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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Of course, that still doesn't explain why.
  2. Re: More space news! Possible alien spacecraft found on Baltic seafloor
  3. Re: The cranky thread "Then stop reflecting photons."
  4. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Actually, we had a bus drivers' strike here a few years back that got cut short when people noticed how much better traffic was when there weren't any buses on the road. It was like adding an extra lane to practically every road in town. Of course, we still have to have the buses since so many of those people on the bus who ARE NOT ON THE ROAD DRIVING CARS are there because they can't drive cars. We also just broke ground on rail here. We'll see if it gets completed.
  5. Re: Space plane spends 15 months in orbit, mission still secret. Because if you were running the show we would be living in a golden era of peace and prosperity heretofore unseen in the history of ever.
  6. Re: Has anybody experimented with removing Speed? Only because the vast majority of my experience with Heroic level games is FH. There was a brief Star Hero campaign back in 3rd ed, and a Danger Int campaign that literally resulted in TPK on the first encounter. In FH at least, not only is there a 33% increase going from SPD 3 to SPD 4, you also don't have a wide range of SPD values. 95% of the combatants are SPD 3 so the SPD 4 guy knows he has phase 9 all to himself. In Champions, you have a typical SPD range from 5-8, and somebody goes on just about every phase.
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures The torpedoes are what really caught my eye. Fortunately they were explained in the article. It's a good thing it has that little fin on the back or else it might be unsafe to drive.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Beat me to it, though I was going to say 'slut'.
  9. Re: Has anybody experimented with removing Speed? It also depends on what type of campaign you're running. For the vast majority of Fantasy Hero campaigns I've been in, SPD would not have been missed. In fact, it would have cleaned up some imbalances with drains and the significant difference between SPD 3 and SPD 4.
  10. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I suppose that assault rifles were designed for close- to medium-range use anyway. But still. I mean, what does that thing weigh? And do two 5.56mm cartridges still weigh less than a single 7.62mm?
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The Oatmeal's legal representation seems to be pretty good. Then again, that particular case is probably the legal equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel.
  12. Re: The cranky thread Sugar is a toxin. I've found that thinking about refined sugar (and HFCS) this way helps with the EGO rolls when they come up. And it's not even that far off, to be perfectly honest. I'm long past the age when my metabolism can handle that kind of stuff, and everyone around me seems to be coming down with diabetes.
  13. Re: The cranky thread So as you know, I pretty much need to land a job by the end of the month if I want to keep the house. I've been in discussions with two companies over the past couple of months. Yesterday, one of them finally came through with an offer... that pays borderline what I need it to pay. If I take that job I guess I won't lose the house unless something major happens, but it'd still be austerity for the foreseeable future. They want me to start next week. The other company says they'll be able to make a decision by the end of next week. They might make me an offer, and they might pay more. But I don't think I can stall the first company that long. Man, what the f_k am I gonna do now?
  14. Re: The cranky thread Conversely, at my old job wherein we sold many millions of dollars worth of high end server, storage, and networking gear, we used to go out of our way to keep the regular FedEx guy happy. Drinks from the break room, use of the facilities, pleasant conversation. Of course this was only possible because he wasn't throwing the boxes at us from a distance, or running away. But he did tend to hit us early in his route when he was dropping stuff off, and he'd wait for us when we were getting a last minute shipment out the door.
  15. Re: China's new space station: Well, its primary purpose will be to rain glory upon the People's Republic of China for achieving something that few nations have done so far. It should do a decent job of that. Otherwise, it might serve as a satellite maintenance facility. I suppose there are a few scientificky things it could do but can't think of anything the ISS boondoggle isn't already doing. Unless the Chinese station is actually in a decently high orbit.
  16. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Silver Shadow double barrelled AR15. Yes, you read that right. Cool? Absolutely. Practical? Hell no. And I'm especially fond of the photos with two flashlights or two laser sights mounted on the rails.
  17. Re: China's new space station: China definitely has some challenges to deal with. There's a lot of pent up anger in the ethnic minorities and the peasantry. The government is notoriously corrupt and there may be a serious real estate bubble bursting there as we speak. And I'm told that the Chinese people are getting fed up with censorship--events like the bullet train crash a couple years back have really shown how hamfisted the authorities are with that. Still, it remains to be seen if any of this will lead to real instability. As far as their space program and military technology are concerned, I think we shouldn't underestimate them--they're stealing from the best, after all.
  18. Re: China's new space station: Will you require oxygen?
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Did you turn off your spam filter for some reason? Or did a piece of malware do it for you?
  20. Re: Like Cold Fusion... Except It Works? Are you kidding? We're lucky if media coverage of any scientific topic isn't hopelessly high level or factually incorrect. When they can be bothered to cover science at all. edit: Oh, and I almost forgot--the media is very fond of providing 'balanced' coverage even of scientific subjects, even if they have to give some total crackpot equal time in the article along with the real science.
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