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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. How did they communicate in So Long And Thanks For All The Fish?
  2. I would pay all the money to have this capability in real life. All. Of. The. Money.
  3. Old Man


    Don't forget to watch the last fight in Terminator 2 for some additional maneuver ideas--reversals, feints, and so on.
  4. You could give the gate Extra Limbs with invisible power effects. Or an Indirect Blast with Extra Knockback that does no damage. Realistically I'd go with an AOE TK, though. That way if the characters want to fight the suck, they can try.
  5. Just think, if your 3.5 campaign switched to Hero, no rule bending would be necessary.
  6. No question. Mainstream comics need to abide by standards of common decency, if not the Comics Code. Reality, unfortunately, has no such restriction.
  7. What, like she'd lose that power if you took her focus away?
  8. That's right! My character would instantly suspect one of the other members of the super team, and would start a campaign of rumors among them in order to sow suspicion and try and flush out the mole. What could possibly go wrong?
  9. Admittedly I wasn't thinking of Adam West Batman who, some days, just can't get rid of a bomb. Another thing is that Castle works opposite a different type of villain. His adversaries are not costumed loonies with trick bumbershoots and laughing gas. They're sanitized portrayals of organized crime syndicates that, in real life, are terrifying embodiments of true evil. In fact you kind of have to wonder why Supes is futzing around with fake glasses in Metropolis while Castle is taking down sex slavery rings and Mexican drug cartels.
  10. So basically, all a hacker has to do is compromise your "io computer" and your secure systems are owned as soon as the keys are turned. Got it. And that's assuming your secure systems really are as secure as you say, and that a resourceful bad guy hasn't thought of a creative way to get to them, such as the ultrasonic exploit I mentioned earlier, or TEMPEST, or compromising the IC hardware that the secure systems are built out of. Anyway you port security policy is a good one, since in theory that invalidates the whole premise of this thread.
  11. I feel compelled to point out that while Batman is the only other "normal" mentioned so far, he is also decked out in what amounts to magic items. He still has an edge on Castle or any other normal bad guy, and his usual opponents are, likewise, skilled normals. And more importantly, Batman is hardly the Boy Scout that Superman is. Morally I think he's closer to the Punisher.
  12. You misunderstand, sir. I'm saying that the strange device provides its own wireless connection. Any physical switches would be irrelevant.
  13. I'm having a hard time responding to this thread because I can't really draw a line from a single published character to any of mine. Overall, my characters avoid bright spandex in favor of street clothes or appropriate armor, without masks, and I tend to play more melee-based heroes. So I'm pretty squarely Marvel, and I suppose the Marvel characters I'd be most likely to play would be guys like Power Man and Thor.
  14. Honestly I think this is an unfair comparison. Castle is a skilled normal. Superman is like unto a god. Punsiher may open with deadly force, but he almost has no alternative given that he's nearly always outnumbered and possibly outgunned at the outset of any encounter. He can't fight fair because he'll lose, and probably die, if he does. Conversely, Superman embodies a kind of superiority complex wherein he has the duty, if not the luxury, of operating with much stricter rules of engagement.
  15. LOL what do you think the Raspberry Pi is for? We just got a report this morning of malware that hijacks the host's mic and speakers to communicate with other copies of itself using ultrasonic communication. My character would hand the device over to someone who might be able to analyze it, maybe a friendly superhacker or a sorcerer type who can do some kind of psychometric aura detection. Shrug.
  16. Yeah, that was a really good writeup. The ninjitsu package itself should have an emphasis on defensive maneuvers; ninjas were generally not supposed to go toe-to-toe with their adversaries if it could be avoided. The emphasis would be on breaking contact and escaping, possibly after a disabling nerve strike. If you want a more mythical ninja, you could start adding in alchemical and gadgeteering skills; ninjas were famous for poisons, smoke bombs, traps, water-walking and underwater breathing devices, climbing apparatuses, and so on.
  17. I actually thought of that one, but I don't remember anything particularly distinctive about it. It just happened to be the boat they were on.
  18. I voted to drop the test of fear, since it's kind of redundant. The doppelganger test would be best if he has to do some self analysis to figure out what his own weaknesses are, and use them against himself. (Of course, the doppelganger will be doing the same thing, so...)
  19. Radiotherapy? Are you thinking of thorium? Thorium is defnitely named after the Norse hammer guy. Thorazine is one of those mysterious pharmaceutical names that make no sense whatsoever.
  20. "Look, I'm really sorry. What happened to you and your people is horrific, and in particular I'm sorry your wife died. If I had arranged for someone to check on you on a regular basis, then we'd have known about what happened to your planet and maybe saved many of you. But you did try to hijack my ship, and we consider you extremely dangerous, which is why you were left on Ceti Alpha V to begin with. How about if I arrange safe passage for you and the survivors to another planet, and we call it even?"
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