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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Looking For Input On Potential New Fantasy Product Just regarding the page count, I think the idea was to keep the book below a certain price point. Champs Complete is already forty bucks which is pushing my impulse-buy envelope. It occurs to me that adventures could be published as PDFs for free, just put them behind a registration wall so people have to give us their email so we can spa-- I mean, send them updates, and to get an idea of the size of the customer base. They should also be forced to create accounts here on the forums because everyone here is awesome.
  2. Re: Looking For Input On Potential New Fantasy Product I've posted elsewhere that while modules may not be hugely profitable, they are nonetheless critical for creating a fan base. I love Hero but I don't have time to write up new adventures for every session--and I'm really, really familiar with Hero. Hell, I didn't have time for that before I had a family and mortgage; I'd say 90% of my Fantasy Hero games were straight converted D&D modules (which is incredibly sad). We need playgroups to be able to pick up a module and go. We also need modules to show newish players how it's done. If Hero targets the subset of players that have enough RPG experience and free time to pick up a 400-page RPG, learn it, and then make adventures and campaigns out of thin air, the customer base will be limited.
  3. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC It still shouldn't be hard to write new thought provoking material for mutants without constantly banging the discrimination drum. It just requires veering off into more SF-type plots. Are mutants inherently better than sapiens? What happens if a mutant and a normal reproduce? Can they reproduce? What happens to mutants whose mutations suck? Can mutants be genetically engineered? In the womb? What would happen if a surrogate fetus turned out to be a mutant and the surrogate changes her mind? What if the fetus turns telepathic at three months gestation? What if mutants could be harnessed for energy? What if they could be harvested for energy? What if a mutant hippie in a robe was able to heal people with a touch? And so on.
  4. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? What's the STR Min of the book going to be?
  5. Re: Looking For Input On Potential New Fantasy Product
  6. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Champions Complete, I own you now. Muahahaaaaa!
  7. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC I started up again recently. I'm trying to find a series that I can use to hook the kids. Actually, help me out here guys. Like aylwin I was out of the comics loop for a loooong time. Now I'm coming back in the store and there are like a dozen Avengers titles, half a dozen Spider-Man titles, Conan sucks, and I guess someone cloned the hell out of Wolverine. Which of these titles would be most familiar to a time traveler from the late '90s? If there's a title with the 'traditional' Spider-Man or the movie Avengers lineup, that'd be my preference, since those are the ones the kids are most familiar with. edit: And I really appreciate issue numberings like '15.1'. Seriously, what does that even mean?
  8. Re: Outside the Box powers Well, let's see. There was the hero with 50% Damage Reduction bought with IPE, so by the end of any prolonged combat he looked... really messed up. There was the earth elemental with the Entangle that wasn't useful as an Entangle; it was just the mechanic used to create hexes of dirt and rock. There was the hero who had two or three powers linked to trigger off of taking damage--he'd basically blow up if someone hit him too hard--of course he quickly figured out that his most useful attack in combat was a kamikaze move through. And I got a lot of mileage out of a leech who could suppress END. That one was really effective.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER More like concussions from repeated violent facepalm and headdesk, I'm guessing.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Is it willpower, or absentmindedness? I have the latter in spades. Willpower is an interesting thing. Hyoomans are inherently wired for short term gratification. But we still have more willpower than any other animal. Apparently it must be exercised, like a muscle. Car routines are the worst. Seriously the whole get in, buckle up, turn the key, release the brake, mash the gas routine is so strong that almost nothing can break me out of it. Same goes for the exit procedure. That makes it next to impossible for me to remember anything from before or after I got into the car.
  11. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! The Watchmaker had given up his life of crime after his clockwork gadgets and automatons proved no match for modern costumed crimefighters. Then he discovered that his analog creations could be readily enchanted. With his new eldritch constructs and weapons, he's ready to settle some old scores.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's bittersweet, looking back at that path you didn't take and seeing it recede into the past of what-might-have-been. Bittersweet, except for the sweet part.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings Isn't Australia like literally on fire right now?
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures Slightly necromantic but... The reason I stopped buying LEGO for a while was lack of time and storage. However... this past Christmas, one of the newer boy's Christmas presents turned out to be a LEGO set that I happened to be interested in. What a coincidence! He's still pretty young so I'm required to help him build it, and of course it gets stored in his room.
  15. Re: Hit Locations, too high or just right? Hey, was it the kind of regeneration hydars have, where you cut off one head and two grow back? That could be... interesting.
  16. Old Man

    My Orcs

    Re: My Orcs An... orcronym?
  17. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Someone's going to have to rep Liaden for me for that long origin story.
  18. Re: Hero System - The key to Personal Success I have used Hero as a self-improvement motivator. What happened was that we played a Fantasy Hero game where we statted ourselves out. Needless to say, the results were pathetic. But it inspired me to de-patheticize my character sheet. Probably the easiest ways to increase your real life CP are to learn a martial art, and raise your STR and CON by lifting and cardio, respectively. I also traded my crippling Nearsightedness phys lim for a Financially Poor soc lim. I haven't tried to stat myself out in ages. I'll have to do that when my Champions Complete arrives.
  19. Re: More space news! Interesting that they've had successful tests in the rain. I thought for certain that that would be the biggest problem for laser weapons.
  20. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Whoops, sorry, can't count. Okay--this time the world really is ending, and the Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the ones ending it. But these are new, updated Horsemen--the usual ones have all retired by now.
  21. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Dr. Herbert I. Cide's underfunded genetic weed control experiments went horribly awry. Now the modified DNA of noxious weeds has been fused with his own, wreaking havoc on his body and his sanity. As Overgrowth, his thorny body is able to grow rapidly, project prehensile vines, and fire instant-growth seeds at range.
  22. Re: Hit Locations, too high or just right? Hero itself seems to have treated location 13 inconsistently. It's described in some places as vital organs, but in the sectional armor tables in FH it seems to be the groinal region judging by what armor pieces actually cover it.
  23. Re: Looking For Input On Potential New Fantasy Product
  24. Re: Maximizing Realism - what optional rules are essential? That would explain why I procrastinate so much and don't exercise enough or eat right.
  25. Re: Golden Age Resources: Superweapons of WW II If you could take out a lock or two that might shut it down for a while. But then maybe that's why they cancelled the op.
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