to have high DEX and CVs. In general their DCV ought to be around 4-5 points higher than the average OCV in the campaign; this will drop their odds of being hit to something like 7%. OCV is not as important, and you have to be careful with high PC OCVs, but again such characters will need to use precision to make up for lack of raw damage.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Posting this with Quick Reply. So this week I've been learning that not only does this job not pay what I was told it would, but that my department is basically circling the drain due to senior management incompetence and the resulting exodus of skilled engineers. I would immediately embark on a frenzied job search, except that's pretty much what I've already been doing since September.
  7. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Little SatinKitty had lost her sheep And didn't know where to find her, But then Lost and Found brought it around Along with a nice fat Beholder
  8. Re: More space news! Who's going to do the observations? I ask because I feel as though there aren't enough observatories to be able to stare at Sag A for the next year and a half.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh, we'll win eventually. Nobody really likes ties.
  10. Re: The cranky thread If you allowed some of your stress to show during your conversation with SuicideGirl, that might actually help convince her that someone cares. And you come across pretty well in the boards here so I'm sure you helped some.
  11. Re: The cranky thread You are not a mental health professional so I don't see how it could be your fault. Some dude suffers a brain hemorrhage on the bus next to you, is it your fault you didn't get in there with a pocketknife and duct tape to fix it? Just be a good listener and gently steer her toward the pros.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings But it's not as though the Boxer Rebellion worked out so well for the rebels...
  13. Re: The cranky thread Well, what always helped me was the realization that there were so many other people who deserved to die so much more than I did. But you might not want to tell your friend if he's armed. Regardless, he/she might just need a good venting session. At least I can't see any way it could hurt.
  14. Re: Fairytale Hero The magic mirror in Snow White, the cauldron in Black Cauldron, some sword in Once and Future King, magic beans, seven league boots... No fairy tale campaign ought to look like an AD&Dv1 campaign in terms of magic item frequency, but they're a regular part of the milieu.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos So, here's a college ad that goes a little wrong. NSFW, but I laughed for about five minutes straight.
  16. Re: Fairytale Hero So make one!
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures Don't do that, man. I gotta be able to sleep tonight.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. No, he's in a gravity well, so he's being accelerated.
  19. Re: Cool Guns for your Games These seem to be all the rage in Tehran nowadays.
  20. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I always wondered why helical magazines weren't more popular. That's the first one I've seen that's underbarrel, though.
  21. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yeah, they pretty much suck.
  22. Re: "Neat" Pictures That is really, really cool.
  23. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread VMware Certified Professional 5. So I'm certed on the latest version of vSphere. CCNA is up next... sigh.
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