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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Peeta: This vegan activist is responsible for numerous attacks against corporate animal testing facilities, zoos, and humane societies. But she is able to mind link with, or even control, any animal within a kilometer.
  2. Roses are red Violets are blue Some poems rhyme And some don't
  3. From today's discussion about same sex marriage: Him: "There's a difference between equality and sameness!" Me: *laughter*
  4. My characters are usually competent at soloing by default, because I try to make them well rounded enough to cover for when other team members are down (or their players don't show up). I like general purpose powers like TK, even at a low power level, or skills like Electronics that are good for a Hail Mary attempt at fixing the reactor before it goes critical.
  5. Not sure why angels in your cosmology can't be working for some of the gods who are 'sharing' souls. Alternatively, perhaps angels get their power from souls that they have somehow freed, and which then work freely on their behalf.
  6. "Okay, thanks everyone for coming to this meeting. I don't really know what we're going to talk about, I don't have an agenda or anything, I just wanted to get this group meeting on a regular basis again."
  7. 1) Hell yes. 2) Why not both? 3) We aren't, but as I said elsewhere, I have recently encountered functional adults for whom Champions math would be difficult. Then again, I've also pointed out that all the 'hard' math is in character creation, so if a player can get some help with that, it's just adding dice. 4) Tl;dr.
  8. The issue that earlier versions of Champions had was that players who were so inclined could wring a significant advantage in character capability out of the complexities of the system. I think the last three iterations, which did focus on closing the loopholes, has helped a lot with that, though it hasn't been completely solved (nor will it ever be, IMO).
  9. Well, I usually put incantations, gestures, full phase, concentrate DCV 0, requires a skill roll, OIF... Seriously I cut my teeth on Fantasy Hero and as a result I probably stack more limitations on my Champions characters than most people. To a fault--I can't help but put every possible logical limitation on a given power, even multipower slots where it might save me a point.
  10. Do you need to worry about fractions? When I got into Champions (back in the 2e days), at first I didn't bother with advantages and limitations. You can create a surprising number of simple concepts using powers, ECs, and MPs. And that was in the 2e days. Nowadays you have a lot more options. Most comic book supers from the Golden, Silver and Bronze ages are easy to create. Besides, even if you want to use Advantages and Limitations, does it have to be complicated? Instead of using three Advantages and six Limitations, all you really need are one or maybe two Modifiers. Pick your base points, choose an Advantage or Limitation, consult the Advantages or Limitations chart, and you're golden. No calculus involved. Look, you don't have to worry about math at all in Hero past the character creation process. You have to be able to compute 11+OCV-DCV, and you have to be able to add up lots of dice. That said, I've recently been reintroduced to just how hard it is for some people to do math. My "manager" is literally incapable of adding double digit numbers without writing it out. Like, 40 + 40 = um, uh, derp? It's amazing.
  11. Hero: Spider-Man by a mile. Mainly because Peter is just a guy. Team: Claremont-era X-Men: Banshee, Cyclops, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, Phoenix, Sniktbub. Team tactics, intra-team drama, and the Danger Roomâ„¢. Villain: Magneto. Because he's a believable character, given his background, without being an over-the-top parody of himself like Doom or the Joker.
  12. Him: "If it seems like you might have too much to do, and some of it might fall through the cracks, let me know right away." Me: "Well like I told you, with this new project I am now on the hook for 300 hours of work between now and mid September. " Him: "So will you be able to handle it?"
  13. Bad in the world-conquest sense, but not in the world-destroying sense. Individual mortals who get in the way could be inadvertently squished, or possibly even threatened by a desperate baddie. The villains tend to be really good at annoying the players though. Seriously I've never seen players go on a jihad like they do when you have an NPC steal their stuff. Wow.
  14. My super hero's biggest weakness is women. Otherwise I tend not to engineer characters with one big, debilitating weakness. Powered armor or some other OIF is about as close as I'd get. I just don't want to get shut out of the game that easily.
  15. The ability to turn capes into gold. Or, vampirism.
  16. How violent are my superheroes? Two words: Quentin Tarantino. I'm kidding. My heroes don't shy away from hitting bad guys to make them stop whatever they're doing, but neither do they seek revenge killings. One caveat: My characters tend to 'inadvertently' inflict the maximum possible property damage on the surrounding area. Property damage greatly amuses me as a player.
  17. Missiles designed to penetrate a hull and disperse a horde of mind-controlling parasites can give the ship's doctor and medical staff something to do during a starship combat. ftfy
  18. Bronze Age by far. Deeper storylines (without being really dark) and the increasing popularity of non-superhero comics (ironically). My Champions characters, though set in the modern juncture, tend to reflect this era--pretty clearly heroic, but often quite deeply flawed.
  19. The usual dodge to handwave away bad game design. "Well if you don't like it, write your own!" I paid money for this book; I would like for it to do some things for me, thanks. It'd also be nice if I could play the same game as everyone else instead of having layers of house rules to cover the holes. Unless the objective is to keep Hero as an exclusive club of aging grognards where newbs are unwelcome at best. This is the fantasy genre--melee combat is likely to be prominent, so perhaps the weapon table should not be arbitrary.
  20. Article is correct but it kind of misses the point. A moon base gets you nothing that helps you get to Mars. It isn't any closer, it doesn't have any useful resources that are easy to harvest, and it's sitting at the bottom of another gravity well. It makes far more sense to assemble your Mars mission in Earth orbit and go from there. The main thing a moon base would give is experience building an offworld base, and I'm not sure how well moonbase knowledge would apply to development of a Mars base.
  21. Yes, we eat lots of that. Makes a great on-the-go breakfast.
  22. That's correct. In 4th, swords were generally +1 OCV, hammers were +1 Stunx, spears had reach and could be thrown, picks were AP, flails could flail, and axes were just damage. There were exceptions but these were the overall trends. 4th threw out the 1st ed weapon chart in favor of a formally derived chart based on a power-like system. It was boring because all the STR Mins came down on breakpoints but was otherwise okay. 5th threw out that chart in favor of one that was neither realistic nor balanced. 6th made balance improvements to the chart from 5th, but it's still hard to see any consistent reasoning behind the values.
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