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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Modern UZI
  2. Re: The cranky thread I often get turkey burgers at Ruby Tuesday that are pretty good. Although they usually get smeared with mayo, which defeats the purpose.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Ostrich was pretty good. A bit like beef, oddly enough.
  4. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Knights Armament Chain SAW
  5. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Daewoo K11
  6. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, there needs to be some security there especially if she's working the late shift. Pepper spray isn't going to cut it. Around here it's common practice to get off-duty/overtime cops to do security for temporary gigs; you or your gf might want to look into that. It costs money but it might be a good stopgap until the nonprofit can make better arrangements. I'd make a comment about the kind of man who would sucker punch a woman when she isn't looking... but then I just did, didn't I?
  7. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Best I could do on short notice.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Speak for yourself, American. I won't eat just anything that's not nailed down. No! It must be wrapped in bacon first.
  9. Re: The cranky thread I quit taking weather reports seriously the day I caught all three of the local news station reports--and they were all completely different. Now I check the weather at the local university's meteorology department website. There's none of this 'partly sunny' uselessness, and no animated rain clouds, just three paragraphs of text describing what's going on and what the weather will be like as a result. Of course, the weather here doesn't exactly vary wildly either.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Literal. I guess it's probably always technically edible, but my first experience with alligator was fried--badly--and extremely oily. Since then I've had it grilled and fried better, both of which were quite good.
  11. Re: The cranky thread Incidentally, it was in New Orleans where I confirmed that alligator edibility is determined by preparation.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Depends on which New Orleans. Bourbon Street is hopelessly seedy and cheesy in a way that Vegas can only dream of being. It's May, so the weather is probably hot and sticky. There will be tourists all over the place. However, if you can find the right places, there is excellent food and music to be found. Last time I was down there I was with a coworker who also happened to be a sax player; guy looked like a kid in a candy store. He literally wandered all over the French Quarter with a big stupid grin on his face, from one bar band to another, and I felt obligated to wingman for the guy so he didn't get rolled.
  13. Re: Where do your chars put their XPs?
  14. Re: The cranky thread Right there with you, man. Seriously, I can't be the only sane person on Earth, but I'm sure as hell the only sane person in my life.
  15. Re: Alternate History Trooper Loadout?
  16. Re: The cranky thread Well, that's horrific.
  17. Re: Jokes Actually teh bunneh is correct--it's getting to where even random strings of eight characters can be brute force cracked in a couple of weeks with modern desktop hardware, depending on the cipher. That's without using a hybrid attack. In theory you can reduce the cracking time of a 52-character passphrase using some dictionary techniques, but in practice 52 characters is going to be waaaay more secure than 8, even leaving out numerals and punctuation.
  18. Re: Where do your chars put their XPs? 3- and 5-point levels (for mundanes) or new spells (for spellslingers). It's usually pretty easy to get an immediate return on relatively few XP this way. The only other really cost-effective place to put the points is in STR, but that's often hard to justify from a character concept standpoint.
  19. Re: I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!) The zombies were coming, and I found myself in the lobby of a hotel in the city. Not the most defensive location, but I immediately set about securing the location. I strode purposefully through the lobby and the back office areas, directing the staff to block off all the entrances. The lobby and check-in counter were a lost cause, so I concentrated on blocking the hallways that led from there into the hotel itself. As I sent people off to take stock of food, gather weapons, and check the ever-growing swarm of refugees who were seeking entrance, I could barely contain my irritation at the fact that no one else seemed to have any idea what to do. This is becoming a recurring theme in my dreams.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures If only FLCSs could generate that kind of demand every day...
  21. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Bingo. One of the running battles I was fighting up until recently was the sales reps' perpetual desire for shorter and shorter quote turnaround times. Given that the company was doing its level best to drive good engineers to our competitors, we were always short staffed, so my answer to those requests was always "as soon as you get me some headcount". The remaining engineers were already pushing 50 hours a week, past which they would just start making mistakes. If they wanted an engineer sitting by the bat-phone waiting for the call, then they needed to fund such a position. Of course hiring was never even considered as an option. I don't know why, even the most junior engineer was directly responsible for at least $2M in sales; management can't invest $80k in another one? Oh well, not my problem anymore.
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