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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Re: Potions Cosmetic transform is probably best. I could see trying to do it with Images, but you'd have to figure out how to stick the image to the pastry purloiner.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures I've been mauled by regular housecats that I tried to cuddle. Hey, maybe the old D&D hitpoint system wasn't unrealistic after all.
  3. Re: The cranky thread I can safely say I've never been in a frozen swamp before and have absolutely no idea what it would be like.
  4. Re: Sound of one hand clapping I was thinking taser, actually.
  5. Re: The cranky thread I thought the swamp was the restroom?
  6. Re: Sound of one hand clapping What?! I thought you tied him down!
  7. Re: The cranky thread I'm starting to think someone should follow tkdguy around with a camera. I think his life would make great reality TV. Especially if he got immunity to prosecution as part of the deal.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. That may be just as well.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Oh, okay. Although I'm kind of hungry. Maybe I should get up and have a midnight snack.
  10. Re: Sound of one hand clapping Can't you just buy down the Requires Two Hands limitation on your clap down to 1 1/2 Handed? Speaking of which, where is 1 1/2 Handed explained in Champions Complete? I haven't been able to find it.
  11. Re: May I Draw Your Champion? I want you to draw me like one of your French girls, Cassandra. Wearing this. Wearing only this. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. In a sick kind of way I miss the constant threat of instant nuclear annihilation in the '70s and '80s. It lent a certain immediacy to everyday life. Sometimes I look back at the history of that time, things like Dead Hand and the various false alarms, and I wonder how you humans have managed to survive this long.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The French Foreign Legion is fascinating! And it would be perfect for immortals needing new identities, too.
  14. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Man, that guy causes all kinds of problems, doesn't he? First the fires and the blunt force trauma, and now this.
  15. Re: More space news! So basically the Drake equation is a bit more hospitable to life closer to the galactic rim? Interesting.
  16. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Another of the personalities is Tantrum, an innocent but somewhat spoiled eight-year-old girl with a temper problem. When she loses it, she doesn't turn green or get any bigger than her four-foot-tall self--but she becomes very strong, very resistant to damage, and emits highly destructive eye lasers and sonic shrieks.
  17. Re: The cranky thread That's too bad, I think a doped-up Collie would be a source of great internet amusement. Good luck with the body transplant, Collie.
  18. Re: Alternative Necromancy I ran a PC necromancer once who, in a nutshell, had taken his ends-justify-the-means philosophy a little too far. Oddly, though, when I played him, I didn't really feel a lot of guilt about how he rolled. Any undead he animated, or summoned, were either soulless or coming from somewhere they didn't want to be anyway. Incidentally necromancy is a fantastic special effect--you can use it for every single power in the book.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. How do you think we got the giant spiders in the first place?
  20. Re: How To Run Interesting Starship Battles Hero's bigger problem is that there's no set way for characters to affect starship combat, aside from undefined skill rolls. Players need to have decisions to make in game and they need to have some idea of how likely they are to succeed. If I had to run a starship game tomorrow I'd probably use the Battlestations board game and figure out how to make it work with Hero mechanics.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Wife (to older boy): "Next year you'll be old enough to run for student government yourself. Think you might want to do that?" Boy: "Sure!" Wife: "What do you want to be? President? Vice president? Treasurer?" Boy: "Secret police!" (As it happens, he meant Secret Service, which is still cool though it lacks the supervillain aspects of his original answer.)
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Upon due consideration, I have changed my mind and now believe the Electoral College should be abolished.
  23. Re: Musings on Random Musings Stop insulting kids, you guys.
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