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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Which Aquaman, bearded?
  2. So basically, what you're saying is that Superman should trade his cape and costume for a thong. As for Cap vs. Bat, I give it to Batman, who as a gadgeteer has greater versatility. Which is too bad, because I like Cap better.
  3. Old Man


    I have to say that I'm actually a little irritated by the adventurers-who-carry-an-entire-department-store-around-with-them meme. It just reminds me too much of 1) the Monty Haul AD&D days and 2) too many stupid arguments about how of course my character is carrying a periscope, it's so obvious that they would. Near as I can tell, real people throughout the Middle Ages never carried as much gear as dungeon crawlers seem to. The closest example I can think of are knights, who would have had to maintain their armor and weapons and would have carried around basic tooling to do that. But really they seem to have relied on their henchmen squires for that. Are there any sources for what typical knights, archers, men-at-arms, or legionaries carried with them? Aside from the weapons and armor?
  4. Strictly enforced, I could give that a -1. No punching, no throwing, no grab/entangle breakout, no pulling or pushing or squeezing...
  5. Well, I had to pee somewhere.
  6. Superman by far, I'm thinking. Hulk is probably stronger and tougher, but not enough to make up for Supes' strategic superiority. The obvious parallel would be the fight with Doomsday, which Superman obviously lost, but only after displaying an atypical lack of creativity and resourcefulness.
  7. IIRC it still has to get through the Oort cloud.
  8. Annual performance reviews. "Sorry, you missed your quota of captured villains by fifty. We're raising your quota this year to motivate you." The marketing department. "Look, sales of our action figures are down 10%. We need you to try out for Dancing With the Stars."
  9. Advantages: Better 401k and health insurance plans. Office supply closet. Disadvantages: Team leader is an insufferable prick. Commute is a pain.
  10. Shot it down so that it... crashed onto the Ringworld, I take it?
  11. It really seems like you could define the "only faithful followers" part of the Transform as a limitation, as opposed to an extremely expensive NND. I don't think you need the NND. Also you could buy the whole thing with one charge instead of 0 END and Only Trigger.
  12. Actually, I would allow Bucklers to be used to "block" (missile deflect) projectiles like spears and arrows. I mention that Buckers provide no passive defense but provide a +1 OCV to block. This should apply to those who allow shields to be used to block missiles. What I do suggest disallowing is using a buckler as Cover, which is a kind of passive defense. I didn't create the Shield Wall maneuver. That already existed since at least the 5th edition, if no earlier. I believe it appears in the Fantasy Hero books. I believe the justification for the additional bonus to DCV is that with a shield helping to protect one's flank, it is easier to utilize the shield to prevent attacks from getting in. I like it, thus I use it. It becomes one of the little details that characters who want to use tactics and teamwork can use to their advantage and I believe that's something that should be encouraged whenever possible. It also gives the Teamwork skill one more thing to do besides pulling off Coordinated attacks. As for penalties for fighting so close together. I might provide a penalty to Dex to implement movement-based maneuvers. For example, 5 characters form a shield wall to try to advance on a horde of orcs coming across a drawbridge. They successfully stop the Orcs, but an orc shaman tosses a fire-ball spell their way. The characters need to Dive-for-Cover but are in each others way, so I may provide a penalty (-1 to -3?) for them to DFC! Shield wall rules have been around since at least 4th. They might even have been in 1st. Personally I think the biggest disadvantage to being part of a shield wall is that it would be very hard to dodge or shield block. Doing either would negate the shield wall bonus, for yourself and for the guys next to you (who might look dimly upon your cowardice).
  13. Multipower combining the stats for a small shield and a jitte or whip.
  14. If she were a shapeshifter, or growth/shrinking, that could help explain the extreme lack of costume. Anyway she's definitely got some sort of Ancient Egyptian power set, based on the jewelry and hairstyle. Summoning undead or scarabs, sandstorms, darkness, superhuman strength/agility. Alternatively the headpiece is suggestive of a mentalist.
  15. I really like this character. My nitpicks are that I don't like the gun--it doesn't match--and I wish it were possible to squeeze in some Conversation or Interrogation skill to go with the High Society. But overall I like it--she's like the ultimate wire-fu ninja.
  16. Wouldn't it be easier to just ask the residents of those planets?
  17. You mean cardboard won't work? Dammit! Now I have to start all over!
  18. Why not have each player's "order" give them secret instructions to retrieve the same Macguffin? I've played several variations on KotB in my day. Probably the hardest was that all the denizens of the caves were working for the same bad guy. The proximity of the Caves meant that if you made too much noise while cleaning one of them out, occupants of the rest would come to investigate. Another version had the occupants of the Caves hostile to one another--we had to increase the distance between cave mouths to make that work--and then a valuable trade route ran down the middle of the ravine, so travelers on it were subject to either getting raided or caught in a fight between the factions. Another version had a magic Macguffin that attracted evil creatures to it, which helped explain the whole weird setup. Regardless, any time we were finished cleaning out the Caves, we found ourselves having to attack the Keep, for any reason or no reason.
  19. Normals in my campaign gestate inside a living human host! They are so resilient that even limb loss might not incapacitate them! Their vision is superior to that of any other animal! They have (slightly) acidic blood! They have adrenal glands that drastically improve their strength and reaction time under duress! They can and do eat almost anything organic! If you repeatedly work them until exhaustion, they can actually get stronger over time!
  20. I guess the question is whether he's a good brawler or not. I'm not familiar enough with the character to know either way. Typically I would use the Brawling martial art for someone who is really good or experienced at it--good enough to be able to use maneuvers other than what's on the basic combat maneuvers chart.
  21. Cancer appears to be a mild mannered astronomy professor at first glance. But as certain students will find out, he has beheld the Colour Out of Space, and has been partially possessed by the Old Ones, who have given him certain psionic and dimension-warping powers to help him spread chaos on the Earth and prepare it for their arrival.
  22. Pristine: This environmental activist has spent her adult life working to protect nature from corporations that seem hellbent on destroying it for a quick dollar. Ironically it was a combination of radiation and toxic waste that gave her her powers to begin with.
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