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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures I saw that and thought "TNG would have been a lot more interesting if all the uniforms were vinyl." And then I pictured Riker in a vinyl uniform. And then I pictured Guinan in a vinyl uniform.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Ah, that's reminiscent of the backhoe-through-the-Internet-backbone days I've had. Good times.
  3. Re: Fantasy Hero Companion: Heavy Fighters I can create a playable, minmaxed character in 15 minutes. If you want it to be balanced it'll take longer as I'll have to fight my inner munchkin. Seriously though, tank fighters with no martial arts are pretty easy if only because the primary differences are going to be the noncombat skills and the disads. A knight, a mercenary, and Conan are all going to look pretty similar in terms of stats and levels. 18-17-18-18-13-13-15-10, spd 3, is about 80 points, 4 melee combat levels is another 20, 10 three-point skills is another 30, and then you can waste the next 20 on nollidge skills and perks after the session starts. Large shield should counter the DCV penalty for 6 DEF mail head to toe, choose sword or axe, I still have eight minutes to figure out the disads. Of course, this is unfair since I've been playing FH since it came out and I have had some practice at building characters. And that's because I've had a lot of practice getting them killed...
  4. Re: More space news! I read an article about David Brin wherein he briefly mentions the waterworld theory, which says that most worlds in the habitable zone are likely to be submerged in lots and lots of liquid water, unlike Earth which is actually towards the inner edge of the habitable zone. This has ramifications for the Drake Equation since we might expect alien fish to have a harder time communicating or getting offworld. Has this theory been written up in detail anywhere? I haven't been able to find anything with some brief googling.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Go with the polonium, it's really trendy in eastern Europe and the Orient.
  6. Re: What Fiction Book (other than Science Fiction or Fantasy) have you recently finis That one started off well but really slowed down towards the end.
  7. Re: Uresia Hero Reminds me of Rifts or Earthdawn in some ways.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures The Escher fish are a nice touch.
  9. Re: The cranky thread That's what you get for sneaking centipedes into my house, rodent!
  10. Re: The cranky thread I look forward to the youtube! More seriously, don't get into trouble. It's unlikely the bastard is worth it. Unless it's bunneh, then fire away.
  11. Re: New Math suggests that Warp Drive may actually be possible I'm thinking kickstarter.
  12. Re: The cranky thread There's an Eddie Izzard routine that you need to see.
  13. Re: More space news! Warp drive more feasible than previously thought?
  14. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, that sucks. Sounds like that one didn't take the drop.
  15. Re: Has anyone tried doing an Hyborian/Conan game using Fantasy Hero Guilty as charged.
  16. Re: Planetary Value? I'll stay. Then when we're done saving what's left of this world, we'll have two. You guys can go on without me.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Dreams die. I fight on.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Or it could be a growing larva.
  19. Re: Has anyone tried doing an Hyborian/Conan game using Fantasy Hero I don't think I have ever had points left over.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, it's funny how once your suck meter gets pegged, additional suck has little to no effect. Like when I got rear ended the other day.
  21. Re: The cranky thread So after fighting for weeks to keep a day open on my work schedule to take the car in, I finally get it to the shop... and the lug nut adapter is missing. No suspension fix today! I told them they might as well look at the A/C since I was there. They just called me with the estimate. Anyone want to guess how much it is?
  22. Re: The cranky thread Where was this camping trip exactly? Same place as the Blair Witch Project?
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