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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: The cranky thread And how is that defined?
  2. Re: The cranky thread I'm also invulnerable to swords.
  3. Re: The cranky thread It's okay, I'm immortal.
  4. Re: Ars Tactica I'm trying hard to keep my comments from veering into character creation or munchkinism here... another thing I used to do was tune my OCV/DCV using combat levels. Because of the 3d6 bell curve distribution, changing a 10- die roll to an 11- makes a much bigger difference in probability than changing a 14- to a 15-. So if I'm prioritizing DCV like I usually do, I'll put enough levels on DCV to get opponents down to an 8- or 9- to hit, and any spare levels can go on offense. Conversely, in some cases it was actually more beneficial to leave the levels on OCV and block. This was usually the better approach in a one-on-one situation with an opponent that had a SPD advantage over my PC. For Fantasy Hero specifically, blocking with a large shield works awfully well. edit: Oh, and I forgot a good variation on the Entangle trick, which is to use Telekinesis to hold your opponent a few feet off the ground. Telekinesis is almost a must-have power to begin with, and being able to temporarily neutralize enemies that don't have Flight or ranged attacks is just icing.
  5. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Congrats! Apparently snub pistols are surprising accurate, mainly because their barrels don't flex when fired. I've seen youtube of a guy shooting milk cartons with a 2" .357 at some ludicrous range, 75 yards or something, I can't remember.
  6. Re: How to balance mages in high fnatasy. That's not so bad. In fact, on a couple of occasions we turned the tables on the GM, knowing that any half-intelligent baddies were going to gun for the squishies as soon as the balloon went up. The squishies would go into defense mode, everyone else would hold actions, then when the baddies went for the squishies, everyone would switch levels to OCV and haul off with offensive strikes and haymakers. It also helped spark some creative 'squishy' builds. Mages can make incredibly good tanks if they want to be.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Wasted too much time on it to give up now.
  8. Re: The cranky thread Missed passing the exam today by two questions--after running out of time and leaving five unanswered. Bah!
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures Is there a version of that map that's right side up? Seriously, it's almost impossible to find a Pacific-centric world map.
  10. Re: Ars Tactica To build on the original mention of Entangle, I've often employed weak transparent Entangles as a way to drop on opponent's DCV to zero for a phase or two. As long as the victim can't break out with casual STR, he's a piñata until he gets another full phase. Often that Entangle will also be area effect so as to really pin down swarms or martial artists. You can do similar things with Flash, though only to half DCV of course. Phase Shifting Agents sounds like a refinement of the pack tactics that always work well in Hero. In theory, as long as your side outnumbers the other side, everyone on your squad is +3 DCV, because they're dodging. It rarely works that cleanly in practice, but numbers are still a huge advantage.
  11. Re: Cool Guns for your Games It might be mechanically complex and/or heavy to include the necessary mechanism, but otherwise I don't see why not.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Apparently, the neighbors set an alarm clock to go off about half an hour ago. Apparently, they are not home.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Had the same issue here. Went through the trouble of getting eclipse glasses for the boys, then had a solid ceiling at about 3000' all day. Of course, the wife was in one of her moods again, so it probably didn't matter. Oh well, I'll just catch the next transit.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings I was thinking barbed wire and machine gun fire.
  15. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I've always liked the look of the Tavor for some reason. Here it is with integrated 40mm UGL:
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm watching Sir Paul McCartney sing "Live & Let Die" for the queen's jubilee. Appropriate? Also, dude is like seventy years old.
  17. Re: How to balance mages in high fnatasy. Generally in FH you already have to require that mages buy a certain number of limitations on their spells, just so they don't wind up flying around zapping at each other like costumed superheroes. You could actually dial that up, even if the overall effect of the spells are greater. Concentrate DCV0 for a full turn is a serious limitation for any spellcaster. I'm not sure I've ever had a PC stab one in the back, but I've definitely shot a couple with arrows in the forehead or throat.
  18. Re: The cranky thread How many days has it been? Hope you're staying hydrated.
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures Well, as long as you're not texting.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Chocolate? Worth a try anyway.
  21. Re: The cranky thread A mixture of bleach and ammonia?
  22. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread 3R is supposed to be a fantastic game--I believe the local wargame club obsessed over it for a couple years straight around the time it came out. Never played it myself, though.
  23. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread A 10" orange cichlid out of the reservoir. Still, it fought awfully hard, and I'm told it must have weighed 250 pounds.
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