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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings The problem with Facebook is everything you put on there is world readable. I don't need for my family to see what I'm telling my friends, or for future employers to see what I'm saying about former employers. This is on top of the constant privacy and security problems they've always had. I do find it somewhat useful to have the account and treat it as mostly read only. That way I can keep tabs on my more narcissistic acquaintances while giving up minimal information to the marketers in return. I never understood what the appeal was until I saw the Social Network movie. When I learned that it was basically a frat house app it all made much more sense.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures I've known too many parking varlets to ever sympathize with them for anything.
  3. Re: More space news! Np, it's certainly worth posting twice. @zeropoint: is Curiosity much larger than Spirit and Opportunity? I vaguely recall some discussion that the airbag system doesn't scale up.
  4. Re: The cranky thread That was really well written, Hermit. Also, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. If the worst did occur, you'd be kicking yourself for not bringing your vulture feath-- uh, suit.
  5. Re: More space news! Didn't I post that a little while back? Anyway, yeah, I'm rooting for Curiosity, but I'm not betting any money on its success. Seriously, all that landing sequence is missing is a mousetrap and a bowling ball.
  6. Re: Cyberpunk: how did it change? Perhaps because it has become uncomfortably close to reality?
  7. Re: The cranky thread That case of indigestion you have might actually be food poisoning. Conveniently, tomorrow is a Friday, so the food poisoning might last three days and you could be back at work on Monday none the worse for wear.
  8. Re: Cyberpunk: how did it change? That seems to be a very manga-slanted list. Although I have to admit, the Japanese took to cyberpunk in a way that the U.S. never did. I can't think of any American cyberpunk comics off the top of my head.
  9. Re: The cranky thread I find myself wishing we could get together for fight club sometimes. Strangely I feel better about doing that with people I "know".
  10. Re: The cranky thread Camel: "Hey, doofus, this crap's getting heavy! Ya mind?!" Though of course, I too would probably never say anything until it was too late. I don't mind telling people about my problems, but IME my problems either just freak people out and cause more problems, or else they just worry about me when they have plenty of problems of their own. So I soldier on in silence, wearing my Vimes-tight.
  11. Re: The cranky thread People still use trackball mice?
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  13. Re: The cranky thread We can rebuild him. We have the technology.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Cthulhu lives in Marcus' sinuses? That would explain a lot.
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Very, very nice! I'll have to fly you out here and do some of those for me. But why are you showing us all that TSR stuff and not your extremely extensive HERO collection?
  16. Re: The cranky thread Hm, that's somewhat reminiscent of Cthulhoid.
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures I didn't know the undead crawled out from under the gnarled roots of trees in Romanian forests. Seems like a good place to test weapons and tactics for the zombie apocalypse.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Should we spin up a kickstarter project to build Collie a new cyborg body and transplant his brain into it?
  19. Old Man


    Re: Tactics I dunno if it's bad tactics so much as bad planning and logistics. It all depends--I know for a while at least, operators in Iraq and Afghanistan showed a preference for operating without armor, because it restricted their movement so much. As an armchair general, leaving your body armor at home sounds like suicide, but what do I know? Nowadays I've noticed a big emphasis on carrying as much ammunition as reasonably possible, typically with the entire front midriff area stacked with triple mag pouches, and more on the thighs, plus everyone carries a belt for the SAW gunner. But I'm not over there, fortunately, so I can't say for sure.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well, if you put enough maple syrup on it...
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