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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I think it's pretty much always twelve years out. Been that way since the eighties.
  2. I think he looked at the System long enough to dismiss it as ineffective, otherwise there would have been no Mob to kill his family. And when he was first published, during the historic crime wave of the late seventies, people were starting to feel the same way IRL. Then by the late nineties he actually went out of print for lack of sales.
  3. Suppose we took Frank and Clark and put them in each others' universe. What then? What would Superman do when confronted with unpowered villains that were pure evil, and a hopelessly corrupt legal system? What would Frank do if he knew he could count on the system, but might wind up on the wrong side of it?
  4. And why am I the one being penalized when I'm not the unstable one? How is that fair?
  5. Speaking of arsenic, what does it mean when your marriage counselor refers you to a divorce lawyer?
  6. Not until we have FTL, please.
  7. Why do you ask? Can you tell I'm having fun with this?
  8. Often wetworkers are called in when a target needs to be eliminated with subtlety, or perhaps even in a way that makes it look like an accident. Silent Fury is not that guy. Huge, hairless, and ferocious, Fury has the ability/technology to enclose himself and his victims in a field of sped-up time from which sound cannot escape. That gives him plenty of time to do what he needs to to do the target without being detected. And what he does to them is usually pretty messy. Fury is the guy you send when you want to send a message. Fury enjoys his work, so much that he could (and often does) do his job for free. Getting paid to do what he loves is just extra.
  9. Damn lemming, now I'm hungry. Do you ship? Also if there is no real bakery in town, it sounds as though you could easily establish a monopoly. As for my own nice happy, I gave a decent speech on Wednesday despite only getting four hours of sleep and throwing the speech together in 30 minutes that morning. And back on Monday's fishing expedition, each boy caught a fish, so both were happy and there were no jealousy issues. And I might even be able to squeeze in some games of Shadowfist tonight.
  10. It is gradually dawning on me that I might be dealing with something like that. The marriage counselor has made some hints in that general direction.
  11. NOW THIS PORTENT IS VISIBLE TO THE UNCLOTHED EYE http://io9.com/ready-comet-ison-approaches-1464629583
  12. Old Man

    Dumb Aliens?

    Kardashians, that's why.
  13. Lol. You know for whatever reason I get the same thing whenever there's a meteor shower.
  15. Comet ISON is apparently now visible with binocs and could be visible with the naked eye starting next week. Post here if you've seen it, or are going to see it, or are panicking because it will bring plague and destruction down upon our heads. http://www.space.com/23577-comet-ison-lovejoy-mercury-night-sky.html
  16. Yeah, but I still want to be able to buy Spider-Man comics for my kids, and Octavius is a prick.
  17. Last night: Me: "Okay, the kids are finally sleeping." Her: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, they still need to finish their homework." Me: "What the hell?! You were home with them all day long. You didn't bathe them, or feed them, or do their homework, or get rid of all this crap that's been on the dining table for three months. I put in nine hours on a doomed project, then raced home to feed and bathe the kids for you, and now I have to do a sink full of dishes and take out all the trash, and now I have to wake the kids up early tomorrow morning and force them to do their homework when it's already a struggle to get them to school on time every morning?! F___ ___." "Fantastic."
  18. Are you kidding? If I had that mind control one I'd be on the next plane to DC.
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